1187: Finding Your Passion and Purpose With Realtor Jesse Johnston

October 30, 2023

Staying positive and productive is so much easier when you know your purpose. Today’s guest, Jesse Johnston, found his purpose while working on his passion—people. Listen and learn how to find the right fits for your team, how to motivate them, and how to turn them into leaders. Jesse also shares several tips and tools for running a real estate team, including a people-first system for scaling business.

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • Who this episode is for [1:16]
  • Jesse Johnston’s real estate journey [1:53]
  • What it takes to be significant [3:59]
  • How to create real estate leaders [4:47]
  • Ways to motivate team members [7:06]
  • How to identify what drives your real estate team [7:57]
  • Finding the right fit for your real estate organization [10:58]
  • Learning by doing [11:33]
  • Defining what matters most to you and your Realtors [12:52]
  • Deepening relationships with your Realtors [17:33]
  • How to scale without losing sight of your team members [21:29]
  • Rewarding employees for what they do right [23:12]
  • A hack for people who use Google Meets [24:54]
  • A way to stop worrying what your team is doing [27:40]
  • Where to start with systems based around people [28:58]
  • How to surround yourself with the right people [32:08]
  • Determining who you really serve and how [35:20]
  • Winning market share in a tough market [38:38]
  • Ideas on ways to quickly identify new real estate business [41:57]
  • Where to find and follow Jesse Johnston [43:40]

Jesse Johnston

Jesse Johnson is happily raising his two wonderful daughters in downtown West Chester, PA. His greatest achievement is that his daughters, 15 and 12, have coined
him “Rad Dad” and still enjoy spending time with him. He is a huge music enthusiast and has been lucky to share some memorable concert experiences with his daughters.

Jesse is a respected real estate industry veteran with over two decades of experience, marked by exceptional achievements solidifying his standing in the industry. Jesse’s
impressive career began in the mortgage industry while he was attending West Chester University, which provided important experience for his well-rounded career. Jesse later jumped at the opportunity to launch his real estate sales career at Keller Williams. He was recognized as a top-producing solo agent, a testament to Jesse’s skills and
dedication to his clients and the industry. Jesse shifted from being an accomplished solo agent to building the top team in his area, focusing his commitment to growth and
excellence. This journey led to the creation of The How Group, a successful boutique brokerage that quickly gained attention. Under Jesse’s leadership, The How Group
achieved an extraordinary feat, growing from $30 million in sales to over $100 million in just a few years.

Jesse’s true passion lies in fostering profound connections. He uses his wealth of experience to guide businesses in attracting the best talent and creating strong teams.
Jesse Johnston is dedicated to helping leaders build deeper connections with their teams and shares his own leadership insights as a business consultant, coach, and

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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