- About Jas Takhar [1:11]
- Lockdowns continue in Toronto [3:46]
- Toronto’s limited real estate supply [5:18]
- The only real estate in Toronto that dipped in value [9:06]
- Jas’ team and their sales stats [12:06]
- Why Jas got into real estate [15:21]
- The best way to learn sales skills [16:31]
- Jas’ first year in real estate [19:32]
- What Jas wishes he did as a new real estate agent [22:25]
- The best way to learn the language of sales: immersion [24:00]
- The brilliance of Elon Musk [26:55]
- Why building a team is a lot like babysitting [28:55]
- Jas’ strategy for scaling sales with content [30:30]
- How to bring value to your database with 50 touches per year [35:00]
- Where to learn more about Jas [37:50]
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Aaron Amuchastegui 00:32
Real Estate Rockstars This is Aaron Amuchastegui. You guys really excited about this interview. We’ve already been chatting for a while offline. I’m super excited for what’s going to happen next. Today I’m interviewing Jas Takhar. So Jas is from Canada wait to hear some of this volume has done 1.2 billion in volume you know it during his real estate career. The he leads a team he I think he just says teams like 40 or 50, doing 600 to 700 transactions a year really doing some fun stuff. And right now we are starting to call he’s got like blueprints all over his room. He’s got all this different stuff going on for these condo releases. We’re gonna get into a lot of that jazz. How’s it going, man?
Jas Takhar 01:06
We’re just living the dream over here in Toronto, Canada. And thank you so much for having me. And kudos to you, man. And congratulations. I mean, at the time that at the time of this recording, I mean, there’s some people who obviously locked down lost their business, lost their livelihoods and lost lives man and and we need more positivity. And you’re putting that out there. So congratulations to you, I hope but anybody who’s listening, or watching right now does does themselves a favor by by by putting out more positivity, because that’s the virus that I like, and and share this podcast, share all of Aaron’s content, get the word out more, because you just don’t know who you’re gonna inspire. And I mean, I love the energy as you’re mentioning, we were talking off here for a couple of minutes. And then being both podcast hosts, I think we both realize like, Oh, we should just press record, let’s just get started. Because so much of so much of goodness comes in that introduction that we as as as content creators, we forget to press the record button.
Aaron Amuchastegui 02:08
So yeah, I’m glad you caught it, and you did it at the right time. Right? It’s like Finally we better we better we better start recording this before we go much farther. You know, that is you start off with that point of like sharing positivity, right? So why are we Why do people do what we do? And you know, for all you listeners that are real estate agents, or investors and all the different places, like why we do what we do is so important. And man and we’ve been saying it for a year now. So like fear is contagious, but so is hope. So is positively set the positivity so as leadership, so you need to choose what you’re going to bring out, especially as whatever leader you are inside your family inside your team, or if you’re leading one of your clients, like if you leave with positivity you lead with hope you lead with inspiration, and that is just as contagious. Honestly, that’s more contagious, because at least makes me at least excites the right part of me. So you’re up in Canada, I’m down in Austin, Texas. I in Toronto, you’re in Toronto. I think we’re probably like living in two totally different worlds right now. Like we were before. But what’s it like? Like? It’s April 2021. We’ve been doing this crazy life for like 13 months. What’s it like in Toronto right now?
Jas Takhar 03:17
Well, right now we just got back into our full our third full lockdown. So our leaders here ie the government and anybody who knows me, knows I don’t really go on like political rants. It’s not who I am. But they haven’t figured it out, right? Like we’ve been going in and out of lockdown three times now. And so from a real estate perspective, though, we’ve actually seen values increase more in the past year in 2020. And the start of 2021 than we’ve ever seen. I mean, last year, we ended up with 13 13.1% year over year increase in the first three months because you said you’re recording right now in April. So the full January, February, March stats, the first full quarter, we were up 23.1% compared to last year, at the same time, which is mind boggling because we haven’t had anyone coming into our city where where are like geographically speaking, we call it the Greater Toronto Area, which is essentially a 50 mile radius 7075 kilometer radius of 6.6 million people. We on average, get about 250,000 people year over year into this city, but none of that happened in 2020. Like I mean, we have like probably 15% of that happened in that first quarter of 2020. And so that is what we generally hang our hat on the fact that we have so many people coming into into the Greater Toronto Area. We have we’ve always had a limited supply just to give your listeners and viewers kind of the landscape of our city. We kind of know Live on a real estate Island very, very similar to Manhattan to the south of us, we have a lake. So we haven’t figured out what Dubai has, which is to build on the build on water. On the northern part of our city, though, we have what’s called a greenbelt legislation that came into effect about 1516 years ago, that restricts developers to build on it to preserve the land, which obviously is very important. But what it does, is that because builders can’t build on the northern part can’t build on the south of us, you see a lot of cranes in the sky right now. In fact, we’re probably number if we’re not number one, we’re number two to Singapore, in terms of new construction happening right across the world. And and so that’s why we see a lot of condos being built in, in Toronto, we’ve always had this supply issue, it’s actually going to get worse, in my opinion anyways, because once the border start to open up, you’re going to continuously see values increase, but I mean, the rate that they increase in this first quarter, and I mean, personally, as a realtor, in our friends and family, and a lot of our our network is like, Wow, you guys are probably making like millions upon like you’re printing money in your office. It’s like, wow, it’s not as easy as you think. Because yes, we have a lot of people looking interest rates are 1.5% to lock in for five years. never been seen before. But we have no inventory. So for every for every 10 buyers, I have 15 buyers I have I have one property to show them. Right. So that obviously makes it tough. I’ve been speaking to a lot of real estate agents right across North America, specifically through clubhouse recent of recent. And obviously the story’s the same, right across the continent. And and so it’s tough man. And I always talk about depth more than width in my business meaning I’m always, always focusing on how can I bring more value to the people I already have? Because they know people that know people. And so that’s kind of what keeps me up at night, man.
Aaron Amuchastegui 07:09
Yeah, 1.5% interest rates, the, we’ve been thinking I’ve been thinking a lot lately about, you know, just inflation, right, like, so I know, your government’s been printing money and giving it and you know, and passing it around like crazy, our government has been printing money and passing it around like crazy, which just tells me that like, regardless of whatever, there’s a natural inflation that happens, some people like Well, there’s gonna be huge inflation, maybe not, but it’s gonna but I think there’s gonna be more inflation than the natural inflation. And it’s always been more than one and a half percent in five years, or even like, so we were not that low here, but where people are getting three and a half percent. And so you go, inflation is going to out kick interest rates, no matter what. So it’s almost like getting paid to borrow money right now. So you’re saying like if you’re paying one and a half percent, but there’s going to be you know, 3%, inflation, something like that, that means you’re getting paid a 10% annualized interest rate in order to be able to borrow the money, pretty, pretty crazy stuff. So right now, so in other places, in the in most places in the US, real estate is booming, there are certain places people are leaving, they’re not booming, as much in, you know, in the heart of certain cities, although that is now coming back. We’ve seen a lot of news lately of New York City coming back of city of San Francisco coming back, you know, things like that. But where if you’re in an island where usually a bunch of people move there, and right now they’re not where is the vacancy? So because everyone’s like, hey, if I’m stuck in my house, I want a bigger house, or I want something better, is there a huge vacancy, like the really at the low level entry level stuff into lower
Jas Takhar 08:36
right now, specifically, the vacancy that we’re seeing is in downtown Toronto with condos? Why? Because people started to get fearful. And some of it warranted, obviously, right. Like with with with COVID? You know, at the start of it, I’m not sure if you heard a lot of it yourself, Aaron, but we were hearing things like, well, I don’t want to be even, I don’t want to touch the elevator button. I don’t, because we thought it would maybe this virus was passed, like on packaging. And so you know, bring home the vegetables and wash them all. And that has kind of gone away. I don’t hear that as much. And at the same time, obviously, anybody who’s worried about toilet paper for some reason, don’t I still don’t understand what happens going on there. And that happened. Look, I mean, definitely right across the continent, but so condos in downtown Toronto is is where we saw the only place actually in this Greater Toronto Area that I’ve been speaking about that actually saw a dip in value. So it actually dipped by 10% in the first three months of the lockdown, so march to, I’m going to say about August. Okay, so a little bit longer than three months, we saw a 10% decrease in values and condos as well as rents went down by 20%. We’re now it’s rebounded already, as you mentioned about the New York’s people are starting to come back. They understand that okay. At some point, this is gonna be over like I was watching something in Texas there that I mean, I think it was the Rangers, it was the Blue Jays playing the Rangers It was a full, if not like 80% capacity, maybe maybe it was a full stadium watching the baseball game. I mean, as we as Canadians see that we’re like, what the heck is going on here? Like, why? Why are we locked down this, in my opinion, again, in terms of the virus like I this is gonna be around forever, it’s gonna be like the flu. So at some point we got to get, we got to start opening up. Why is all that important in terms of real estate, because the guys and gals that went outside of the downtown core, the one negative we have here in Toronto is our transit as well as our traffic. So getting back into the city, which would normally be call it 50 miles, which would take approximately, you know, whatever it is about 45 minute drive with traffic, it’s an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes. And so because that’s because people have moved out, you’re now starting to see them come back because cars are starting to get back on the road, right, especially before the lockdown. And now what we’re seeing is his people starting to come back into the city fill those vacancies, rents have gone back up the values when I said in terms of prices was 10% down. Now we’re at about 5% down. So you’ve already seen the rebound.
Aaron Amuchastegui 11:27
Yeah. But it’s really interesting as we get to start to see stuff shifting around and people moving and you guys are in such a unique real estate thing there. So right now you so you did 636 transactions last year during 2020. Right and the end this year, you’re going to do seven and how big do you say your team was?
Jas Takhar 11:46
At 44? Real Estate Agents and 11 support staff. So a full team of 55.
Jas Takhar 11:52
When did you become an agent 16 years ago to be exact. Was that in Toronto?
Jas Takhar 11:58
Yeah, yeah, so I’m born and raised here in Toronto on the northern part of Toronto, and in an area called rexdale. Really a place that doesn’t have doesn’t ness like doesn’t have a lot of people to look up to if you know what I mean. Right. And luckily for myself, though, I had my parents both my parents are still alive, they’re together I tool two brothers. That kind of keep kept me insulated. And having two older brothers is always a healthy reminder that you’re closer to the bottom than you are to the top and even me being 39 now they still try to remind me of that. But um, yeah, born, born and raised in Toronto, or was a real estate agent here in Toronto.
Aaron Amuchastegui 12:34
Yeah, the older brother still still trying to push you around that that’s a natural cycle. My son has three older sisters. And I think that’s almost going to be the opposite because they like they like baby him and give him whatever you want. Or and or his mom, his his mom and I do to like my wife and I do to Real Estate Rockstars This is a commercial break from our biggest podcast sponsor we have right now rent ready, it can be fun getting a new real estate deal. But it can be tough managing your properties after the fact, especially if you’re long distance investing or trying to manage multiple properties by yourself. That’s why we’re here to tell you about rent ready, really is a property management software that not only makes it easier to manage all your real estate deals from one platform, but they also have the best customer service support in the biz. They’re an all in one app that lets you easily manage properties, collect rent, lists, units, screen tenants, sign leases, all from your phone or computer. Imagine all of your real estate doors right in your pocket. How awesome is that? The best part? It’s so affordable one flat price for everything, unlimited properties, tenants and support with a real life human and I have to add in there. That’s a new business model that not a lot of people are doing. There’s like this freemium model where people say hey, you can try this but as soon as you grow, it’s gonna cost you a lot of money, or they kind of punish you, when you get too many emails on your list or too many. They aren’t going to punish you and you grow they’re not going to charge you more. When you get 10 2030 rentals. They’re gonna charge you the same when you have two or three as they will when you have 50 or 60. Do you have a nice fixed costs? All software all in one place? Check it out rent ready? r e n t r e vi.com. And if that’s not enough, rent rate is giving our listeners a special code you can use to get a whole year rent ready for just $54 use code. RO ck sta r 50 that’s Rockstar 50 instead of for rent raise annual plan at rent ready calm again. ar e n t ar e di.com with code Rockstar 50 to get rent ready for only $54.
Aaron Amuchastegui 14:48
So you got your license the Why did you get in real estate?
Jas Takhar 14:52
Look, I’ve I’ve always been a sales guy, man. Probably my earliest memory would be like six or seven. Where I would always be the kid to put up my hand like, when the teacher asked who wants to help with the book fair who wants to go door to door and sell the Christmas ornaments. Not that even I, you know, my family was an East Indian descent, not that we celebrated really Christmas. But I really liked just people. So 12 started selling papers, the first time I got paid for something, I fell in love with that that whole transaction Actually, that’s what it was at that time. I’m a big believer. Now. It’s all about relationships. But at that time at 12am, I delivered papers and I get paid for it. Okay, this is cool. And I just got to knock on doors and Astra subscriptions. I like that. I caught on really early like, okay, I knocked on 10 doors. Seven people didn’t want me there or didn’t really talk to me well, but the three when I built some type of rapport, early on, I II spoke to spoke about their lawn spoke about their car on the driveway, I started to pick up on things that have very, very young age. And then I started selling shoes. Then I sold, I went to the bank and did mortgages and loans, then I got into car sales for three years. And that’s where I felt that’s where I found my first mentor outside of my house. You know, my dad being kind of number one and mom, but that’s why that’s where I had an owner who still to this day, him and his family owned 1011 car dealerships, but he took me under his wing, saw something in me took me under his wing. And I like Like, if you want to know sales to all the real estate people out there, you should just go do car sales for three, four or five months because it is one of the most interesting places to work because of the people that that work in a dealership but then also the customers you don’t have, like you don’t have the process of a real estate transaction could take months, when Carson’s you got to three days you better start building rapport really quickly. But the most important thing is follow up. Like you learn follow up to the tee like I didn’t have technology back then we used cue cards. And so I would call on my cue cards every single day. And just ask if somebody was ready to buy a car. And if you ran out of people to call, you knew you weren’t taking enough what they’re called ups like you weren’t taking enough people that are walking into the showroom, knew the need, you know, I was there for three years, probably, you know, coming to that two and a half year mark, I sold four cars to real estate agents and started to see like, you know, obviously doing their credit applications notice what they make, you know, for two of them English was probably like their fourth language. We’re very multicolored. One of our main, one of the main reasons people want to move to Toronto and Canada. We’re not the capital, we’re definitely the fight I think the financial heartbeat, but what we had is very, we’re very multicultural here. And so these guys, these two guys English was like their second language, but I’m like, holy crap, look what they’re making. You know what I mean? And so that’s when I started to say, I’m gonna go get my license. I always liked investing in real estate at a young age. Father being a taxi driver, mother being a factory worker, really, the only way that they made ends meet or definitely helped them was to rent out the basement apartment. And so I learned the thought process of investing in real estate. Everything matched up I said, I’m going to go get my license, I actually thought I was getting my license to learn how to invest in real estate I learned quickly that’s not what it was for. And that’s that’s where it started 16 years ago for me.
Aaron Amuchastegui 18:26
It’s awesome. So and then So how old were you when you got license? 23 I was 21 years you’d already done sales for a while you made some money selling real estate and that happens a lot there’s different times when the you know we I live a pretty big life with my family and I and the last year we haven’t really but it is funny when people go this there’s they see something and they go What do you cost what you do for a living? It’s either about whatever car you’re renting or the hotel you’re staying or the travel whatever they like to ask you what you’re doing for living inside. I can see that happening in the car place. You’re like Wait, what do you do? And they’re like, really like, okay, I want that. So how did you do your first year in real estate?
Jas Takhar 19:02
So my first year I probably did about five six deals, I probably did five six deals. Funny Thing Happened as as I had the mentor and car sales I got into I went to a big brand had no shot on any brands and who you work for. It was what I needed though was somebody to teach me the ropes like and but I didn’t have that on to where I went first. So for three months, I went to one of the bigger brands and like just amazing people there but the fit wasn’t right for me. I needed somebody to really really sit down with me and spend time with me. And after three months I was like I don’t know if I’m gonna do this man car sales. I was like 2221 19 kind of thing. And free cars. I was driving all nice cars. Gas was paid for insurance was paid for didn’t have any real bills. Now I’m in real estate. And the only training I got was from again, very nice guy but he’s old school. He handed me the phone book and said start calling He goes, do me a favor started in the middle in the AMS and the ends because people usually start at the A or the zeds. And they don’t get to the middle. So start in the middle, that was the training, I got on the phone,
Aaron Amuchastegui 20:12
take the phonebook, start in the middle,
Jas Takhar 20:14
start in the middle, that was my training. And, and it gave me a script, and I call but I was like, people are telling me to eff off and all this kind of stuff. And I can handle objection. And I’ve been in sales for a long time. But I’m like, I’m just not liking this. I go to a fight back, then I go to a fight, I go pick up some mail from my mail slot and a fax comes through. And it says free business development stem seminar for real estate agents. I go there I go check it out. And it’s a gentleman out of 100 people just, you know, serendipity call it what you want to call it, he ends up picking on picking on me throughout this one two hour seminar, I give him a call the next day and say, dude, like, I’d like all by your coaching plan. It’s the last 20 $500 I have left that I saved up. He’s like, screw your 20 $500 I’ll teach you, you’re gonna join my team. Like, it was a small brand. There’s like three people on it. He goes, but for two years, you’re gonna, you’re gonna do whatever I tell you. I was like, bro, I’ll clean your toilets. I’ll do whatever you asked me to do. And I’ll do it for free. I don’t care because I was living at home. Right? I was like, all I’ll do whatever you asked me to do. He took me under his wing. And for 13 years, two years after that happened three years after that happened, started to become a partner in the firm. Two years after that, I started I was like, literally one of the owners here. And he passed away three years ago. And now there’s, there’s there’s two, I have a co founder with me as well, a business partner, and we have 44 agents and 11 support staff.
Aaron Amuchastegui 21:46
Yeah. Looking back now. So now you’re doing just bazillions of transactions. What do you wish you would have known when you first started as an agent?
Jas Takhar 21:54
Look, I think I think I would have joined a team right away. I like that’s what I should have done. Because what I’ve come to learn now on the other side, and you know, right side, right side, right outside my office right now. And in my office, I have people who just listened to my calls. They they watch what I do. And so learning through osmosis, and is such a big part of my success, like Mike come up was that me learning from people, I wish I wish I did it right from the start, like even the three months that I spent with somebody else, that three months, I would have done more deals, I would have done more deals. And then like even when I started with the guy that that mentored me, it still took a year to just, you know, nine months to a year to just kind of get up and running. So the biggest advice I give to people who are starting out is don’t even screw around, like get on a team, get on a team, find somebody who’s doing this at a high level and get them their coffee. Because as you’re the person who’s getting the coffee, you’re gonna you’re gonna be part of the conversations they’re having bring value. When I say get them their coffee, what I’m really trying to say is like, do whatever needs to get done. Because I’ve seen the flip side of that as well now like there’s so many people around me that that just want to like hey, jobs can can can we get lunch? Hey guys, can we can we can we go get the stuff from the printer. What? Why? Because then they’re sitting here they’re listening to phone calls, they’re listening, they’re actually sitting in on meetings, they’re in it like the best way to learn a new language. If you wanted to learn how to speak Spanish, go to El Salvador. like not to throw a stone at Rosetta, you know what I’m saying. But like, it’s, it’s it’s one thing, it’s one thing to pick up something online, but it’s totally different other thing, because sales is a different language. And then to break that down real estate sales is a different language, you need to know the contract stuff. But you also need to know what to say when somebody’s sitting in front of you. And so the best way to do that is to immerse yourself. And when you’re starting out, unfortunately, our industry, our business could get very, very lonely, if you’re not doing it with other people. And I don’t and that doesn’t mean that you need to be with this team for the rest of your life. But build a strong foundation with this team in in the learning years. And for me, and from what I watch now, from the agents on my team and so many like the organization that I’m under has 1300 agents. So I get a lot of data. You know what I mean? I got my 44 agents under the umbrella of that 1300. And the ones that the ones that do what I’m saying for two years, like what I’m advising for a minimum of two years are the ones that you can see in their five year career and their 10 year career have done very, very well.
Aaron Amuchastegui 24:54
I love your analogy to language learning. Because it’s I think most people if you say hey The best way to learn a language is by immersion is how the Millett military teaches people how to speak a language before they go to another country. It’s like the immersion is the quickest way like yeah, you go live in Mexico for a month, and you have and you’re not speaking any English anymore, you will know how to speak Spanish by the time you leave, and to be able to apply that to whatever you want to get good at. So getting somebody coffee like carrying the briefcase I talked about I wish I could just carry you ons briefcase and fall around everywhere. Like it is here. The sort of things he says, I mean, it just
Jas Takhar 25:31
it just to add to that. I’ll just pick up because cuz you said that I know what your answer is gonna be. To my question anyways. But would you not pay Tip Get him coffee? Right? Maybe 50? Like, legit, legit.
Aaron Amuchastegui 25:47
Assistant. Yeah,
Jas Takhar 25:48
I probably would quit my business right now. And pay 100 grand to be Elance assistant for a year.
Yeah, like, you know, we’re
talking about
Jas Takhar 25:58
problem. Like, I don’t think he’s human. I think he I think he truly is an alien. That’s why he wants to go to Mars. Like he’s so brilliant. He’s he is the like the most the by far the smartest guy that has ever walked this face of the earth because the man built a built the built a car that you know, obviously the like Tesla and at the same time is taking us to Mars, not a different times he’s doing it at the same time like
Aaron Amuchastegui 26:26
he thinks he’s digging tunnels through.
Jas Takhar 26:29
And then this this new cut the boring company, digging tunnel like and to do all of this at the same time. Brilliant out paid the 100 grand to be his assistant. Why? Because what am I going to pick up on that, like I’m gonna, I’m gonna probably end up earning 1015 $20 million, just sitting with the guy, you know, and being in that connection. So I’m very passionate, very, and I think your listeners and viewers can tell I’m very passionate about immersion, because it truly is the fastest way to learn.
Aaron Amuchastegui 26:56
Yeah, find it. Yeah, it’s it’s a great example of, you know, a brilliance and fascinating people. And if you could pay to be next to them for a while, you’re gonna learn so much that’s going to be there even the opportunity cost what you’re doing along the way. So the let’s, let’s change a little bit. So that’s, that’s great advice for somebody starting at any point in their career. Right. And whether it’s real estate or anything else, I think it’s and I love the I love the analogy to immersion. I’ve never heard that. And I’m gonna apply that so many times as I try to teach people. How did you go from five or 10? Or 20? a year to 567 100 a year? Was there a transition point? Was there a big moment? Because there’s a lot of our listeners that are doing 20 or 30 transactions a year? How what what advice would you give them to get to like the whole next level?
Jas Takhar 27:43
Yeah, so so well, for me to get to the 600, that’s with all my agents as well, out of the 44 agents that we have, I’m gonna say 20 of them consistently do consistently do probably about 20 deals, the other 20 are probably flirting around six, seven deals or so. And then the rest is made up with what I do out of this room. Because I’m still a practicing broker. In fact, my business partner does handles the managing and the running of the the 44 agents, I handle our branding, our sales and our marketing for our core core clients. And so for somebody who’s listening, if you have like, I don’t think I don’t think you need to get to 600 deals with 44 agents I’d like that’s not necessarily the path you need to take. Because to do the 600 700, you need to get the way that I did it anyways, was to go recruit agents and bring them into your team, you need to build a great culture to use like you truly and I don’t mean this in a negative way. But you’re babysitting. And I don’t mean that in a negative way. But like, that’s what you’re you a lot of your job your day becomes that when you grow on a massive team. Now speaking about speaking to and speaking about the agents that are doing 20 deals, and they want to get to 100 you could definitely do that because I personally out of the 600 I write about 160 to 170 of those deals. So and I do that with I’m gonna say I have Luke, I have ro Laura Tyler. So there’s four that I do that with consistently every single year. And the way that I did that was from in a couple of different ways. A that the the fastest way to do it still gonna take time. It’s not gonna happen in three months or six months. And it’s taken me 16 years to be an overnight success, whatever that word means success, but his content, his branding, is now to start to become the authority in education, have your product or service and obviously we’re speaking specifically to real estate agents. So what do I advise I advise give away all your friends trade secrets, tell people how to sell your own their own home. So there’s a book and behind me here, okay, it’s absolutely free, there’s no cost for it, any of your viewers and listeners can get it, just put it in the link or something, my email or something like that, they can take this guide and just rewrite it for your state because our states are different. It’s a book called, that we wrote called real estate intelligence. Anyone here that’s listening, or watching hearing can have this, there’s no cost for it whatsoever. And like, literally, as an agent, guys use it, rewrite it, and use this as your business card. But it teaches people how to buy their own home, it teaches people how to sell their own home and invest on their own, because, and you can tell me your numbers, but in Canada, and you guys are probably 10 times whatever we are anyway. So in Canada, only 2% of the nation ever actually successfully sells their own home. So why not just teach the other 98% how to do it, because you know, they’re not gonna do it anyways. And so what does that what does that do? Well, then that makes you become the authority, and they’re gonna realize how much work it actually really, really takes to do the risk that’s involved. And and you’ll start to now pull people towards you, rather than always pushing marketing down their throat with not that the just solds and the just listed and the cold calling and the door knocking
Jas Takhar 31:24
doesn’t work because it does. But add on content creation, it was by far, to answer your question. What took me from doing X amount of deals to Y to what we’re doing now. It was content creation. So I try to produce 20 to 23 pieces of content a day, on all the platforms because the best, the best compliment I get is like, dude, I see you everywhere was better than not seeing me anywhere, right? So first job is getting someone’s awareness. And then making sure you have something good to say which, for my opinion, I like to educate people on the process. I don’t do a lot of call me now. Like, at the end of any of my videos, check it on Instagram or YouTube, whatever, my podcast, you very rarely will hear me say call now. Because just because I’m just putting out the information. I know people will do the digital deep dive on me and figure out what I really do. I also don’t think that you should all make it all real estate, your content, let people get to know you a little bit more. You can choose what to be to be private or not my my, my wife and my two kids very rare can use like, I don’t know, if you’ve ever seen my kids on social, we just made a decision. Not that we’re right or wrong. But that was our decision. We don’t want them out on social, we’re gonna let them decide if they want to do it. But again, you’re okay with that. But it gets out show your kid show your pet show you show the fact that you love the Dallas Cowboys, the only connections I made with people because I’m a Cowboys fan. And it’s cool, because even if they’re Eagle fans, and we hate them, but they they still get you caught that good job. Like, it’s okay. Like, like, we still get into conversations. And the coolest thing being a real estate agent is that everyone’s talking about I think it’s the most visited content on on the internet, you know, real estate porn one a one a one B kind of thing. And so content production was by far the biggest game changer. Number two was once I made the mindset switch to that I don’t want what I want depth, I’m a true believer that the average person knows 200 people. So if you know 200 people that know 200 people, your network now is 400. It’s 40,000 people, I need to get to 167 of them. That’s it, you know,
Jas Takhar 33:46
let’s just say I personally want to get to 200 deals. So I just break the numbers down. So I got 40,000 that are in my network. And I got to consistently put out content, and then just follow up. So I do 50 touches a year with anybody in my in my, what I call as rec Insider, my database, my CRM. And if anybody is listening or watching right now it doesn’t have a CRM, not to take any listeners or viewers away from Aaron, you should stop this podcast and go get yourself a CRM because what are you doing in this business without a CRM, you need some type of software to house this, but my list now is 9000 and look over to my whiteboard here. 9280 people, I spend all my efforts when I’m not producing content like this, I spend all my efforts on how am I going to bring value to those 9280 people that are going to introduce me to their friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. So depth more than width, meaning 50 touches every single year. Somebody who’s watching or listening. I was like, dude, that’s like, what the heck, that’s crazy. Look, you could do the cheap way to send four emails. quick math tells me that’s 48 touches. That’s not what I’m talking about. But I’ll let you get away with half of it. Sent Two emails a month. That’s, that’s that that’s 24 touches. What if you call them three times? Well, now you’re at 27 touches. What if you did some webinars for them educational webinars where you brought on to the mortgage advisor, or the real estate lawyer. And that’s the easy stuff. But if you brought on like a quantum, it’s like, if you wanted to go down the investment route with which I’m on an investment focus real estate agent, like, my, my agents on my team will take care of like, my, my 9280. If somebody wants to list their house, or go look for a home, my agents will handle that part. I handle all the investment stuff. So as an investment, focus, realtor, the content that you can go out with and stay in touch with your client on is endless. There’s always reports coming out, give your commentary, give your opinion on it, you’ll be surprised how quickly you can get to 50 touches add on to massive parties a year and obviously, you know, during lockdown, you gotta you got to pivot. But we’ve always consistently thrown a massive party at the end of the year, which was like, tied to a charity, we just decided to do that you don’t have to. But the other one is like a barbecue or summer kind of get together. You can get 250 touches really quickly. As you continuously see people and talk with them. Everyone on everyone’s mind is what’s happening on the real estate market. What’s your thoughts on it? We get it so much, and everyone who will get it as well that we even now say not today, Aaron, like we’re at a party. You know, let’s talk about this on Monday, you know, and then and then I’m going to look over the row and say row, remember Aaron, like I got to call him on Monday, you know, like you got to follow up afterwards. So content creation, and and and 50 touches a year
Aaron Amuchastegui 36:51
here and so many great ideas for that. 50 touches here. I even like it when you’re when you’re out and they say tell us about real estate ego Not today. Today. We’re having fun. We’ll call you Monday we can talk real estate, jazz. This has been awesome, dude. I mean, I could talk with you for another hour we had I had so many questions we didn’t even get to get to today. But as we run out of time, I want people to be able to find you. So I’m sure I’m going to be able to find you on social we’re gonna be able to chat on there. What’s the best way for people to find you? What’s your podcast? How can they follow up?
Jas Takhar 37:17
I really appreciate that man. I hope I brought some value to the conversation today for your viewers and listeners. I’m a very, very passionate guy your listeners can’t see but I’m a very I’m a good looking indian guy as well. But the viewers I’m sure will comment on that or YouTube you’ll be able to see. Go go go to Aaron’s YouTube page. My podcast is quite simple. The name is jazz Takhar podcast, easiest way to connect with me to see if you kind of like what I’m talking about and doing is just check me out on my YouTube page. Same name jazz Takhar, and then you’ll figure it out from there and do more of a digital deep dive. If, if you like or and or, like what you hear or see.
Aaron Amuchastegui 37:56
Yeah, awesome, man, we’ll be and we will put that those links in the shownotes jazz It was really cool getting to meet you I’m gonna have you on again, we’re gonna have to get some real estate news to get to talk about do some of our state of the market chats together just because the I could see us chatting for a while. Thanks for coming on today. I hope that you get to your next few months and the rest of your you finished strong and Real Estate Rockstars Thanks for listening.