Adam Roach founded and created the first and only lead generation/communication system specifically for Keller Williams’ Team Leaders, called recruiting | bridge. Adam is a well-liked team leader with extensive real-life experience in the real estate industry. Team members have come to rely on his steady guidance and creative approach to team-building through his exceptional consulting abilities. He is a husband to a beautiful wife, father to two incredible kids, and a passive income/wealth building junkie!

Join us as Adam shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming a well equipped leader in the real estate industry.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Anyone can do anything for any amount of time!” – Adam Roach Click To Tweet
  • “Do what you have always done and you’ll get what you have always gotten!”  – Adam Roach Click To Tweet

Adam’s Tool


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to hire people and how to point them in the right direction
  • How to hire and retain the perfect people
  • How to keep real estate agents busy
  • How to get leads from your database
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Adam

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Adam and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Adam

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Ed Laine is the Wall Street Journal’s #1 Washington Broker for 2011-13 (and #66 nationally). He has been helping both buyers and sellers accomplish their goals since 1987 and has closed over 5000 transactions over that period. With over 20 years of experience and some of the industry’s most innovative sales systems, Ed is one of the few listing brokers that has directly represented Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD and also the VA, which gives buyers the opportunity to find properties before they hit the MLS or the internet.

Join us as Ed shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming a high ranking real estate expert.

Quotes to Live By

  • “If I have to do anything twice, I want to have a system for it!” – Ed Laine  Click to Tweet
  • “You have to go through failure, to get to success!” – Ed Laine  Click to Tweet

Ed’s Book

Ed’s Tool

  • V4Software: The COMPLETE Real Estate Business Management Platform


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Using virtual assistants from My Out Desk
  • The different revenue pillars
  • How to take a company public
  • The 10 pillars for real estate success
  • How to generate more leads than the competition
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Ed

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Ed and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Ed

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Connie Erickson specializes in providing the services that are important to her clients. As a top Door County Realtor since 1984, Connie has the experience and track record to ensure her clients’ goals are attained by skillfully negotiating through transactions and delivering “Results with Integrity” and “The Best in Personal Service.”

Join us as Connie shares her realtor mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by providing personal and professional service to a wide range of clientele.

Quotes to Live By

  • “It took me 25 months to make 8,000 dollars!” – Connie Erickson  Click to Tweet
  • “There are only a few things that feel as good the last time as the felt the first time!” – Connie Erickson  Click to Tweet

Connie’s Book


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to sell 75% of your listings
  • How to know your stats
  • How to price a property correctly so that it will sell
  • The will to out hustle everybody
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Connie

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Connie and thank her for her rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Connie

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Recognized as motivational public speakers and business coaches, Rock Thomas and Mark Yegge both rose to the top to become self-made millionaires, owning several successful businesses. Rock has impacted the lives of thousands through his energetic teachings, his personal development and training company Rock Thomas International which offers customized keynote speeches, one-on-one coaching and motivational seminars, he is fulfilling his dream of facilitating others to succeed where they never thought possible. Mark, on the other hand, is an Investor, Speaker, Author, Coach and an award-winning trainer with the Dale Carnegie organization. He helps others overcome the fear of public speaking and helps transform people of all levels into confident, engaging speakers. He is also a business coach helping catapult businesses/people to more success.

Join us as Mark and Rock share their realtor mindset and a glance at their journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstars by becoming recognized business leaders and millionaires.

Quotes to Live By

  • “You have to have a sailing plan before you leave the port!” – Mark Yegge  Click to Tweet
  • “Everything happens and everything is an asset!” – Rock Thomas  Click to Tweet
  • “When emotions go up, intelligence go down!” – Mark Yegge  Click to Tweet
  • “Tell me what you do before 8am and I can predict your financial future!” – Rock Thomas  Click to Tweet

Their Tools

  • GoBundance: GRAB LIFE BIG! The Tribe for Healthy, Wealthy, Generous Men who choose to lead epic lives! 
  • March to A $Million: Join us on a peer journey to success!
  • GoBundance for Women
    • Click Here to email Mark Yegge


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to deploy your money with a plan!!
  • Learning how to become a millionaire
  • Why most people shoot for average
  • Thinking in order to become a millionaire
  • How to learn the principles of success
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Mark & Rock

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Mark and Rock and thank them for their rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Mark and Rock

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Tori Toth is an award winning stager who opened her NYC based home staging company, Stylish Stagers in 2009. She creates weekly how-to videos on YouTube that has been watched nearly 250,000 times. Tori is a creative, high-energy multi-tasker that works well under pressure and have an eye for detail and design. She is also the author of Feel At Home a new home staging book released on 8/4/15 and created a new online video course called The Stage 2 Sell Strategy to help sellers prepare their own homes for sale. Tori committed herself to Creating An Image That Sells.

Join us as Tori shares her realtor mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by making home staging a real estate standard.

Quotes to Live By

  • “In most cases, a home is a person’s most important asset!” – Tori Toth  Click to Tweet

Tori’s Book

Tori’s Online Home Staging Course


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to sell your home 78% faster using this system
  • The 10 ways to make buyers feel at home
  • How to declutter your house before you sell it
  • Learning about the triangular effect for staging
  • How to showcase an inspiring lifestyle!
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Tori

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Tori and thank her for her rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Tori

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Dave Sanderson is the Managing Partner of his firm, Dave Sanderson Speaks Enterprises based out of Charlotte, NC. On January 15, 2009, Dave was the last person off the plane that crashed into the Hudson River, best known as “The Miracle on the Hudson” and was largely responsible for making sure so many others made it out safely. Dave conducts workshops and is currently working on his next book to be released titled “Moments Matter”, in which he discusses how by employing 12 key resources was a main factor that turned a potential tragedy into the “Miracle on the Hudson” and how does one take a potentially tragic experience and turn it into an opportunity to grow and contribute.

Join us as Dave shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming a survivor and an inspiring hero.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Resourceful people find out that their is 4-5 ways to get things done!” – Dave Sanderson  Click to Tweet
  • “What can you learn from this?” – Dave Sanderson  Click to Tweet
  • “Love is spelled TIME!” – Pat Hiban  Click to Tweet
  • “What can you learn from this?” – Dave Sanderson  Click to Tweet
  • “Are you working for yourself yet?” – Tony Robbins  Click to Tweet

Dave’s Books

Dave’s Webinar

Email Dave



  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to build report rapidly!
  • A strategy for crisis and business!
  • What the best leaders do to break people out of a “locked” state.
  • How to be a top sales producer in many different industries
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Dave

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Dave and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Dave

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Chandler Crouch got his start in 2002 as an investor, and is now a broker with a team of 10. Chandler has experienced success in a few niche’s and adapted with the changing markets from creating a systematic process to find good deals for investors, to listing HUD homes, to leading a team of agents in the Keller Southlake luxury home market. He loves hunting, learning, adventure sports, and trying culturally diverse foods.

Join us as Chandler shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming a recognized real estate expert.

Quotes To Live By

  • “There is really little return on a website unless you go all in!” – Chandler Crouch  Click to Tweet
  • “Don’t fall in love with anything that doesn’t love you back!” – Pat Hiban Click to Tweet

Chandler’s Readings

Chandler’s Tools

  • Ring Central: The all-inclusive cloud phone system for real estate professionals
  • CamScanner: Turn your phone into a scanner

Seller Role Playing


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Knowing EXACTlY how much money comes in and goes out.
  • How to make your money work for you?
  • Focusing on areas where you are an expert.
  • How to not lose sight of the money making activities
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Chandler

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Chandler and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Chandler

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Jim Sheils was born and raised in northern New Jersey. He is the co-founder of Board Meetings International, a company that specializes in parent/child retreats for entrepreneurs and their children where it uses a combination of experiential education and fun activities like surfing and other oceanfront adventures to teach vital life lessons not taught in school. Jim’s book “The Family Board Meeting” was ranked the #1 Parenting kindle book on Amazon upon it’s release last month. He and his business partner have been best friends since pre-school and run a multi-million dollar business venture together that has done over 1,000 Real Estate deals.

Join us as Jim shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by helping entrepreneurs strengthen their parent-child relationships while having a lot of fun!

Quotes To Live By

  • “The banks are still the most motivated sellers” – Jim Sheils  Click to Tweet

Jim’s Book

Jim’s Tools


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to set out and make a decision!!
  • How to Buy single family foreclosures
  • The  recipe for success
  • How to find investment properties
  • How to build your business purely on relationships
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Jim

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Jim and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Jim

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

David Orso is a classic local boy turned realtor. He started buying rental properties in 2001 and found a true passion for residential real estate.  David has managed well over one thousand residential transactions and volume greater than $500 million. He made the transition to being an agent in 2010 and since then have published a book (Step Inside, The Unfiltered Truth about Listing and Selling your Home) and sold close to $150 million.  David, his wife and three children currently reside in Arnold, Maryland and participate in several charity walk-a-thons every year.

Join us as David shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming a top residential real estate expert!

Quotes To Live By

  • “Know what you want people to do before you hire them!” – David Orso  Click to Tweet

Dave’s Book


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to you affirm your brand on a daily basis
  • Providing your database with daily real estate updates
  • How much money do you save every month?
  • What you’re attracting in your business
  • How to STOP wasting your leads!
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with David

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with David and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank David

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Nick Waldner is a lifelong resident of Maryland who grew up in beautiful Carroll County. An entrepreneur at heart, Nick has earned his Broker’s License which only about 5% of agents ever achieve! He has now built one of the Top Teams in the area and industry. Nick enjoys being the Host of the hit reality TV series Waterfront House Hunting on the FYI network. An avid globetrotter, Nick has spent time climbing the highest mountains, surfing, rafting and scuba diving, yet he says his favorite time spent away is in the Great Outdoors camping and hiking or traveling with family.

Join us as Nick shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming an expert in Luxury real estate!

Quotes To Live By

  • “What we do today isn’t going to show up until 6 months from now.” – Nick Waldner  Click to Tweet
  • “We might do 100 homes but we are building a process to do 500.” – Nick Waldner Click to Tweet
  • “Talented people succeed with or without you!” – Nick Waldner Click to Tweet

Nick’s Book

Nick’s Website


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The Waterfront House Hunting on FYI
  • Doing script practice every single day
  • Constantly working to improve your skills!
  • Understanding your clients
  • How to put in the time to become an expert?
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Nick

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Nick and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Nick

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!