- About Jamie Gruber [1:04]
- About GoBundance [1:49]
- Jamie’s journey to 42 doors [8:08]
- The first multifamily property Jamie bought [10:49]
- What Jamie looks for in a multifamily investment [14:54]
- Doubling down on habits during lockdown [18:07]
- Small habits that generate BIG results [20:33]
- The key to positivity [24:09]
- What makes a mastermind powerful [27:14]
- Aaron’s first GoBundance event [30:49]
- A goal-setting group you can join right now [32:31]
- Plus, so much more.
Related Links and Resources:
- Grow Your Real Estate Profits with Our Agent Success Toolbox
- Take Over $13,000 in Real Estate Courses for Just $97
- Enroll in Pat Hiban’s 6 Weeks to 7 Figures Course
- GoBundance Emerge – Use Coupon Code “Rockstars” for $100 Off
Aaron Amuchastegui: Rockstar nation, this is Aaron
Amuchastegui, and I am back for another fun episode of Real Estate Rockstars.
You guys are going to really, really like this one. This one is going to be a
little unique. Today I get to interview my friend Jamie Gruber. Jamie Gruber
has a day job, which will be interesting, we’ll get to hear about. He’s also a
multifamily investor, he’s the creator of the GoBundance Emerge Program. You
guys have heard us talk about GoBundance quite a bit on this. It’s the
mastermind that really helped me get from one level of live to a whole
different level, in this new Emerge program that he’s working with us to help
everybody. I’ll let him describe what he’s going to be, and then we’ll go into
the history of real estate. I’m really excited about the program. Jamie, thank
you, join us.
Jamie Gruber: Ah, man. Great to be here. I’m so excited to be with
you and I appreciate you having me.
Aaron: Before we jump into real estate, I kind of messed up your GoBundance
Emerge thing. What’s going to be your
goal with that program you’ve been working on?
Jamie: GoBundance Emerge, real quick. GoBundance itself is the tribe of
healthy, wealthy, generous people that choose to live epic lives. I say that
because that word wealthy is in there. We define that as you have a million net
worth or better, or make $300,000 a year annually. Essentially, if you’re an
accredited investor you can join GoBundance. A lot of people want to be part of
that community because I’ve benefited from it, you’ve benefited from it, it’s
an incredible group of guys. Now we have the GoBundance women’s tribe that help
each other achieve the goals they want in life.
There’s a lot of people out there that are badasses,
that are rockstars to put it in among the real estate nutshell. Absolute
rockstars that may not have yet achieved that level to go into something like
GoBundance. GoBundance itself is all about giving. This is our way of throwing
the rope down and helping folks out that are trying to get there, by creating a
program, and eventually a mastermind that folks can join, be part of the
GoBundance infrastructure, part of the entire community, and help you get to
the point where you’re able to join the current GoBundance community.
Aaron: A bunch of the ladies that I interviewed back in May, June, July, on
the podcast– a lot of our 30 under 30 realtors– they recently joined the
GoBundance women’s group. They got in here. They reached out afterward, and so
that one is growing too. I’ve talked to different people on here about
masterminds and growth and mindset. As we get into that, let’s talk about your
story. Where do you live? What’s your
day job? How did you get into real estate?
Jamie: I’ve been 20 years with the same insurance company. I’m a director with
the large national insurance company. I’m from New York originally, lived in
Boston for quite a few years, and now live in Michigan, all moving around with
that company. That’s the backstory of why I am where I am right now. On the
personal side, not to make it just the side. Father of two young boys, proud
husband to my wife, we’ve been married just over 10 years, and loving life in
that regard. For me, I think my story attracts a lot with a lot of people out
Maybe some in your audience that have moved over into
being real estate agents and brokers and so on at some point in their lives.
They had the corporate job, they were kind of head down, trudging through going
towards something in that corporate world. For me, it was this director level
job. It’s equity, it’s bonus, it’s all those things that you want. At some
point, something in me felt hollow. I felt unfulfilled about what I’m doing
day-to-day. Around that same time, I found the idea of real estate,
BiggerPockets, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, all the sort of standards there
that folks find when they start to get into real estate.
By doing so, it really made me separate my identity
from corporate guy to guy who wants something bigger in life. There was a big
gap between those two that I didn’t know how to fill. It was, “Okay, well,
I know that I’m doing this and I’m making money doing this, being in this
corporate role, and I’ve had a level of success with that, but how do I create
the life that I know I want to create. Especially when I’m hanging out with a
lot of people that are very much comfortable and content in the corporate grind,
with the golden handcuffs, and the 401(k), and all of the stuff that comes with
it. Somewhere along there, I had my breakdown breath through if you will, about
mid 30s, 4 or 5 years ago.
I said, “You know what, I need to do something
different. I need to find the right community. I need to choose a path that
serves me, as opposed to choosing the past that I was probably predetermined to
follow by parents, expectations of others, so on and so forth. In that I found
the real estate side of things. I was an accidental landlord already. I had a
single family home, and I lived in New York, that I couldn’t sell in 2008 when
I moved to Boston. I had to hold onto it. Rather than looking at that as the
sort of albatross or liability that I thought it was for so many years, I
converted it mentally, and even financially into an asset.
Then, doubled down. Bought a couple of duplexes and we
did what’s called the BRRRR process, where we bought it, rehabbed it, rented it
out, we refinanced it, and got a lot of our money back out of it. It was like,
“Man, that’s a lot of work for two properties. Why don’t I try something
bigger?” I found the multifamily path, joined a mastermind specifically
for multifamily that has been a great, great learning experience for me. Bought
our first 16 unit, we bought a 22 unit since then, and off and running in the
multifamily side. That’s how I developed a way from I guess you could say the
corporate life, which I’m still in, but moving toward that financial freedom.
Aaron: Let me stop you for a minute. There’s so much to unpack those. You
still got your day job. You’ve been working your day job and starting to do
this. One of our themes of 2020, out there for all of our listeners is you
guys, we’ve been trying to say, “Hey we need diversify.” What we
learned in 2020 is we need to diversify. You guys are fantastic agents, or
you’re new agents trying to become fantastic, or you’re all sorts of different
levels. Our core mission has always been to help all of you agents become
better agents. We want to give you the secrets that other agents hoard to
themselves. We want to tell you how does somebody else succeed, so you can
apply it in your business to become a better agent.
Now, the secondary goal that we’ve talked about so
much this year in 2020, is being an agent is your day job. It is what you do to
make money. It’s one of the most incredible jobs out there in the world,
because you could make more money at that job with very low level of required
education, and things like that. you can succeed very quickly. As we listen to
Jamie, let’s think about real estate agency.
Being an agent is your day job. Now, we’re talking
about transitioning in to other stuff as we try to do that. We’ve talked to you
guys about becoming investors, about buying other businesses, about learning
what’s going on out there. Now you have a bunch of property. You’re talking
about you did this and did that. Does it
affect your day job? Are you ever working in our job in insurance, and all of a
sudden you miss a couple hours of your normal work job because you go this?
Have you been able to do your side job on the side per say?
Jamie: Both, so it’s the longer you go, the further you go, the more systems
you build. Even in the very beginning, it was like I felt like I had to do it
all. I had to manage the property myself. Me and my wife, we had to do this, we
had to do that. Yes, I get dragged away quite a bit. Maintenance issue pops up
and I had to go take a look at it before I call a maintenance guy. Yes, I get
dragged away here. I used to get dragged away here and there, but as that
became kind of untenable for me. Not even because of the day job. I can build
flexibility into my day if I need to.
More so because if I want to scale this thing further,
if I wanted to become bigger, I can’t be responding to all the little things
that happen on a day-to-day basis. We’ve hired property managers, brought in
the right maintenance people, put different systems and processes in place–
management software that we can leverage for maintenance requests to go right
to our managers– put things in place that allow me to avoid the interruption
throughout the day. On occasion, something pops up for sure, but for the most
part, I’m able to do my job and let this stuff build on the side, because I’ve
committed myself to systems and processes.
Aaron: How many doors do you have now?
Jamie: We have 42 total doors.
Aaron: 42 doors, that is so awesome, and it started with just buying your
first house. You’re talking about 12 years ago, 2008, you owned a house. You
couldn’t sell it because the world had started crashing in 2006-2007, so you
were upside down in 2008. Rather than say, hey, you’re going to strategically
go into foreclosure or short sale, you kept it. You put a renter in it, so you
became an accidental landlord, so 12 years ago he’s got one unit. Now he’s got
40-ish, so the 40 something. You’re next
property was another house, or your next property was a duplex?
Jamie: Two duplexes that we bought from the same owner. It was two distressed
duplexes, and we bought those in 2017, so big gap between when we first
Aaron: Really, you were an accidental landlord for a long time. All of those
units, so you just built up 42 units, 45 units in just the last three years?
Jamie: Correct.
Aaron: Right, 2017, and as all you listeners probably know, three years ago a
lot of people started investing in real estate. A lot of people started hearing
the other podcasts out there. We’ve had a lot of those guys on here, so Brandon
Turner and David Green, two of my favorite guests on here. Also, hosts the BiggerPockets
podcast. We get to talk interchangeably about a lot of stuff. They also
published my recent book. Those guys have really changed the world. Over the
last five years, people have been listening to that podcast and becoming
They bought a house, they’ve bought a duplex, they’ve
bought other things and they’ve really started scaling that sort of the life.
That was you. In 2017, you said, “Okay, we’re going to go all in, we’re
going to start investing in real estate.” How long when you made the
mindset shift did you say like, “Hey, we’re looking for real estate,”
and then it took you a few months to find it. How long from the time you decided that you’re going to be a real
estate investor until you bought the first deal that was two duplexes?
Jamie: It’s hard to remember, but it was inside a year, in that time I was
moving from Boston to Michigan as well. We closed two months before we moved to
Michigan. I want to say it was maybe six to nine months prior to that, that I
made the decision, “hey, I’m going go start going to real estate
investment meetings and getting to know this world, listen to podcasts and all
that stuff. From that time to the time that we closed was probably about nine
Aaron: All right, so you made the decision that, “hey, I am going to make
this side job, I’m going to go after this side job, I’m going to go after this
other business to become a real estate investor, I’m going to keep my day job,
I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing but I’m also going to do whatever it
takes to be successful in this other business.” Nine months later, you
bought your first Four Plex. How was that? When you got it because that’s a big
change. You’re from accidental landlord of the house that you owned, you knew
everything about it because you live there to now you got two duplexes, and it
was a distressed type sale, right?
Jamie: Yes. We had to re go in and redo almost everything on both properties.
Rents were really low so we got to bump those up, really good upside down and
everything else like that but it was gratifying. I’m somebody and I’m sure many
people do I suffer from this notion of imposter syndrome, which if you don’t
know what that is, it’s like someone’s going to figure me out one day, like, my
success isn’t really– it’s all luck or whatever. Buying those properties for
me was some level of proof for me internally from my mind that wow, “I set
my mind to something I can achieve it”, and we did. We bought them. We
successfully refinanced out of them about a year and a half later, and we still
on to this day. Now that was gratifying, I would say when it happened.
Aaron: You got one door, you said “hey, we’re going to become real estate
agents, or real estate investors”, nine months later, you got five doors. What did you buy after you bought the
Jamie: After that is when we made the move, I kind of had this job, so I was
looking but not overly active, but after that, we bought a 16 unit about a year
and a half later, but to your point, the time that we decided we’re going
multifamily to the time that I bought that 16 unit it’s about nine months
again, actually. So–
Aaron: Hi real estate rockstars, this is Aaron Amuchastegui, and I am so
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You guys were seeing this, first it was like
“Hey, we’re going to make a commitment,” took nine months, made a big
jump. Buying two duplexes is a big jump into this side job and it makes sense
that you actually took a break after that because then it’s like “Okay,
what did we do? Is this working?” You don’t really know if it works yet,
nobody starts and buys one a month over the next 10 months. You took some time
off. Somewhere in there you said “Hey, I think we can do this real estate
thing, but let’s go after multifamily” then you started going after
multifamily, then you bought your 16 unit and now it’s off to the races. What are you doing next? Are you looking
for more properties? Are you happy with what you’ve got?
Jamie: Yes. Now after that we actually found a 22 unit that I partnered up on
and bought that and now, yes, we’re always looking. This cycle right now,
things are–in our market, at least they’re expensive. It’s hard to find that
true value which is what our strategy is, buying kind of mom- and-pop, B minus,
C plus type property with upside, so we’re struggling a little to find that. We
can probably market better but yes, definitely driving forward on that but I’ve
gotten in all of this, like I said before about imposter syndrome and mindset
and all of that.
I’ve gotten a real passion for the value of community
through GoBundance, and a mastermind like that. I’ve committed a lot of time
and energy to building communities which, we talked at the beginning about
Emerge, stuff like that. So I spend more time probably there than I have on
acquisition as we reposition these properties but that 16 unit, just so you
know, we did by late 2018, and we recently refiled and got all of our money out
of that as well.
Aaron: Wow. All right. Let’s talk about mindset a little bit. We just
accidentally figured out that nine months may be the magical figure in your
life, from when you make a change, and go all in to have enormous success,
because in my mind, saying, “Hey, I’m going to become an investor and then
buying two duplexes is enormous success. Saying, “I’m going to become a
multifamily investor,” and becoming a multifamily investor, whether that’s
buying an eight Plex–I’ve owned all sorts of different. I’ve got a 165 unit
apartment complex. My first one was was a 66 unit apartment complex, I’ve got
four-plexes, I’ve done all sorts of different ones and all of them were just as
The four Plex was just as difficult as the 165. In
nine months, you became successful at each new thing, now you’re looking at
what’s out there, but COVID is a little bit different. Now, let’s talk about
mindset stuff. 2020 hit and March threw everybody off and I would say if I had
to go back and say what was it like in my life in March. April and May was a
little bit of like, crisis is coming, what can we do to be careful, and
everybody cut their costs, everybody went out, looked at whatever there was on
their bills, and they cut their costs, they made sure they wasn’t paying 218 T
bills anymore.
We went and sold whatever assets we could that were
like–I thought there’s was going to be a crash, like, Oh, I don’t need that
second house anymore. I’m going to sell that thing as quick as I can, did a lot
of things like that. Now in hindsight, I realized I should have waited until
last month to sell that house because the real estate market sales prices
anyway, and demand became way higher than we thought but there were a lot of
mindset changes that I had to look out for 2020. I need to be able to diversify
better, I need to make sure that I don’t have all my eggs in one basket because
I could have never predicted the things that happened.
What’s happened to you during
2020 when it comes to mindset? And when it comes the people that are joining
Emerge? What do you guys go into when it comes to mindset and growth and taking
times like this as an opportunity?
Jamie: Sure, is so much there. On the tactical side getting granular–part of
the mindset shift on my investment portfolio was man, oh, man, don’t want
section eight, don’t want subsidized rent, there’s, it’s like, “Maybe I
kind of do,” right ? because in the beginning of this, at least before all
that happened and it all worked out fine where people were not getting
unemployment, they were out of work and there was a fear of a higher level of
vacancy to your point like, that’s one thought in my like, you know, having a
good mix in my portfolio of subsidized renters versus non-subsidized is a good
That’s just a smaller sort of thing but on a larger
scale from a mindset perspective, I think for me, the bedrock was laid a little
bit ago by being again, a member of something like– of Gobundance
specifically. When I went into COVID, and all that was going on, and it felt
like everything was crashing down around us, I doubled down on routines and
habits, and particular my morning routine. One thing I committed to was, every
morning, I get up and I do a few things starting with meditation, that’s my
lead domino start with that and it goes into journaling and working out and
stuff like that.
I doubled down or recommitted to that to the point
where I think I had 180 days straight everyday weekend’s included, of going
through my morning routine because when you’re restricted to your home, you can
easily roll out of bed and get to work, there’s no commute, there’s no drive,
there’s no interaction like you had before. I could feel myself slipping into
shorts and T shirts all day or just not putting in as much energy as I would
have because it just felt like you were home every day. That was a big thing
for me which was just doubling down to the routines and habits that served me
to get me to where I was having success. I guess it is nine months.
That’s funny. Nine months after I committed to
something and with whatever I wanted to do. That was a big thing for me. I
learned a lot about habits, I learned a lot about how habits serve you and how
those one little thing you do every day, small little change that you make, be
it an addition or something you take away from what you’re doing currently that
doesn’t serve you like all of a sudden you look back 3,6,9,12 months later and
it’s amazing how that one little change compounds just like interest into
something really, really big and great in your life.
It’s the same thing with buying multifamily.
“Okay, I’m going to look at deals,” I look at deals every day, and
all of a sudden, it’s like I got deals and I have one I can close on and I buy
it. Same thing with 2020 it was just, lean into your habits, do the things that
have served you and get through because 2020 has been a trying year for a lot
of people.
Aaron: A lot of our real estate agents and our guests have been on here been
saying the same thing, right? Find that habit and go for that habit. In the news
this week. There’s been a lot of talk about people going back into lockdown,
another 2,4,6 week lockdown depending on cities and states. As I was traveling
last few months, I got to see some states that were completely open and there
was nothing going on. It was business as usual, and there’s huge soccer
tournaments and kids everywhere, then other states where it was very locked
down. We have listeners from all over the place, depending on where you are,
may impact you more or less. Jamie, let’s talk about the specific morning
If we go into another lockdown, or for place that we
are, or for times like this, what are four or five morning habits that you
think everybody should do and if they committed to this for nine months, they
would see huge results?
Jamie: I think you have to start with quiet. Quiet to me means you meditate. I
meditate for 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the day, just allowing yourself to
be quiet and think inwardly and be present. That’s what meditation is about.
It’s not about, I have to have my mind clear all the time, but I’ve found it’s
such a great practice to when you feel distracted, you notice it and you bring
yourself back. That’s just translates into a lot of life when you’re in a
stressful moment, you notice it and you can take a deep breath and overcome it
in that moment as opposed to being overwhelmed by the feeling of stress.
Meditation number one, I think is huge.
The other quiet activity I would say is journaling. I
never really believed in the power of this, writing stuff down. In fact, when I
started journaling, I was doing it in an app, and it was fine, but when I truly
started handwriting out, just whatever’s in my mind, I won’t share it with
anybody because it’s crazy stuff and it’s all over the place. [crosstalk] It’s
just thoughts. Journaling that stuff out in my quiet time, but it’s amazing how
you get clarity and sometimes figure things out that seems so big within one
page of writing. That’s a second thing, I would say.
Third, I think you need motion. Getting your body up
and moving and working out and all of that, I think is a really big part of my
morning and sometimes the mid-day, depending on if I can’t get with that
morning kids wake up. Lastly, I would say is truly affirming yourself. There’s
some level of affirmation, or positive self-talk. Those are probably the big
four. Add into that list, some level of reading or listening to a podcast, just
20-30 minutes a day of something positive. They say, “Garbage in, garbage
out.” It’s the same thing with mindset. It’s good stuff in good stuff out.
You get motivated on a daily basis and you can really take down a lot of
projects or take down a lot of things, goals that you’ve been setting for
yourself and trying to achieve. I think those are the four to five things I
would say each morning.
Aaron: I like that. Especially, when you didn’t know I was going to ask that
question and all of a sudden you’re like, “Well, let me just see what I
got in here.” I could tell that they’re real habits when you’re able to list
them. For everybody out there too, I would encourage you to do the things that
Jamie just listed out. Most of the successful people I know have very similar
morning routines. Then in one of the keys to that is, as soon as that morning
routine is over, is now what’s that one or two trackable thing you can do for
your business that is going to push the needle. That pushing the needle for the
next thing it could be, “Hey, I’m going to make this many phone calls to
I’m going to call this many of my current customers.
I’m going to go out and make this many offers on properties. I’m going to look
at this many actives for clients.” There’s certain measurable things that
you guys can do, but if you pick out like, “Hey, here’s the five things
I’m going to do in my morning routine.” Even if you just take three of
them and write them down and say, “Hey, I’m going to do this every day
before I get started.” It may seem, “Hey, a lot of you guys are doing
stuff like this,” but I liked the beginning, meditation. Some people think
of meditation as some funky, weird thing.
You can actually just sit on a couch, close your eyes,
set a timer for 10 minutes, say nothing else, and then in 10 minutes, the timer
goes off. It’s all you’re done. Now you’re done meditating. Now you can go
hustle a little bit. You talked about getting some exercise and also listening
to some positive podcasts, and if you’re short on time, those are the things
you can combine. You can listen to a good podcast, or good music while you
exercise, then you get some good stuff in and some good stuff out.
Have you thought much this year about mindset of
positivity, or focus, or how do you continue to move forward with things when
the news is crazy and nobody knows what to fall. We’re 10 days after election
status, since there’s still tens of millions of people saying they don’t know
who got elected. The world is a funny, crazy place. How do you keep your eye on the ball?
Jamie: The key is gratitude man, that’s it. Eye on the ball as far as my mind
keeping it right, the key is gratitude. From the biggest to the littlest, I
find myself just sometimes looking at the fact that I can turn on a faucet and
water comes out. That’s not the experience of billions of people in the world.
Something as simple as that, all the way up to something even greater than
that, like gratitude for being on this podcast, it’s a very well known podcast
to be in proximity with you and your guests is incredible to me. I’m very
grateful for this. It’s things from the biggest to the smallest that you’re
grateful for.
There was a quote I heard from, I think it’s Pema
Chodron, a Buddhist monk. It was something to the effect of be grateful for
everything, even the ordinary, especially the ordinary. Internet access, lights
when you flip a switch, just things that you take for granted every day that I
take for granted every day. When you get into that mindset of gratitude, I’ve
never seen anybody able to keep space for gratitude along with worry, doubt and
fear, there’s just no space for both. If you are consistently expressing
gratitude to yourself, write it in your journal, whatever. In fact, I’ll give
you a little hack here. You talked about turn your– For 10 minutes sit on the
couch, the Calm app.
You can do the daily 10 minute meditation, and right
after it, you can log three pieces of gratitude right in that app. You can do
it all right there, one and done, you’ve meditated and you’ve expressed
gratitude for three things in your life. Those are the types of things that I
do to stay positive. I feel 2020 has been one of my best years, to be honest
with you. Knowing that there’s so much suffering and knowing that so many
people are struggling and being empathetic and helping where I can, of course,
but knowing the gap between where a lot of people are and where I am and how I
put myself there, a lot of luck of course, but I feel a lot of gratitude for
that. I think that’s the key to everything is just being grateful and thankful.
Aaron: That is a great piece of advice. When you’re focused on gratitude,
especially the ordinary, it’s so difficult to actually get stressed out about
the things that we have no control over, or that we don’t even know what’s true
or not, and to be able to prepare– Even running water. That’s something that
we learned while we were on the RV trip. I’ve never RV’d before. This was a big
jump that it was. I’ve got my wife and four kids. As trying to find something
positive, like, “Hey, we used to travel a lot. We used to do a lot of
things. We couldn’t fly. What can we do? Let’s go do this.”
Waking up to six inches of snow in Montana and all of
our plumbing lines are frozen over and there’s no water and there’s no
anything. We’re like, “Wow.” I remember the celebration we had when
the water pumps started working again, a day later and we had running water
again. It was an amazing, amazing thing. That is real, when you get to stay
grateful for those sort of things it does solve a lot of the distress. Doing
these morning routines and staying grateful.
Now, if somebody comes into Emerge and then I’m going
to let you just talk a lot about Emerge, and they say, “Hey, I’ve been a
real estate agent now for a couple of years, and I did 20 deals last year. Next
year I want to do 30 deals and I think I want to get into real estate
investing. How can you help me?”
What’s your answer to that person? What are you going to tell them when they
say, “I want to do more deals and I want to buy a business, or become an
investor. What do I do?
Jamie: You get around people that are doing things you’re doing more bigger.
That’s what we’re building with Emerge and Ascend. It’s two different things.
I’ll talk through it a little bit. Emerge, what it was built to be was to
accomplish three things. One was over a 12-week time frame, which is the time
of Emergence an online course. Over that 12 weeks, you’re going to get tools
and support on setting a specific goal that you can achieve in that 12 weeks,
and then hopefully achieving that goal by the end of the course.
It’s a transformation that we wanted to create for
folks, whatever that is selling more property, investing, paying off debt,
whatever it is that’s going to help you get down the path of being that whole
life millionaire that you seek to be. That’s what Emerge is built to do. One
transformation, two the second part is that we wanted to put people in contact
with others, be they in Emerge, or just the GoBundance tribe generally. Where
there are people doing incredible things at very high levels and giving
proximity to those folks.
In fact, the folks in Emerge when I asked them,
“Why do you do this? Why did you come into Emerge? What is it that’s
attractive to you? That’s the number one thing, proximity to GoBundance and
proximity to people that are doing things at my level, or have my mindset at
least for more and driving forward. That’s what I want with Emerge. We created
that. Part of what we’ve done with that is to get people really connected to
the brand and GoBundance is, we built part of Emerge around a book called Tribe
of Millionaires, which was written by the founders of GoBundance. Great
book if you haven’t read it. You get Emerge that comes with it, so there you
We really leaned into why community is powerful and
that book really outlines exactly why a mastermind is powerful. That’s the
second part of Emerge. Then lastly, what we are doing is, over that 12-week
period, achieve your goal or not, but if you’re engaged in driving forward to
Emerge, we want to do that, just get you into ascend. Ascend is essentially
GoBundance without the millionaire requirements, so you’re going to be in a
long-term mastermind, you’ll have accountability pods, true proximity to people
doing 40, 50, 60, 70 deals, as well as the ability to potentially partner with
GoBundance members, or get to know GoBundance members, or be in proximity with
GoBundance members.
You probably know a guy named Matt Aitchison. We
already had Matt Aitchison come on and do a Zoom call live, not as a webinar,
but a call with our Emerge members. He laid a ton of information out there.
Matt Aitchison, now one of the top teams when he was selling real estate in the
world at one point. That was one of the best investors in the world. So they
get proximity to him. That’s what Emerge is, a 12-week course. Once we get you
into a stand we can really dig deeper and hold your hair and hold you
accountable until eventually we hit that status where you can join GoBundance.
Aaron: That’s very cool. Matt is a good friend of mine and he has his own
mastermind where people pay lots of money to get on those calls with him. It
sounds like you’re actually going to take a lot of people that are going to run
their own masterminds and they’re going to join and get some guest Zoom calls
with you. Maybe some of them joins Ascend and Emerge, they’re going to end up
getting a piece of all of that. First you’ve got 12-week class. Someone takes
that. They get some coaching in there.
Aaron: That’s emerge. Then after that they decide, “Hey, I actually want
a mastermind. I want to be able to talk to other people. I want to be able to
bring some of these guys.” The first GoBundance event I went to I signed
up because I saw that Robert Kiyosaki had spoken at one year prior, I saw a
bunch of videos from him and this next year Rob was going to be there.
I did not want to go to this, we had mastermind. I
thought Tony Robbins. I thought jumping around the room. I thought this crazy
energy stuff and I was not about that but I wanted to go meet Rob I actually
had a business idea I wanted to pitch to him. I was like, “Hey, I’m not
going to go on Shark Tank so I’m going to this thing and I’m going to go
there.” I got to this event and the event was amazing. We had a bunch of
guest speakers. We learnt a whole bunch of things and I had this interaction
with everybody and they said, “Hey, do you want to join?” I said,
“No. I don’t want to join. This was good.
This is what I got.” I went back home and a month
later I started missing talking to the guys that were there. When I was there I
got to talk about, “Hey, I’m doing this with my business.” We had all
this feedback so I left there with so much homework. I was like, “Okay, I
going to do all these different things.” Then a couple of months I had
done most of those things and I was kind of like, “Now what?” I
remember reaching out to Mike McCarthy soon after that and I said, “Hey, I
actually do want to join.”
At first I was never going to join a mastermind
because I just needed to get jump starts now and then but the interaction with
the people was what really became life changing as we challenged ourselves to
do bigger and better and different things so the being around people that are
doing that. What you’re doing right now is really cool. We’re at the end of
2020 everyone is going to have New Years’ resolutions. Everybody cannot wait
until 2020 is over. Instead of telling myself 2021 is going to be the same I’m
going to celebrate New Year and I want to have my big list of things that I
want to accomplish in 2021 probably some of those things I was hoping to
accomplish in 2020 that had to pivot into something else.
Joining a group like this when you’re starting the
year, you’re getting ready to figure out what you’re going to do next year and
get going. I think it’s going to be really great. If somebody wants more info
they can use our Rockstar coupon and they get some code. What’s next? If
they’re like, “Hey, I don’t have a million-dollar net worth but I do want
to learn more about getting there and getting the next level.” How do they get into Ascend? How do they
get into Emerge?
Jamie: For Emerge go to gobudanceemerge.com. It’s all one word,
Aaron: We’ll put that link in the comments as well.
Jamie: Perfect. You can put a coupon code and your listeners will put
Rockstars. Put Rockstars with an S in there and you’ll get $100 off the tuition
I guess you could say at the cost of the course. gobudanceemerge.com we’ll get
you there and we would love to see you in there.
Aaron: Cool. Then what about Ascend?
The same thing?
Jamie: Emerge is underway. Ascend is going to be built and running by April
2021 but again right now let’s get into Emerge. Graduate from Emerge and then
you can get to Ascend.
Aaron: Perfect. As you hit 2021 it’s going to be ready in April so go sign up
for that 12-week course, finish this thing and be ready to go. Jamie I can’t
wait to get to hang out with you in person probably in January. We’re going to
be in Valley. We’ve got FamBundance, we’ve got GoBundance. We’ve got all sorts
of events going on there. Real Estate Rockstars listeners, I hope you guys like
I promise I am still committed to making sure our
podcasts are focused on being a successful real estate agent but as you guys
have heard over the last few months I’ve tried to bring in some extra things to
say, “Hey, you guys are going to be successful real estate agents. We’re
going to make sure that you go from one deal to 10 or 10 to 20 or 20 to 100.
We’re going to make sure we have the biggest and brightest real estate agents
on here but also when you guys start making a ton of money I don’t want you to
make the mistake that I did.
I made a ton of money between 2009 and 2013 and I lost
it all in 2013 because all I was doing was making money and spending and having
this awesome lifestyle and when my business changed a little bit I had nothing
to show for. I’m trying to make sure as you guys get really really successful
and you make a bunch of money I want you to have some side plans ready with it.
I want you to be able to invest in real estate investments or in business
investments or some of these other things.
Investing in yourself with a mastermind like this. If
you guys want to learn more about GoBundance reach out to me. I’d be happy to
help you guys join GoBundance and get more info on that just like so many of
the ladies that have joined recently that I’ve been talking to. If you want to
know more about GoBundance Emerge, gobudanceemerge.com. Go check it out.
Rockstars is your code and you’ll get to meet Jamie and talk to him some more.
Jamie thank you for coming along. Any
last stuff you want to tell everybody?
Jamie: No man. What you said is great. I’ve gotten to this space I’ve met so
many real estate. Actually on GoBundance there’s a lot of real estate agents
and people that have worked in the real estate business in GoBundance and it is
something to see how many are so knowledgeable and passionate about the
business of real estate without investing in it themselves. If it’s something
you’re interested in learning more about for sure, check us out. We won’t let
you down. the GoBundance brand is very strong and we can build something really
really special with Emerge.
Aaron: Awesome. Rockstar Nation, thank you for listening. If you enjoy this
one please share with a friend. As always we’re trying to change the world out
there. We’re the biggest real estate agent-focused podcast out there. If you
know other real estate agents be sure to tell them about us. Thanks for