Learn the magic question that lands listing appointments 9 times out of 10! Colton Lindsay, one of Utah’s top listing agents, joins us today to discuss the strategies that have helped him sell millions of dollars’ worth of real estate year after year. He shares exactly how he and his agents get in the door with sellers by asking one simple question before jumping into what it takes to win them over. Colton also explores a few of the ways buyer’s agents can get buyers on their side in order to put more offers on the table. If you want to learn sales strategies proven to put more commission dollars in your pocket, don’t miss this episode of Real Estate Rockstars! Continue reading

Make the most of each and every lead with Adam Merrick’s tips for maximizing ROI on lead generation! During this podcast interview, Adam explains the marketing methods he used to build a trusted real estate brand before taking a deep dive with Pat on the strategies that help his agents convert real estate leads at an incredible rate.

Pay attention as Adam shares some of his team’s most powerful lead-conversion practices. Instead of giving up on leads that go cold, for instance, Adam transfers them between agents. Plus, hear how to bring stubborn sellers’ listing prices down with one of Adam’s best price-reduction scripts on today’s episode of Real Estate Rockstars! Continue reading