- Why now is a great time to reassess your business [3:57]
- Tools Dave will continue to use when quarantine is over [6:52]
- The two types of people in a crisis [7:44]
- Habits you should adapt right now [10:40]
- The lies we tell ourselves and how to overcome them [21:23]
- The people who will succeed in these uncertain times [31:47]
- What you can do to build your brand during quarantine [37:01]
- How to connect with your audience [40:21]
- The power of if-then statements [42:09]
- How to break through your goals.
- Plus so much more.
- Grow Your Real Estate Profits with Our Agent Success Toolbox
- Get 6 Steps to 7 Figures by Pat Hiban for FREE
- Get Tribe of Millionaires by Pat Hiban and David Osborn for FREE
- Hollis Co.
- Dave’s LinkedIn
- Dave’s Facebook
- Dave’s Twitter
- Dave’s Instagram
- Dave’s YouTube
- Get Out of Your Own Way by Dave Hollis
- Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
- Rise Together Podcast with Dave and Rachel Hollis
Aaron Amuchastegui: Real estate rockstars, this is Aaron Amuchastegui. I
am super excited today to introduce you to today’s guest, Mr. Dave Hollis. Dave
has a huge resume for what’s going on right now. It’s pretty funny. He’s a
podcast host himself. Him and his wife run a morning show on Instagram,
probably has a hundred thousand people that follow their life every day. A
personal development speaker and coach, and just released a new book, which
we’re probably going to talk a lot about today and also living in quarantine
right now with his six kids. Super interesting.
He used to be the president of theatrical distribution
at Disney and decided to leave that life in California, moved to Austin, and
him and his wife run The Hollis Company. I asked Dave to come on here to talk a
little bit about inspiration and happiness. Real estate news the last couple of
weeks hasn’t been all that awesome and I figured Dave would be a great guy. I
could tell our guest two things. One, we’re not going to talk about real estate
at all, and two, you don’t want to miss it. Dave, thanks for coming on the
Dave Hollis: Thanks for having me here. I appreciate being here.
Aaron: Right now you guys are doing so much stuff to adjust in quarantine.
It’s funny, you’ve lived in Texas longer than me. I should probably start with just asking, is it a big joke that
quarantine happened during our rainy season out here in Texas? Every day I want
to go outside-
Dave: It’s bananas. I know, honestly, you want so badly to get out and just
get some fresh air and the cloud cover and the rain has really been
compounding. It’s also hard to complain about, frankly, anything on a relative
basis because you know what, we’re trying to make the best of every single
thing that this thing comes with. There’ve been, if you can see them, if you
look for them, a lot of gifts that have come in this having to stay at home,
having meals with your family, having to slow down and reassess what actually
matters. I wish, yes, that there was a little more sun in this Texas landscape
of ours, but you know what? I’m going to choose to be happy to be happy.
Aaron: You’re totally right too. There are so many things out there that are
changing for the better. Just like any situation, we can look at it both ways,
like instant gratification right now is dead. It used to be like, you could
have Amazon delivered in three hours. You could have groceries delivered in a
couple hours. We’ve all had to learn to step back a few years, and be like,
“Wait, not everything is at the tip of your fingertips anymore,” and
focused on what’s around us, right?
Dave: Yes. Well, you started the show by saying we’re not going to talk about
real estate, but I will say, if there were a time to think about the way that
you’ve always been doing anything, including the way that you’ve always been
approaching your real estate business or for us, we have a business that includes
live events. Live events compromised in the short term. We have a team of 60
people, the way that we’re talking to and staying connected, creating and
maintaining the culture of our company through totally unusual means in the
short term. Man, it’s been a little bit of having to get our land legs, our
running legs underneath us, but also it’s building in this time a way that we
will do business after this time has left that is a gift because of what this
time has forced us to have to do.’
As much as, man, it is not an easy thing to have to
deal with this disruption in the time that we have, because things are slowing
down, and the time that you may have as a person listening to this who works at
real estate, where there may be are fewer buyers or sellers in the market in
the shorter term, how can you, instead of focusing on how you might
traditionally in your 9-5 or your 70 whatever it is, hours a week of serving
your customers, think about the way that you might think differently about
serving customers in a time like this?
What needs do people have today inside of quarantine
that you could maybe change the way that you are trying to meet them where they
are, so that when things return to some kind of normal, normal being different
than what we came out of, but something that resembles what is going to be a
more normal kind of way of doing work, that because of the relationship that
you’ve created during these extraordinary times, they think of you differently,
because of the way that you were able to extend and deliver value to them in
their quarantine during this window?
Aaron: Right. It’s like throwing gas on the fire right now, don’t take your
foot off the gas. Figure out, how can
you jump? How can you make changes? How can you innovate? There’s so many,
just local companies, I went to Best Buy the other day. I buy on my phone, I
park in the parking lot and these guys are running out and they now deliver
stuff in your trunk. Or there was a sit sit-down Mexican food place that I went
by and they have a full-on drive-through set up out in the parking lot where
they were bringing bags out to people. So many people are changing their
Or even like the movies. That’s a big part of where
you were. Any movie that was supposed to get released this week, a lot of them
are releasing just straight to online distribution instead. Do you think
there’s going to be a lot of things that people come out of this and realize
when it does go back to our, whatever that version of normal becomes, they say,
“Oh, we started doing this during quarantine, we’re going to keep doing
that. We actually learned that’s a good way to communicate.” Can you think of anything off the top of
your head that you guys will probably do later?
Dave: Absolutely. There are some software like connecting tools that we’re
using right now in Asana or Slack that we may have used a little bit prior to
quarantine, but the way that it is just a dependency on us continuing to get
things done has been a massive gift in the way that we will, after this is
done, continue to use them as project management kind of tools.
I think, one, it depends on how long this lasts. I
tend to be someone who just thinks that things will last longer than we’d hope.
That way I can manage my expectation and the expectation of the humans in my
house, for this just being the way that things will be for some length of time.
But in that the longer that it ends up lasting, the more likely that consumer
behavior is going to change coming out of it. That’s one.
Two, there are two types of people inside of crises
like this. There are the kind that we’ll wait to see how the sand settles, how
things end up returning to, or not a sense of normal so that they can make
plans on the other side of having clarity on how things are now going to be. Or
there are people that are going to, in real time, be an active member in
defining how things will be when they are either in the midst of, or on the
other side of it.
Innovation is going to happen that meets the needs of
changing consumer demand, whether you are a part of it or not, so why not be
part of it? That’s more the way that I think of it. When I think about the way
that people may think differently about the necessity of meeting in an office
space, as a, for example. Telecommuting and network, doing virtual work is
something that is going to exist for maybe a quarter of the year this year. In
that some of the preconceived thinking around the necessity of having your
entire team inside of a physical space will be challenged just because of time.
Like any habit, whether it’s, “Hey, I want to
start running,” or “I want to cut this thing out of my diet,”
usually habits are things that can be formed over a 30-day period. You get to
90 days and they are something that you can stick to for the rest of your
entire life. We are in real time being given, whether we like it or not, the
gift of a window to build a new set of habits. Some of the habits that we
adopt, whether they’re physical habits, drinking water and moving your body
kind of habits, or getting comfortable with how we have virtual teams that can
be as productive as they would have otherwise been if they were in offices, is
a thing we need to take note of.
If you’re working in real estate, this is a thing I’d
keep my finger on the pulse of, especially if you work inside of commercial
real estate. What is this going to mean potentially for the way that you are
projecting the needs that some local business that was planning an expansion
may now, in fact, not have that kind of need because of learning something out
of this window? If you know that, are there ways that you can come to this new
reality with a set of solutions that still keep you relevant in a world that
may be shifting a little bit in real time?
Aaron: That’s such great a great point too, like you talk about habits and
habits form over 30 days, and we’re getting forced into this new maybe 60,
maybe 90, who knows how long, for this habit and so being able to jump in on
that, and then see what’s out there. Over the next couple weeks, we’re going to
start to see the habits that are happening and in the business world, people
can start to see that, just like you said, everyone’s going to realize that,
whereas working from home before was a no way possible, I think some people are
going to see they’re actually more more productive, or they’re not driving here
and there anymore, they actually have so much more time on their hands, as they
get to make those changes and so we start to see that.
Your book, you talk a lot about habits, right? I think
one of the parts that talks about, inside out, you’ve got all these different
thoughts inside your head, but really, we don’t have any control over those.
The only thing we have control over is our habits and so what are some of the
habits right now that you guys are pushing with your next 90-day challenge or
you as a personal coach that people really need to adopt now, because they have
90-day training wheels, where it’s should be easier to adopt some of those
habits, I would think?
Dave: Having a daily routine, and sticking to a daily routine during this
window, is such an important thing. Going to the bed at a consistent time,
exercising on an every single day basis, making sure that you’re eating and
taking care of yourself. The things that you do every day, trying to do them as
often as you can around the same sequence. Creating a sense of normal in an
abnormal world is important. At least from a mental health perspective, but
also just from a momentum perspective, moving our body every single day is
critically important.
My wife and I are in the midst of a challenge with our
community called, the next 90 days. Just assuming that we collectively in
isolation need community more than ever to stay in a posture of being able to
not just survive, but thrive through whatever ends up being thrown our way.
There are some things that we’re committing to every single day that include
moving our body for at least 30 minutes, making sure that we’re drinking half
our body weight in ounces of water every single day, getting up an hour earlier
so that we can actually spend some time by ourself.
There is an impossibility to be totally alone when you
are quarantining in a house of six humans, but getting up an hour early is my
chance to actually put some of the oxygen mask on myself first before my kids
show up and need their homeschooling or need whatever it is that four kids
between 3 and 13 years old need when they are all inside of this house
Making sure that we are focusing on gratitude every
single day is an important part of how we’re approaching every single day. Then
we have committed to every 30 days of the next 90 days trying to pull one thing
that we want to just show ourselves that we can commit to promise-wise out of
our food regimen or drink regimen, so that we can be fueling our body in a way
that actually hasn’t showing up the way that we hope.
Tortilla chips as a coping mechanism during this time
is something that I always lean on and, man, I’ve chosen you know what, no
tortillas for the next 30 days, I’ll switch to something else. I just,
yesterday, celebrated not having a drink for a year. I committed a year ago
when drinking as a coping mechanism after long days after stress showed up.
Drinking had been a casual thing in my life for my whole life and then it
became less casual when the stresses were stacking on top of each other as we
were scaling our business and trying to work together for the first time I was
writing my first book. I made a decision, you know what, I’m going to show
myself that I can not have a drink for a year.
Man, what an awesome thing to have made that choice
for more than anything showing myself that if I make a promise to myself that I
can keep it. Now that I’ve made it through a year of not drinking, I know that
I can frankly take on any kind of a promise to myself.
In this season, in this quarantine, in this crisis,
where it’s going to escalate before it deescalates, having a set of habits that
you can lean on instead of routines that you can lean on are critically,
critically, critically important. In part, if you are not totally familiar with
the way habits work, you are going to be triggered. It is a guarantee in life,
there is no way that you can not have triggers show up. When you are triggered
there is a routine that you go to and that routine is something that produces a
reward and that is called a habit loop. You’re triggered, there’s a routine,
and then there’s a reward.
The challenge for you is to understand when your
triggers show up because your triggers are going to show up, you can’t not have
triggers show up and when they show up have a routine that serves giving you
the reward in a way that is healthy for your body, that is consistent with your
personal brand, that helps you still show up well for yourself and for your
For me, when I previously was triggered by life,
stress, fear, anxiety, whatever it might be, I would reach for a drink and it
would produce a reward. I didn’t have to think about those things because I was
numbing some of my anxiety. When I decided to not drink, I still got triggered
all the time got triggered but instead of grabbing a drink, I would go for a
run. So, in that run, I could still produce the reward. I didn’t feel the
anxiousness, I didn’t feel the fear because while I was moving my body on the
road I was able to process that fear. In this time you’re going to be
triggered, in this time you need to have a conscientiousness of your habit loop
so that when you become triggered you choose an activity, a routine, that, yes,
still provides you the reward, but does so in a healthy way.
Aaron: You were able to take that, quitting drinking, to really, when you were
triggered you would run. Then you didn’t just start running, like you did
marathons or you did like the everlasting hike, or just really all sorts of
different things, you kept pushing the envelope further and further. Now you’ve
seen all the benefits of it, but at the first time, was there a moment where
you said like, “Hey, I’m going to try to skip this?”
Maybe as it applies to people that are at home right
now, as they’re looking at we’re in our face, seeing our bad habits all day
long, our spouses are seeing our habits all day long, was there a moment that
happened that you were like, “Hey, I’m going to give this a shot,”
and then a moment you were like, “Wow, I’m definitely going to take this
through my year?”
Dave: Well, I decided to commit to a year because I tend to be wired a little
bit more all or nothing and I didn’t want to give myself a chance to negotiate
with myself, because I’m a decent negotiator and I can rationalize, just having
a drink only when things were like this, and I truly was hoping to rewire the
way that I thought about alcohol as an effective coping mechanism.
What I didn’t appreciate at the time, but what I can
see very, very clearly on the other side of it is that alcohol, or pills, or
food, or any of whatever you list and are your coping mechanisms that don’t
serve you, any of those coping mechanisms they are not local anesthetics. You
can’t take that negative coping mechanism and apply it just to your fear, it
also mutes your joy.
You can’t just apply it to your anxiety, it also
stunts the opportunity to grow because the rough edges that you are trying to
take out of your long day, those rough edges are actually the place that growth
comes from. In this crisis, in this window, where you’re questioning, what the
heck am I going to do with this slow down and how am I going to try and drum up
as many customers and what does that mean for the commercial real estate market
and whatever it might be, the thing that you have to try and do though it is
uncomfortable, is sit inside of the struggle and let the struggle be the
catalyst for breakthroughs and innovation.
It’s an easy thing to say it’s a hard thing to
necessarily want to practice, but the last time there was a major recession, I
think people probably know this so this isn’t new information, but between 2008
and 2010 the kind of companies that were born in the midst of economic crisis
are some of the most important in terms of market capitalization in the world
now. Uber and Square and Venmo and Slack and Airbnb, these companies that came
in and totally revolutionized the way that people either did business or do
Think about Airbnb, one of the biggest companies in
hospitality, doesn’t own structures, right? Uber, one of the biggest brands,
market cap wise, it’s the biggest transportation company in the world, doesn’t
own cars, right? They were born inside of this space. The ability to afford
innovation to take place requires that you’re able to sit inside of the
disruption, the struggle, the friction, the pain, and not mute it.
If you can try and see the opportunity that might come
in not muting some of the things that happen in a state of fear like fight or
flight, you get to choose. If you decide flight is your option, you decide to
drink instead of have to deal, then, yes, you will not be dealing with the pain
or the fear or the anxiety but you’re also not going to get any of the benefit
that comes in the fight. Those that fight end up being the ones that are able
to disrupt business and industry and there will be someone who’s listening to
this, who has the fight instinct instead of the fight instinct, and they will
fundamentally changed the way that they approach real estate because of this
opportunity that’s been afforded to us, but only because of their willingness
to sit in and honor the discomfort of this struggle.
Aaron: Yes, it’s the same. if you mute emotion, if you want to mute the
sadness then you’re going to meet the happiness. You can’t mute some emotions
exclusively. You think back to Airbnb at the beginning, those guys were like,
“We just needed to pay rent.” They rent out a room and that was just how giant
that industry has become and everything else out there.
There’s a lot of innovation that we even talked about
at the beginning, companies are doing them and then somebody is going to take
it a step further and go, “Wow. Now everybody wants to do business like this.”
Aaron: Let’s talk about your book a little bit. It comes out there, because I
think so much of it applies now as well, the book is really a bunch of lies
that we tell ourselves. It’s like lies are– It says, my work is who I am. The
things that have worked for others won’t work for me. Or self-help is for
broken people or self-help is also like self-improvement. There’s all sorts of
ways in that.
When you started going through this book, were there
any lies that we tell ourselves that stand out to you as being like, “This is one of the most important ones to
handle first as like a domino to start the rest falling”? Do you have a
favorite or one that really had the biggest influence on you?
Dave: Yes. Well, I think it’s important for us just to begin with. we are all
operating against the backdrop of a set of stories, lies, beliefs, that were
given to us over time. Some of it was given to us through life experience. Some
of it was given to us by our family of origin. Some of it was given to us by
societal structures, but there are a set of stories that govern the way we
operate. Whether we are conscious or unconscious of it, the more you can become
conscious of it, the more you can affect whether you believe in the things that
you believe in. Or that you still afford credibility to the sources of those
In the midst of this season, before I answer your
question, I just want to say, if you are operating currently against the
backdrop of a set of beliefs about how you do or don’t have the resilience, can
or can’t be the person who makes a pivot, do or don’t have the ability to see
what is happening as an opportunity instead of something that is going to
destroy your business forever, you have to ask where your belief in that story
comes from.
Was there some experience that you had one time when
adversity showed its head where you didn’t actually come out as strong as you’d
hoped that you’ve stayed anchored to? Was there something in the way you were
raised or is there something in, if you’re a man or a woman, the way that a
good man or a good girl operates in the world that you have allowed to become
your truth, even if it was told through the lens of someone else’s fear? I
would start there.
The biggest one for me was that everyone is thinking about
what I’m doing. Because so much of what limits us from doing the things that
we’ve been put on this planet to do, so much of what affects the way that we
think about taking chances. The people who are going to succeed in this
environment right now in the midst of this crisis are those that are willing to
take chances that might have them publicly fail because of wanting to learn
from that public failure. The reason why so many people will not take a chance
and probably fail is because of the way ego is connected to what other people
might think of us doing something and not being great at it the first time out
of the gate.
The more that you can spend time thinking about
whether you believe the lie that everyone is thinking about what I am doing,
because I believe that lie, everyone is thinking about what I’m doing, and was
afforded this wildly massive gift in my living Disney to come and do this work,
that as much as, yes, I still have people that I’m connected to. Man, I’m sure
there was some emotion around the going away party, the second time I was gone
I was replaceable. The minute I was gone they were still breaking records. They
still had the greatest team. They still have the greatest collection of
intellectual property. It’s Disney.
So, any time that I delayed leaving a situation where
I knew I wasn’t growing as much as I needed to for the opportunity to do this
work with my wife time that was wasted because of a belief that other people
were thinking about me, and because my choice to go do this work made sense to
me, but not them, I was unwilling to go venture off into doing this thing that
I might fail at for the worry of what they might think and no one was thinking
about me.
If you are hearing this, no one is thinking about you.
Please hear this, it’s a gift. No one is thinking about you. This is, and I
have to say this every time, that’s not an indictment on the people I was
working with. It’s not an indictment on the people that are in your circle or
your friends. You are probably friends with people who are listening to this
episode and they’re not thinking about you, because human nature is to think
first about ourselves. I think about myself first and so do you, each of you
If someone is thinking about you and they have a
problem with something that you’re doing, it may be that they, in some ways,
are begrudging of the fact that you have a belief in yourself that they do not
yet themselves have a belief in. Or that you are so comfortable pursuing
failure in a way that reveals their discomfort with being seen as a failure.
They’re feeling something about you that is more a reflection of their fear
than it is a reflection of your truth, is not a reason to not go and make a
step in the direction that you feel called, that you feel pulled.
The way that we can reframe failure as being for us
and failure as being the only way truly that you will ever learn and grow to
become the kind of broker, the kind of agent that you hope to one day be,
that’s the day when you become free. I have sat with my team and had to have
this conversation many times. They don’t love this conversation, but at the
beginning of the year, as we were giving them the vision of where we were
taking our company five years from now, the audacity of the dreams of where we’re
trying to build our company, had me having to let them all know that with the
set of skills that they currently each possess, none of them will be sitting at
the leadership table of our company five years from now. That includes me,
because they have not yet taken chances on and failed in areas of our business
that would equip them with the experience to be qualified to sit at that table.
If you have given a vision for where you’d hope to
lead your team or grow your office, or have this certain number of houses or
apartments or dollars that you’re generating, hit a certain threshold, you are
not qualified yet for that because you have not yet pushed yourself outside of
your comfort zone far enough to fail at enough things that would equip you with
the experiences to know how to do that as well as is required. If you already
had those skills you’d already have that office. If you already had those
skills you’d already have that revenue number.
You’re not there yet, and that’s not an indictment on
you or anyone on my team. It’s just a statement of fact and reframing the way
that we have to think differently about our worry of what people might think of
as failing gives us permission to go out and actually build a set of skills
that would make us qualified to sit in the headquarters you dream of five years
from now, or sit in the headquarters I dream of five years from now.
Aaron: There’s so much freedom in that? Realizing that no one really cares. It’s
like when your kids are at a dance recital, I’m only looking at my kid. I don’t
really care– If my kid falls down, I can tell himm, “Look, I’m the only
one really watching you.” The people around us are the ones that care, the
ones out there that we tend to think, too much about that they aren’t paying
When Dave saying this, he had a huge rollover at
Disney and it was a job that a lot of people are like, wow. You get to talk to
famous people and movie releases and all the fun stuff that people see around
the world and getting to go leave to run a business with his wife, imagine what
would have happened had you not. Had you
not made the change, what would the differences in your life be? As you get
to make that progress. One of the parts of your book, you talk about the Hawaii
story and you’re reading your wife’s book for the first time.
In there, I think it’s a lot about what you just
talked about too, you’re reading and she’s telling the stories of your guys’s
marriage and the stories of who you are and as you’re reading that, there’s
things in there you’re like, these are secrets. I don’t want anyone to know
this, you can’t release this book. You probably didn’t want her to release it
whenever that was first coming out because it’s all those things that we think,
what are people going to think and do that—
The looking back now, what did it take at that time to be okay with it? Were
you ever okay with it until after, and then, how do you feel looking back when
you see now the secrets are out there?
Dave: My first reaction, my wife wrote a book. If you don’t know my wife her
name is Rachel Hollis. She wrote a variety of books but her biggest book was
something called Girl, Wash Your Face and in this book she describes 20
lies that she believed that kept her from being her best self. In the 20 lies,
she’s telling stories of very, very personal, very transparent, and honest
things that she struggled with.
I thought that that vulnerability was a liability and
I did argue very, very hard for her to not release the book. I’m super excited
that she didn’t listen to me after it sold 4 million copies but it was a thing
at the time that I, man, thought was a mistake. It wasn’t until I was able to
see how much the people who bought the book in their ability to see themselves
in her stories were able to, one, feel less alone. Two, in seeing a little bit
of how she was able to stay out of her own way, they were afforded some tools
on how they might also make life change to not have to step in it the way that
she maybe did.
It turns out that vulnerability is a superpower. It’s
not a, it’s not a liability and as I was able to take that away, it’s been
applied in every single part of our business now. The more that I am
comfortable in owning the things that I’ve been through, it connects me 100% of
the time to the audience who universally struggles. If you’re listening to
this, you struggle whether you want to admit it or not, you struggle. Why do I
know this? Because humanity, because as humans we all struggle and in acknowledging
my struggle and how in getting through certain things, I feel different on the
other side of that struggle.
I was able to take something that I at times have
carried shame for and turn it into power. If there’s a way for you, as you’re
listening, to think about the way that the customers that you’re interacting
with, the brokers that you’re interacting with, the team that you’re trying to
build also shares your humanity and your ability to connect with them with
authenticity, that doesn’t necessarily always try to convince them everything’s
great, “Trust me, it’s fine,” but instead meets them with, “Hey,
this is what’s really going on.
This is how I’m processing this anxiety. This is what
I’m feeling about the market, these things they happen to be real but here’s
how we believe that we’re deploying a set of resources or solutions to help
deal with these real life, real world things.” It connects you in a way
that, especially in the hyper curated world of social media and the way that
there is so much of people trying to put Polish on the imperfections of just
being human. I’m the person who’s willing to own a little bit of their personal
struggle will actually, in my mind, breakthrough and connect with the people
you’re trying to connect with in a way that otherwise you wouldn’t be able to,
it can be a superpower.
Definitely is something for me that has afforded me
power by owning with honesty and with some transparency that struggle that I’ve
been through in a way that I– Again at the beginning of this journey never
would have afforded anyway.
Aaron: Four million people they find out, they get to read all that stuff that
you’re afraid of and then you see, now it’s probably, it is definitely a
strength in social media and probably anybody out there to realize– If
everyone knows your secrets, you’re not blackmailable. Nobody can actually say,
no I know it’s the other way. I got in so much trouble in my twenties and I
remember being– Early in my thirties being like, “Oh man I hope people
don’t Google and find out that I was arrested,” and all this stuff, and
again, thinking that people cared. Then when you finally get on a podcast, well
let’s just tell everybody about it’s no big deal.
First one, you realize it’s no big deal and then two
there’s this freedom and the idea that now you can be your authentic self.
There’s no secrets in the stories and you and your wife, both, you’ve grown
like huge social media channels and the– Is it every day? How often do you
guys do that? You do a morning show where it’s just you guys talking, just
being authentic talking about whatever, and that seems to be one of the most
popular things you guys do so many people are drawn to you. How often do you do
that and how did that start?
Dave: We do something that we’ve branded The Star Today Morning Show.
Monday through Friday 9:00 AM central, we are live on a variety of social media
platforms. The replay ends up going into iTunes as a podcast. There are about
250,000 or so people per day that are in one platform or another engaging with
us in community. I would just say this is something that consistency compounds.
If you are wondering, all right how do I create
something that draws crowds like this? Consistency compounds. We have done this
every single weekday morning for almost three years worth of time. In doing it,
every single weekday morning for almost three years worth of time, at least 30
minutes per day. We are in a Gary V kind of way, Jab, Jab, Jab, jab, jab
forever before you write who can ask someone to actually transact financially
with you. We’re just trying to deliver a massive amount of value to the
audience because that is what building a community is about.
Listening, listening, listening to what their needs
are and then serving them tools that can meet those needs. We are in real-time
doing an activation with our community called next 90 days, where for these 14
weeks of the next 90 days of time, we are every single week having a theme
during each week. Yet last week was the first week, it was about perspective and
we had a couple of guest speakers come on and talk about it. We had our
podcasts each talk about it. We’ve got a variety of podcasts that run during
the week. We have some coaching that was created specifically for it, and yet,
we had five days worth of this morning show that was talking about it.
We have about a half million people that signed up to
do this activation. There’s no charge to it? There’s no charge. The idea is if
you can just overwhelm people with content and build them in a community, is there
a way that they can feel affinity for your brand? Is there a way that they
might after they’ve received a bunch of really great valuable, but free content
ask if there are deeper ways that they can spend time with you inside of a live
events, with a book, with a journal, or some product, with a TV program that
we’ve created. We’re just fanatical about serving the audience well.
Here, in this time, I would ask, what are some of the
things that you can do in quarantine, no matter what business that you operate
inside of? The thing I would say is you can create tons of content. We have a
camera set up in a room and we are creating massive amounts of content to put
on social media and the thing is if you are putting it up so that you can get
250,000 people a day to watch it, then don’t start because it’s not going to
happen on the first-day, consistency compounds.
It is going to take you deciding to do it for the
seven people who decide to watch it for the first month for it to get 25 people
and then 250 people and then 2,500 people over the course of time. If you can
focus on serving the needs of your audience well, what do people right now have
concerns about with regard to real estate, given the state of the world? How
valuable is the asset that they’re currently holding? When is the right time to
buy? Does the financing of homes or of a business change with any of the
subsidies that might be coming from the government? Are there things that the
rates changing with the fact–
You have a set of information that there is a ton of
appetite for whether someone is in or out of the market and if you can satisfy
giving some answers, some knowns in a sea of unknowns, you’ll be seen as a
resource. The first thing I would say, man, just focus on how can you create inside
of this window and then do it because of wanting to deliver value, not because
of hoping that you’re going about a sale, not because of thinking you’re going
to get a new customer do it because you are committed to serving the needs of
your potential customers long from now, long from now.
Aaron: Right, that consistency completely compounds. I remember I saw your
wife Rachel at a conference and somebody had asked her like, “How did you
grow your social media so big.” She was like, “Well, the after days and
days and days for years, providing just content and consistency and that
there’s no overnight success with this.” When you started that morning
show three years ago, you didn’t have 350,000 people on there.
Dave: No.
Aaron: Now it’s changing every day, right? It’s a great opportunity to log in
at the same time and be authentic, another thing we were talking about was just
being able to be completely honest with who you are, and be able to share the
news because people do want to hear it. You guys said at the beginning,
probably, I think if someone were to told you there was going to be 350,000
people on your daily morning show, your wife probably would have said yes and
you probably would have said no, right?
Dave: That’s real. I’m a skeptic, I’m always skeptical of what the heck is
actually happening here. I think the thing too, that you have to have a handle
on as you’re listening is, who is your ideal customer, and what is their
specific need set because there may be someone who’s listening, who has
high-end, speculative commercial real estate types. Who would 100% be in the
market for this is the time where millionaires are born, because the market’s
low and if you’ve got some liquidity now you can just rush to buy, and when
things turn, you’re going to be, right?
Then there’s some of you that are working in
residential, lower price point housing, that if you start talking about this is
where millionaires are born, where people are having a hard time making ends
meet to make their rent payment this month, you’re going to completely turn off
the possibility, it sounds tone-deaf. You have to I think, first start with
just understanding a little bit of who is my ideal customer and what is their
specific need set and how, with the expertise that I have, could I deliver
resources and value to them in this time, given what I know is on their heart
or on their mind?
What is worrying them and how can I maybe alleviate a
little bit of that worry with information that would help make them feel a
little more sure in an unsure time?
Aaron: Such great advice, because everybody has that. Everybody has a
specialty, everybody has an ideal client. Every one of those clients needs
something different today than they needed two months ago and for the next 60,
90 days, they’re going to need that too. Let’s talk about the real
relationship. You guys go on a date night, every week. I think your books every
Thursday night and for the rest of your life, you guys have that and now we’re
at home so we can’t. I’m curious about what you guys are doing to help with
that because it was such a good habit that you had.
Then also, you’ve been working with your spouse for a
while, so people right now, are you at home all day long with their spouses,
there’s also a lot of changes that happened during recessions, maybe one spouse
starts working that wasn’t, breadwinners change, you’ve experienced so much
with all of that, what are you doing
right now with your relationship are there any hacks that you’re doing during
this? Also, any tips for being a spouse, working closely with your spouse or
friends, or anything else to have those conversations?
Dave: Well, I’m really big on this idea of, create your values, whether
they’re personal values or relationship values, and then understand what you
need to do to engineer the most likely scenario of making those values come to
life. I’ve called it my if-then statement, right? If I want an exceptional
relationship, then I need to do these things. If I want to be an exceptional
father, then I need to right? When it comes to if I want an exceptional
relationship with my wife, then my calendar needs to reflect my desire for an
exceptional relationship, the way that I am actively in pursuit of my wife, our
commitment to intimacy has to be something that all of the things.
Yes, standing Thursday night date night is a thing
that has been a thing for us prior to quarantine, and during quarantine. Now,
we’ve had to be creative, because we’ve got four kids. My niece happened to
have moved out here about a year ago and so she quarantined with us from the
beginning because I knew that I was going to need some help with these 1000
children that live inside of this house and I didn’t want her to have to be
alone, but man, what a gift that we have an extra set of hands that lets us
this is our date night last Thursday, we got in the car. We went to a
drive-thru carwash and we listened to a podcast together before we came back
home and resumed our life.
That is not a traditional date night. We drove the
long way, we live out in the middle of nowhere south of Austin, Texas. We drove
the long way so that we would have an hour just an hour of time by ourselves.
Finding time for yourself, even if alone time means sitting out on the back
porch after the kids have gone to bed, you got to fight for that, you got to do
that. We have been working together for about two years. It has been the best
two years of our relationship and it has been the hardest two years of our
The thing I would say, if you work with your partner,
man, you already know it can be challenging and hard. The best advice that I
would give is really trying to find clear lanes that define what you do and
what they do so that you can eliminate as much as possible the times where
there’s overlap or ambiguity in who’s doing what. For us, she is the what
person, she is the visionary dreamer and she creates the what, and I am the how
person, I am the practical, pragmatic integrator of our business. I figure out
how to take what she’s created and make it available on as many platforms as
possible to as wide an audience as possible, in a way that they are ultimately
hoping to receive it.
Man, that’s been good for defining how we do what we
do, and yet, there’s still plenty of friction, because by nature, an integrator
and a visionary are supposed to have friction. We had to change the way that we
thought about engaging in constructive conflict so that we could serve our team
of 60 people well, so that we could still want to make out at the end of a long
day, so that we could resolve things fast. One of the things that we had to
adopt was this idea of Radical Candor, which is a book that a person
named Kim Scott wrote, there’s a great 20-minute YouTube video that explains
this thing super, super succinctly if you’re interested.
It’s the idea that if you are in relationship and
respect someone, and you know what they have suggested are their personal
values or what they aspire to in their personal brand and you see them deviate
from those values or deviate from that brand, you have a responsibility as
someone who cares about them, to pull them aside and have a direct conversation
about what you’ve witnessed so that they can take that information and apply it
to how they might have maybe shown up better, or how they might show up better
next time.
It still can sometimes be emotional. It was definitely
a deviation from us, having been a little more I would say even codependent
prior to working together, we were trying to keep each other a little more
happy than we were wanting to deal necessarily head-on with what was going on.
It has become super normal for us to have hard conversations, because the
frequency of hard conversations, they happen all the time, but they’re not that
hard anymore.
In this environment, now where we’re together in
quarantine, I don’t want to make any recommendations about disrupting more
things than not. I also will say, if you can find a way to have constructive
conversations so that the things that you’re feeling don’t fester, it creates a
lightness and an opportunity to push through so many times, the things that I
think she is feeling or the intention that I believe her to have, when I’ve
actually confronted her about it, is completely not there. Many times we have
these conversations, and each of us have to start our sentences with the words,
my intention is.
My intention is to get clarity on what you’re doing
this thing or that thing was so that I can really understand what your
motivation was or why you were trying to do it. My intention here is to and if
you find yourself in a place where, man, you’re frustrated, guess what? Being
in quarantine with the humans that you love is going to create frustration for
sure, it’s a guarantee. Finding a way to have a harder conversation or
courageous conversation in a way that they can hear is super helpful. I will
say this last thing, sorry.
Aaron: You’re good.
Dave: When things have become particularly tough, when we have had to deal
with things that are harder, we’ve resorted to emails, because there is
something in shooting an email to the other that affords that person the
opportunity to read it, become emotional about whatever it is that they’re
being confronted in, have that emotion de-escalate and then come back and have
a more constructive conversation after they’ve processed it in a way that
hopefully is less defensive and more open to actually having a conversation.
That has been super effective.
Doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still hurt your heart
when you get an email that says. “You have not been as connected to your
personal values or you veered off of who you said you want to be as a father or
a husband but it’s something that has worked for us.
Aaron: Yes, in your book, you’ve got a few examples of those emails. I won’t
do the spoilers, but I thought those were those are some really powerful things
that help, the communication. I think that that’s really great advice right
now, especially for quarantine, for spouses that are going to have those
conversations for the first time, spouse roles are going to change,
breadwinners are going to change within the relationships right now. Anytime
you go into a recession, much stuff changes. Being able to start that
conversation with “My intention is,” that’s a very safe spot and then
sending that email if it’s a hard one, you have a certain amount of time where,
hey, if I send you an email, you got to
cool down release an hour before you come in, or?
Dave: We haven’t really gotten there. I mean, truly, like when you get an
email, and at the top, there is the declaration of the intent, hey, I am
sending this because, it’s easy to de-escalate the emotion when you can stay
anchored to the intention of the person sending it and the fact that in part of
their declaration, they’re representing how much they care for you and how hard
it is to, frankly, you have to sometimes confront someone about something that
they inevitably could be they could feel some shame for or they could feel, any
kind of feelings, but it tends to be a thing where you give it a night’s sleep,
Like people always say, like, don’t go to bed angry, I
100% believe that you should go to bed angry. If I get an email like this, or
we have a hard conversation and it doesn’t feel like we have the emotional
energy or the time to actually unpack the conversation, then get a good night’s
sleep and then with a fresh set of eyes, and maybe the benefit of a little time
to consider the intention of their having brought this up in the first place.
You can have a productive conversation in a way that doesn’t get, super
emotional. The alternative is to not say anything, and not saying anything, you
are guaranteeing two things.
One, it will fester and it will become a bigger
problem over time, and two, you will not actually pull into the light, whether
the thing that you were thinking is real or imagined. Often, I mean, so often,
the thing that I’m thinking is an imagined thing that does not actually exist
and it’s only in bringing it up that I get to be free from it because it never
was there.
Aaron: Yes, those tough conversations are tough for both parties. Just like
you said, a spouse never wants to hurt someone else’s feelings. They don’t want
to get into there and trusting that everybody goes into that, and a good
night’s sleep can solve a lot of stuff.
With business, it’s the same thing. We have these
problems in these stresses and we pray about it go to bed and we wait,
something we wake up with a solution and so I like that change of maybe it’s
going to bed angry and wake up with a way to solve it. We’re almost out of time
but what I really want, I want you to tell us about the Hollis company right,
started as some books and now it’s gone into many different phases. Have you
got these giant conferences now, I don’t know how many a year, you’ve got the
business conferences. Tell us about Hollis company, what you guys are doing
what you’ve been doing this year, and any of the big stuff.
Dave: Yes, the Hollis company exists to put tools in people’s hands to help
them have the fullest life possible. The idea is any of the products or
services that we’ve created have truly come out of listening to the audience
represent their interest in us going into a certain whether it’s platform or
medium and there’s live events, there are women’s conferences called the Rise
Conference, there’s a business conference called rise business. There is a run,
we’ve gotten really into running and there is a half marathon five days that’s
happening this year.
There is digital education, there’s a portal that has
a whole host of ways that you can be coached by myself, by Rachel, or through
some other people that we’re bringing into a network for coaching. It’s been an
awesome way to connect community but also to serve individual needs, whether
it’s in life or career, we have a variety of different products. There’s some
product lives at Target around planners and journals. There’s some direct
consumer stuff that we create with hats, water bottles, different paper goods
and then there’s books.
I have this book that you’ve talked about Rachel’s got
a series of books that, have been put out. Beyond the books, inside of the
media space, there’s podcasts and some different fun TV stuff. Rachel has a
show that’s out on a new platform called Quibi. We’ve had a movie that lives on
Amazon called Made for More anyway, we just make a whole bunch of media,
we make a bunch of media that hopefully, in meeting people and their needs,
where are they represented they exist will help them to have a richer, fuller
Aaron: That is a huge elevator pitch but I know much of the stuff you guys
have. I think when it came to the journal, it was people told you they wanted a
journal. You made one everybody’s like, well, hey, what do you do for this and
so it was listening to people like how did that your products were going to be
awesome is because your people told them told you exactly what you wanted. You
put that together, and then you released it.
Dave: I think it’s interesting and this time, like it, you bring up a great
point, like, when originally we had an idea to do a conference, it was one day
and then people represented an interest in some additional things and it became
two day. Then we had an experience at a conference where we realized that
health was the thing that we weren’t touching on enough because of some of the
reaction to some of the material.
We added a third day, when people were talking about
this gratitude practice that Rachel was doing in a notebook, and asking if we
would create a gratitude practice in a journal, it became a massive part of our
business, because they were interested in doing this thing, and we’re raising
their hand suggesting it. If you have stayed connected to the ways that your
teams or your customers are consistently asking the same question over and
over, that is them telling you to create a tool that would be of value to them?
You need to just follow that trail of breadcrumbs and
I don’t know what it might be specifically for people who work inside of real
estate or an agent but, man, if you’re hearing the same thing over and over,
that is them, the universe, telling you that that is a thing that you ought to
pull on the thread of.
Aaron: Yes, listen to what’s out there. People want to join the next 90 Day
Challenge. Is it too late?
Dave: Not at all. We’re doing it for 14 weeks, you can head over to the
hollisco.com/next90, and every single week, there is going to be a different
theme, and every week you’re going to get a 45 or so minute coaching. Last
week, it was on perspective. This week it’s on joy, next week, it’s on habits
but each week we’re going to do this thing as a community and we’d love to have
you join.
Aaron: If you guys want to hear more about Dave or his wife on Instagram, they
do a ton of stuff on Instagram and Facebook you go to atmosphere Dave Hollis on
Instagram or at the Hollis company, that’s where they do the show and your
podcast the rise together podcasts out there.
Dave: I get right Rise Together is on Thursdays it’s a relationship
podcast and, man, it’s a mix of Rachel and I talking about every single part of
our relationship but also bringing on fantastic guests to talk about their
specific expertise. We’ve had, Dr. Gary Chapman, the author of Love
Languages on we’ve had a sex therapist on a couple of times. We do call-in
features where people that are out there just telling us the things that they’re
struggling with. We try to dive into all of it. That’s every single Thursday.
Rachel’s got a great podcast that was the number one
business podcast last year on I heart called to rise, it comes out on Tuesdays
and it’s just practical tactical tips on how to scale your small business and
each of you as you’re listening, you’re a small business owner. If you have not
yet give rise a listen.
Aaron: Yes, you guys have many resources out there something for everybody.
Dave, thanks for coming on today and I hope many people reach out and follow
Dave: Right on, Aaron. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.