- About Carrot [2:30]
- The perfect storm for real estate searches [3:44]
- What agents need to stand out in 2021 [5:54]
- The easiest way to build instant credibility online [9:57]
- What you need on your real estate website [13:09]
- How to get the best real estate testimonials [15:30]
- 2020’s real estate search trends [21:23]
- A consideration for agents in the midst of a business boom [25:45]
- Why real estate investors are turning to vacant land and mobile homes [28:38]
- 2021’s agent-investor hybrid [31:00]
- Abandoned investor leads: A new lead source for agents [33:44]
- A wave of hotel foreclosures hitting the market [38:09]
- What investors should track now for future opportunities [43:25]
- Rental assets appreciate rapidly in 2020 [47:54]
- COVID-19’s impact on real estate searches and conversions [52:57]
- Why NOT to kill low-performing ad campaigns [1:03:09]
- What’s happening with foreclosures in Texas right now [1:06:44]
- Trevor’s advice for agents right now: identify weaknesses [1:11:24]
- Plus so much more.
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- Grow Your Real Estate Profits with Our Agent Success Toolbox
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- Enroll in Pat Hiban’s 6 Weeks to 7 Figures Course
- Trevor Mauch – Life in Entrepreneurship, Community Building and Hacking Life
- Carrot
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Aaron Amuchastegui
This is Aaron Amuchastegui, host of The Real Estate Rockstars Podcast. And today, I am talking with my good friend, Trevor Mauch.
Trevor Mauch
I’m pumped to be back here, and there’s all kinds of cool stuff we’re gonna be digging into today. I think you’ll love it.
You and I were messaging back and forth on Instagram. If you guys are not following Aaron on it, go do it right now. He’s posting all kinds of cool stuff around foreclosures. Man, I’d love for you to share some foreclosure data, like what you’re seeing in the market because you’re right there in the ground floor. And then we’ve got some things in the online marketing side of it, where I’m pulling up my data set right now. It’s almost 500,000 leads our clients have generated this year. We’ll just dive into the data and see where it takes us so people can be well prepped for the next year.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, we want to talk about what we saw this year with foreclosures and data. And then maybe just some extra things. You know, we’ll talk about Airbnb, we’ll talk about hotels, where some opportunities will be. Both Trevor and I look heavily at the data in the real estate market and where the opportunities are. We are the nerdy number cruncher guys behind the scenes trying to figure out what’s out there. Trevor’s company Carrot builds software for real estate investors and real estate agents to have these high performing landing pages on Google, where somebody says, sell my house fast in Austin. And if you look at it, the top five pages you’re gonna find are going to be Carrot customers.
Trevor Mauch
Dude, that’s the kind of thing that I’ve been talking about a lot. How to move towards evergreen marketing – marketing that you create really good content one time, and it continues to work for you for years and years, usually through Google search.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, one of the gals that I interviewed a couple months ago had actually been on the podcast two years prior or the year prior. And the day that I interviewed her, she said it was so funny: she had just gotten a new client from the podcast she was on a year ago. So yeah, it’s like a podcast is an example of evergreen. There’s something that we do today that’s around forever. That turns into something. So, podcasts are one way. But the most common thing people think about is Google and how that grows over time, right?
Trevor Mauch
Yeah, it does. It grows over time. And also, there’s a big dynamic that’s happening right now. I was looking at the stats from Realtor.com the other day, and they’re saying over the past four years, organic searches in Google, for real estate related searches, has gone up 253%. And so not only do you have this COVID environment where it’s driven a lot more people online to find the solutions. Or maybe they’re not out there able to network or talk to someone physically. So, it’s spiking people to to go online. And then number two, you’ve got just the natural evolution of more and more people adopting the cell phone for researching everything. So, we’re kind of at this perfect storm right now where a lot of people are hitting the web to look for answers to their real estate questions.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, we only had a couple of months in 2020 that was normal. And now, who knows what that even means. But it used to be that people would go interview three or four agents and say, “Give me your presentation, and I will choose who gets my listing or give me your presentation, and I’ll see who’s going to represent me.” But something that we’ve seen, you know, post COVID is people aren’t doing that. They’re doing a search, and they’re calling agents and saying, I want you to have my listing. Now part of that is they don’t want people to meet inside their house, they don’t want to go back and forth, they don’t want to meet with five different people. They want to make sure they’re making the decision quicker, and they’re making it the first time on the phone when agents are getting to that pitch. It’s less of a competitive environment. And so agents that have really good web presence have been succeeding. The agents that were doing great good before, did great this year; they had like three times normal volume. Now the agents that were just getting going but didn’t have as much of the online presence have struggled. Some of them have had no deals this year. I don’t know if you have any data around that, or if you’ve seen something similar? Do you think people are just are they quicker to act? What do you know about that?
Trevor Mauch
Dude, there’s a couple dynamics going on. First of all, like you were talking at the very beginning, there’s the iBuyers that really came in the market a couple years ago. And then with COVID, they’ve kind of been coming in and coming out. And they’re not really solid right now. And then everybody knows six or seven agents: the agent on the on the bus bench, everyone has an aunt Sally who is an agent or whatever. The iBuyer industry is actually making direct house buying more mainstream. And so what we have found, Aaron, let’s say coming in 2020. Usually, if you’re a real estate investor, and you’re going after the types of leads that are that usually show up on the lists, you know, it’s the standard list that a bunch of real estate investors would be pulling. It’s your vacant house, it’s the properties that multiple different things to show that there might be motivation to sell. Like if there’s a tax code violation, and it’s a vacant house. A bunch of direct mail is going to go to those because all the investors are pulling the same lists. Those ones there have have always traditionally looked at several offers.
Other sellers have looked at several offers. If they have things that are characteristics to the property that show up on list, that’s a multiple offer environment for sure. But what we found is when there’s the organic side of it, when the person is actively seeking out a solution, they tend to weigh fewer options, because they’re going and chasing down the research to determine what they’re wanting to do. And that’s when the website and content is very important. This is where a lot of agents and investors need to stand out more in 2021.
But my question for agents and investors is this: What’s helping you differentiate from the other investor or the other agent? You know, is it if you’re an agent with a fancy MLS search? Every other agent has that, right? We’re in a tougher environment right now. We’re in a more competitive environment where people are comparing and contrasting and looking at different offers and different options. How are you actually standing out when consumers are doing that online research? Show your expertise to show your credibility, to show that you’ve worked a lot of people and to show that you’re an authority in the type of property or type of thing that you’re doing.
And so that’s where we see people not comparing and not really weighing multiple options: when they’re working with someone they know or when they find an agent or an investor was insanely solid credibility profile online.
Aaron Amuchastegui
That makes a lot of sense. So first, you have the battle of the search on Google, you know: “best agent in Austin, Texas,” “best agent in Roseburg,” or “sell my house fast in Portland, Oregon.” The first step is to get in the top five, right? And when they see you on Google, they click on it. But that’s only half the battle. Being number one, number two, and number three in Google only means you get more eyeballs. But what Trevor saying is they’re doing the online interview and then maybe they’re researching the name, or they’re checking the sites for credibility. What can agents do or what have agents done and investors done this year to build that credibility? What’s like, what’s the top two or three things they should put on their site?
Trevor Mauch
Dude, I think one of the biggest things take your reviews and, number one, have a process where you get a really consistent reviews from your clients, okay? That is something where, especially in the environment where you are used to working your warm network or you are out there pounding the pavement, you’re physically in the area where you were pre-COVID, that was really easy to go to all the events and meet people and do all that stuff, sit across the coffee shop from someone and like, actually talk with them, that it’s harder today, right? So what we must do is we need to embrace video. It’s not new, like embracing video is not a new concept.
However, I think many agents and investors have avoided that because they could physically get in front of people at the local rotary, or the coffee shop, or whatever it is. That is why I would encourage you all to take out your phone and more consistently put video up online, on your website, on social media, and just starting to build that connection with people because if someone can build a connection with you, before they ever actually reach out to you, you’re already ahead of the game. So number two, now take those reviews start to populate them on your website. Many agents kind of use Zillow or Facebook as their content hub. We should start seeing your content hubs move to your websites because that is where people are going to really engage the most.
Aaron Amuchastegui
So would you recommend that people still get them on Zillow, or is it just as soon as somebody puts it on Zillow, you are copy and paste it onto your site?
Trevor Mauch
Yeah, because we are going we’re really going into an even more amplified credibility phase. Your website should not be a website anymore. I especially think agents, but investors too, will look at their website and just check the boxes. I have got the thing, you know; it shows who I am. In addition, it’s got a form to submit and there’s properties there. That is great. However, we must now pull back and say this is my hub. Like Facebook’s not my hub, Instagram’s not my hub, Zillow is not my hub. This is my hub. And I control the whole conversation. I have my content. I make videos on my testimonials. Anytime you get good reviews on Facebook, bring those puppies over to your website, put them in your testimonials or reviews page, find the best ones and put them up on the sidebar, or in the middle of your homepage, or whatever it is, but consistently curate your best reviews from wherever they are getting submitted and bring them towards that website or that authority hub.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, we have seen that on social media. You know, there’s several people that are crushing social media from doing so many videos, from picking it up and sharing. Something that you said reminded me of when I did my last two home sales in Austin. So, I bought a new house and sold my old house. The agent is great and is my friend, but still on the day of closing, he sends over this personalized video; he takes a minute or two records a video. “Hey, how’s it going? Congratulations, on the new house.” In addition, it makes it simple to show how quickly and easily you can record a video and send it to somebody. That could even be a good opportunity for agents, right when they are sending that thank you email, to ask, “If you wouldn’t mind, send me a review here here.” I mean, I think that there’s just a conversation in that system, you know, does one work better than the other?
Trevor Mauch
As far as the video review versus like a text review? Yeah, well, my default is always this: always go for the best. So, the video review is gonna be the best because you can repurpose that into multiple ways. But Aaron, here’s the thing I would love for people to think about the most as you are heading into 2021: do not think about the testimonial as in once again, I got the checkbox, I get the testimonial. I do not ask for testimonials. Okay, one thing that I tell people is, is whenever people struggle getting testimonials, or reviews, or they are embarrassed to ask someone for it, it’s because you are asking for a testimonial review.
I will tell you guys how to ask for better testimonials without asking, and you are going to get the best ones ever. You take those and can record them because now then you have got the video, which is the most believable possible way to get a testimonial. In addition, then you can translate that to text or whatever you are wanting to use elsewhere. So here’s what I would suggest for agents and investors doing and if you guys do this, on your closings, if you do it on all of them, you are gonna be so far ahead of the game in 2021 with your credibility. You say, “Hey, I was so pumped to be able to work with you on this transaction. I know there were a couple of bumpy spots on it. However, I am excited to where at the end of it.” In addition, I would ask for feedback now and say, “Hey, can I record a testimonial, right?” Here’s the reason why I never ask for testimonials. As soon as you do, nine and a half or 9.9 out of 10 of those people are asking for a testimonial or not on video every day. They are uncomfortable recording videos of themselves and uploading them to websites like Facebook.
So what do they do they put their testimonial face on, and then they go “Okay, I guess I will do it.” In addition, almost everything that they tell you in that testimonial is gonna be generic, it is not going to come from the heart. They are gonna say what they think you want to hear. In addition, it is gonna be like, “Hey, it was great working with Aaron. He served us well.” That is what most people’s testimonials look like. However, it’s not the best stuff. Now, here’s what I would do. I would say, right, you know, it was a pleasure working with you. Mind if I get some feedback? We are always looking at improving the way that we serve our clients. They are always going to say yes to that. Okay, half the people might say no to a testimonial, but they are always going to say yes to give you feedback.
In addition, I would ask: “Was there anything about the service that surprised you?” Oftentimes, they will say, “You know, I was pleased with how fast this sold, or I really didn’t think it was gonna sell for as much as it did,” or whatever it was, and you can continue to ask questions there. In addition, then ask the questions of about the journey. How did they hear about you? Why did they choose you? Is there anything that they were hesitant of, in choosing to work with you, that they overcame? In addition, so I would ask, “How’d you find out about us?” Again, they are gonna tell you, and then I would say, “I am sure you have found I am sure you looked at multiple options and offers, you know, other options before working with us? I am just kind of curious. What was it that tipped it over the edge to it to work with us?” They will tell you, okay, and you write some stuff down. At the end, say, “I have got some notes here. There’s many people that are weighing the same option that you weighed on who to work with. In addition, if they had the same information, it would be helpful for them to have an amazing experience and we want to help more people here locally, so they’re not working with providers that are not doing a good job. Would you be comfortable if we recorded kind of what you said on a short video, and then we can share that with other people that are looking to weigh that option?”
Almost all of them are going say yes now because its not testimonial face. It’s straight up. And here’s the thing, Aaron you coached them through what to say, so they know what to say. Now you know exactly what they are gonna say cuz they said it all, and you can coach them on that. You are going to get the best testimonials. And you never have to ask for another testimonial ever again. Ask for feedback. Ask for their journey. Ask why they chose you and what other options they weighed, why they ended up working with you.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, that is, that is great advice for getting a testimonial. And I think all the agents can use that. In addition, as you start to build your credibility hub, I think it’s great advice to have one spot where you bring in all that stuff. You got Zillow, you got Facebook. Especially this year, it’s been weird to figure out the long-term plan of social media Big Instagram accounts got shut down. People said the wrong thing, and they get shut down; it was their livelihood. So having a hub where everything is pulling in from all places, then sharing out all those places. Great, great idea.
In addition, then being able to ask them the informal questions like that, you get the right answers. In addition, then you say, “Hey, can I record that now?” Now that they have done it makes it so much easier. I get why that one works. So 2020. So right after COVID hit, I remember looking at some charts with you. The number of people looking to sell their homes went from tons of people searching to nobody searching. It was like that for just about everything for a few weeks in the world.
Anything people were doing other than looking for toilet paper, they were not doing it anymore. But then a few weeks later, searches went way up. I fire sold a couple of houses right when COVID hit because I was afraid. I was absolutely afraid that the market was gonna crash, I dropped some prices cheap to eliminate them. In hindsight, I should have kept them because the market shot up after that. So I remember seeing the stats of more people starting searching. Have you guys seen more investors and more agents signing up for your service? Are there more people? What you could show me before was there are more leads out there and your customers got 500,000 leads this year. So people are looking to sell their house? Are more people trying to buy their house, or more people signing up for the service?
Trevor Mauch
Yeah, dude. So this has been interesting, right? Because just like with you, I think we were all looking at and trying to figure out what is what impact is COVID going to have? Is it going to shut things down? You know, is our business going to have to completely shift whatever it is, and, and we had that about three to four week periods, you know, we are business did soften for us even. In addition, it was not, I think the thing I want to encourage everyone to look at is you always have to ask, Is there a fundamental, you know, a reason why in the housing market or the economy why this is being driven? Or is there something being driven by fear or a short-term phenomenon that is going to be got over. In addition, with that, that was a fear or short-term phenomenon, there was no anything at the fundamental basis of the housing market, or the economy that was gonna cause people to not want to be investors or agents or to buy or sell homes. In addition, so we did think is maybe a temporary thing, we did not know if it was gonna be temporary, and then set off a terrible economy, and then it was gone down or amplify something going up. So we had the best summer that you know, we have ever had ever in the business. So once may rolled around June, July, August, we have hit record months each and every each and every month. I think many people were had some more time where they were in their house, and they wanted to build their businesses. In addition, they saw real estate as an opportunity to do that. Aaron, we had many people, I can’t say I could tell I can’t tell you how many. However, we had many people who had lost their job from COVID. And they said, I do not want to have to lose my job ever again. In addition, I am going to be I am going to become a real estate investor or I am going to become a real realtor. So there’s a good number of people who dove into the industry because they lost their job as a server at a restaurant and COVID and they do not want to have to tolerate that with whatever issues are gonna happen the restaurant industry for the next year or two. Now that is good and bad for existing agents and investors, right, more competition. In addition, so that is one thing that we have continued to see is, is we have seen a good strong growth in our company. However, we have also seen a good strong growth in Lead volume as a whole, for our clients. In addition, I am not sure I am not 100% sure heading into 2021, kind of what we are gonna see, you know, you know better than I do. However, inventories are low still part of that, you know, foreclosures affect that. However, there’s other reasons to some that are healthy and some that are not related to COVID at all. However, I think the competition part is something that every agent and investor is going to have to look at you going into 2021 is, is if the market does make any sort of correction as a foreclosure hit the market and whatever other dynamics are going to happen if interest rates rise, and there’s way more competition to flip houses, wholesale houses or become a real realtor than ever. How do you stand out? That is, that is the biggest question I want people to look at. In addition, I think several agents specifically are in have their best month, we surveyed our agents these past 30 days. In addition, we were asking like, what’s your year, your year over your income? What’s what’s your commission? What’s your commission for this year versus last year? Let us gauge your month over month revenue. In addition, we got all this stuff, dude, more people than I have ever seen our reporting, best months ever biggest year that I have ever had in 20 year career? Yeah, I have been through two cycles. And like, I have never had a month like this. In addition, I want to make sure agents specifically Do not, do not get caught up thinking that that is going to last forever. In addition, that you get you get that business wallets here and do an amazing job doing it. However, do not do it while you are sacrificing your long term, you must build systems and processes are going to be working for you Well, when that when that gravy train kind of slows down, whenever that’s going to happen. In addition, that is where some of that organic online stuff happens. That is we are tightening up your business, making sure you are, you are running a good fiscally responsible business. While the business is good, you do not have to tighten up, do it right now. Get some cash and sock it away. You build liquidity. In addition, I would encourage all real estate agents to build that liquidity while the money is coming in. In addition, then start to look at Okay, how do I now shift to the investor side of things in 2021 2022? In addition, see where I can’t capture that opportunity?
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, there is so much good stuff there that I want to dig into. However, you know, a lot of our listeners on the Real Estate Rockstars side are agents that became full time agents this year. Yeah, I have got a buddy out in Maui. Sean, I first met him as a server at a restaurant. In addition, he was a server part of the time and an agent part of the time. In addition, the and he are not exactly what you said, Now he’s like, no, now he can’t imagine himself going back to having a job that can get shut down an offer naughty, you know, took it took everything into his future in his own hands. He’s like, No, he’s also a full time real realtor now. Can’t see himself going back to that. However, to be your own boss. In addition, I know, we have got tons of listeners out there like that. You know, last year, a lot of what we were telling people was like niche down, right? In all sorts of different businesses, like find your niche, find your focus, whether its online software companies, or real estate, or like, you know, different sort of restaurants to find your niche, find your specialty, and focus on that. Now, something that happened in 2020 is the as supply has gone down. So leads have gone down, or it’s been more competitive. What we found is we had to reverse that. So rather than niche down to hey, these are the counties that when we go to them to foreclosure auction, we buy houses no matter what, and we buy 10 or 20 houses a month. Well, now there’s a fifth of the number of sales. So he said, Oh, to keep up, we are gonna must expand and expand and spent and that is what we saw a lot of our, even our customers doing for our rate company is instead of just focusing on, you know, Dallas County, now they’re covering 678 counties that are expanding, or instead of buying houses that are just, you know, built in the last 20 years, now they’re gonna buy anything, or instead of just doing residential, now they’ll do multifamily or commercial or industrial. Are you? Are you seeing any of that on your side or any of the future with software like people that were doing residential? Is that Is there more stuff, cabling with commercial and stuff on the on what you have seen?
Trevor Mauch
Yeah. So what we are seeing and what and what we are guiding people on as well, Aaron, is we are seeing the same thing, you know, where, a year ago, two years ago, we were hiring some people to hyperfocus and it’s going really deep into flipping and wholesaling, or land or whatever it was. In addition, now the inventory is tighter for houses. In addition, there’s a lot of competition there’s many people we are seeing a good number of people start to add a second type of real estate that they are investing in land. It is not your vacant land is one that several people are adding to their portfolio. One of the reasons for that is number one vacant land is easier to buy with less competition right now. There’s so much competition for houses and vacant land is there’s less competition for unless its vacant land where it’s like buildable where developers and stuff like that are looking for it. You know, I am talking vacant land in the middle of nowhere is amazing business right now. There’s hardly any competition for several sellers literally do not talk to any other investor at all. It’s just the one person. Another thing that we are seeing. It’s a trend for sure Aaron is going into the mobile home side of things. So while you see that the residential side, hot and crazy, we find people go and find opportunities to sell mobile homes, flip mobile homes, buy vacant land properties or a rundown house, tear it down and put an amazing mobile home on top of that, where they can. In addition, also where housing prices are getting high mobile homes like good mobile home. The good quality stuff, I am not talking like the trailer, Park trailer trash kind of stuff that people would kind of refer to, I am talking about good quality-manufactured homes. Those are attractive right now. In addition, so if you guys look at Warren Buffett as an example, you know, he bought Clayton Homes years ago because he saw that trend, he saw the trend in the average take home pay of people in America has not gone up much as it as compared to the overall cost of housing and other types of things. So you look at those trends, and you go, Well, something is gonna break somewhere along the way, we have either got to get people’s incomes going up at a faster pace, or we got to make housing more affordable. In addition, so the manufactured home market is going to be a, attractive one. The last one here, Aaron, that this is something I have been driven for probably two years, and this year, it’s been catching on the most. In addition, I have been had people talk about it is with a real realtor, real estate agents historically, like focusing on an agent, or focusing and your agent model. In addition, everything looks, you know, everything looks like it’s got to fit in that pretty little listing box, right? It’s got to be a house listing ready, not several repairs, the person needs to be able to wait to sell it, you know, they, they do not have to sell it now and get out of it. In addition, if it does not fit that they pass it aside and say the person is not serious, or they are a tire kicker, or they want a serious seller or whatever. On the investor side of things. You have those people over there going, everything’s got to fit within this discount offer model, which only like 10 to 20% of your total leads are going to fit in that. So 80 to 90% of your seller leads that you get online or wherever are going to want retail, they are not going to want the wholesale offer. In addition, so what we have been guided people towards, and I think this is going to get amplified even more in 2021. Aaron, is the hybrid is the agent and investor, who now no longer looks at a seller with just one option, hey, it’s either listing or it’s not or it’s a house buyer. It’s not, they are truly going in there with the listing with a license. In addition, as an investor said, I am just here to serve you and try finding you the best option for you. Here’s here’s what you can get on the market at the at the high end. In addition, this is probably what you should do, itis going to give you the most money. However, if you are looking for speed, if you are looking for convenience, and they are willing to give up some equity in exchange for that, here’s this cash offer over here. So that is where I think agents and investors should expand is you should expand your offering to serve more of the same leads you are getting now because as leads may get a little bit more scarce or harder competition, you as an agent and investor have to find a way to serve those leads in multiple ways and not throw away as many as you currently are.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, that is such an agent investor hybrid that you talked about the that is one of the things that we are trying to put together like some video and some some training, we’ll just do like a live zoom call with a bunch of agents to show them what they could be doing with like the pre foreclosure leads right now. In addition, the post bankruptcy leads, there’s a lead that we have that was so that back in 20. So our pre foreclosure leads in Texas, right, which is just, it’s a list of people scheduled for foreclosure in three weeks, right. In addition, last year, they were going go to foreclosure. In addition, they had a few weeks to do it. In addition, that’s not enough time to sell a house. So the business plan was you would door knocked on the door, and if the house was worth 150, and they owed 100,000 on it, but they are just behind by a month because that is how quick the foreclosure process was a year ago, you would knock on the door and say, Hey, I will give you 110,000 for your $150,000 house. In addition, they would say okay, because walking away with 10,000 was better than getting foreclosed on. Now, that is different now. In addition, one thing and one thing that I want to show agents, so the I am still limited as an investor, if I go on a door and say, hey, you are in foreclosure right now, your house is worth 150. However, I can give you 110. The there’s there’s a gap there if they go well, what if they owe 120? Or 130? So yes, my old life would have said, All right, sorry, I can only give you 110 for it, and they leave and that is like a dead that is like a it’s like an abandoned lead. You know, at the mastermind we did when we were in Napa. I forget the guy that told us about he was talking about like the dead leads, like the stuff that you could pick up off the floor and the stuff that you are throwing away. In addition, that is what such lead is somebody says Well, no, I should sell it for 130. However, agents what you guys can be doing are different than what an investor can do because you can use that foreclosure leads. In addition, I think this is going to be a big thing that is going to happen and I am gonna start talking about a lot of foreclosure stuff here is that pre foreclosure leads being able to find somebody that is in foreclosure. There’s two differences right now. One is used to those foreclosure sales. You happen in three weeks, or in California use happened in 90 days, or in Colorado you stabbed in 90 days or Oregon 90 days. Right now it’s like six months, nine months, 12 months. So somebody gets the notice and they are not getting foreclosed on right away. This is a super unique deal for real estate agents because real estate agents can do two things they can if you have got buyers right now, and you are making offers, you know, I made three cash offers this week and I did not even get full price and did not even get a call back. There was not even like thanks to submitting the offer. Like we were not and this was an on MLS listed on MLS full price offer was sold for 10 or 20. Grand more. So now it’s about if you are somebody like that if you are representing somebody trying to buy for, you know, the full price, and they can and they are unsuccessful, an agent can go knock on the door and say, hey, I have got a client that wants to buy a house in this neighborhood. You owe 120 Your house is worth 150 I can pay you 150 Yeah, that is a new thing, or being able to say, Hey, your house is worth 150, I can sell it for you. I have agents wanting to do that. So I think that is a gap that where you could not do a year ago because foreclosures used to happen quickly. Now all these moratoriums keep getting postponed. It looks like it is going to extend at least partway into 220 21. And so it is still itis going to be a unique opportunity that changes that game a little bit that now you can actually where before an agent couldn’t say oh my gosh, auctions in two weeks, let me list your house for you on MLS. Yep. Right now you can
Trevor Mauch
That opportunity there. I love that man, I would never thought about that. In addition, I want everyone from my audience from the carrot, carrot cast audience, carrot calm. Everyone from that when she gets to reverse that and re listen to it. Because for both agents and investors, that is an amazing, amazing opportunity that only has a finite window, right? Like that is, that’s not this window, that this type of opportunity is going to be where it is for 12 years or five years, it’s probably a six to 12 month opportunity where most of it is going to be there. In addition, especially for the real estate agents, who if you are in a market where inventory is crazy low, and you are going like, Oh my gosh, how do I find these listings? Do exactly what Aaron had mentioned, go get the buyers determine what they are looking for what neighborhoods they want to be, and then you pull up the foreclosure data out of Aaron software, right? In addition, then you find those foreclosures in those neighborhoods and create your own listings like guys go create your own listings with people who are motivated to do so. However, they probably have no clue that that that option is available for them right now as a seller. In addition, you go find that like market, the buyers market the buyers get the buyers reverse the process, and most people are getting the sellers then get the buyers but get the buyer pegged where they want to be like Aaron said look it up in their in software and you guys create your own listings. Love that strategy.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, I and I bet in that same note, like wholesalers used to have to buy the house for 100 or 110. So they could sell it for 120 130. Yeah, but they were selling it to another investor. However, right now, wholesalers can be selling it to agents. Right? So wholesalers get that offer for 131 40. Well, hey, that is not usually enough spread for that. However, let me call some local agents and see if they have any clients right now that would want to buy that home for retail. Right? So the its one agent that must attraction or something, I think there’s while there’s going to be opportunities for those leads that we used to say no to, as people get to learn about that. You know, there’s a lot of extra fun stuff. I want to kind of talk about what we saw this year and may see what you what you have seen on your side and what you think is going to happen. So it’s like this year, I remember in April and May, you know, people were Airbnb in my house and they canceled dead weddings and they canceled and it was like No, it is not going happen anymore. In addition, like may I am like, Oh my gosh, I am going have to sell this house. It’s a bad investment now. However, then ended May June, Airbnb started coming back and it almost seemed right now it feels like people prefer Airbnb to hotels. So the there hey, we can go there with a couple of families and enjoy our life instead of hotel. So we have seen a ton of hotels scheduled for auction in Texas right now. Kind of like vacation Inn and like brand name like super nice hotels getting listed for foreclosure with foreclosures that are like half the price of the value, like a $15 million Hotel $8 million note going to sale. A lot of those more than we have ever seen before hotels and commercial getting scheduled for foreclosure. In addition, I see that as you know, Airbnb has been going up. hotels have been going down. In addition, so that is a that is something I think we are still going to see for a little while. An opportunity that I see with that is so one of the things that Biden has talked about is they are they are going to be so going after low income housing. So creating Low Income Housing creating supplemental to try creating affordable housing, but they do not call it a low income but create affordable housing that people can afford. So when you talk about those mobile homes, those prefab homes, that is going to be a big thing like what you talked about, you know, in the Bay Area in California, they bought a rundown, abandoned hotels and homeless people moved into them, right and like saw, they were like, Hey, no one’s staying in this hotel anymore. Itis going out of business. I think there could be big opportunities in life. The hotel, the multifamily space and spaces right now that are not getting used to the way that they should be, and figuring out what sort of opportunities will be out there for, you know, converting a hotel to low income housing, you know, converting something like that, you know, there so but we have seen more hotels getting set before foreclosure than ever before. In addition, I do think there’s going to be a return to it one of the guests that we had on a month or two ago, he said, Look, we miss going and having experiences with stuff when we were when my family was on our road trip, we got to Jackson Hole, they remembered this toy store. Right from the time we would be in Jackson Hole, Wyoming a couple years ago, this is cool, high end toy store, hands on thing. In addition, that was our first stop, we went to Jackson, our kids got to go to the toy store, and they get to see all these cool toys. That is an experience, right? Like people miss Toys R Us people miss going in. In addition, it’s not because they can’t get it cheaper on Amazon because I promise, anything I got in that toy store was cheaper on Amazon about a dud that way. However, people kind of miss the experience. So there might not be as many toy stores out there. However, maybe they will get cooler, there might not be as many hotels out there, but the ones that are left are going have cool experiences. You know. So I think that we are going to see an increase in creativity to enhance the experience,
Trevor Mauch
All around man. In addition, that is the same thing. That is one interesting thing with both investors and agents is because I want everyone to think really entrepreneurially and get out of that box where I am an agent. So my business is listing homes or selling homes. Ideally, guys, you guys have the second floor, what’s happening in real estate in your market. In addition, like here locally as an example, there’s some deals that are going to be coming up the next 368 months, where restaurants are not doing well. In addition, there’s gonna be opportunities to put something else in those or even acquire those buildings away cheaper than even, you can’t even build those properties. One thing that we are seeing downtown here, where I live, I own a couple of buildings downtown. In addition, one of them that that we started to pivot to was a lot of the local artisan people like that last saw their opportunity to go to the vacation fairs to do all the summer, you know, stuff were, they would have all their stuff at the at the local craft fair, those are all gone. In addition, so they are looking for opportunities to sell their wares, especially in the vacation season. So creating that pop up shops, if you are an agent, you are looking to try getting an agent or an investor and you are looking to get a property that’s vacant fill for the holiday season or just at all. So you have got rent coming in, guys get creative and determine what other businesses are still selling stuff well, but they have lost their opportunities because of the COVID impact, where they would usually have the big fare the big event. In addition, now bring them into your in your building and have them pay for the next 3456 months, one month, whatever it is start to get that property cash flowing again. Another fully-coupled dynamic it will be interesting to track a parent as this is a second home sells like vacation homes. Why rocketing? In addition, so I do not I do not know. I would love to dig into the psychology behind some of this. However, second homes vacation homes have been skyrocketing. The auto industry, okay, dude, people are buying cars faster than they can produce them right now, which is insane. My wife and I, we were, you know, in the market for getting her new one. In addition, in the second that we would find one, you know, in any GMC dealership in Oregon, we would be negotiating with the person, and then it would get bought out from us since we said shoot. I guess if we are looking for a new car, we can’t negotiate like we might get like 1000 bucks off maybe 15. However, not the five or six grand of MSRP that are usually on a brand new car be able to negotiate out for the you know, for the 2021 model. In addition, so what I am looking at is this, I do not have the answer. I like for people to look at it and track it and look at the opportunity that may be ahead and look at the dynamics behind why people are spending. There are people do way better during COVID because of their business was conducive to it. In addition, there’s several people do way worse, right. In addition, so with all these second homes with all vacation homes with the autos being purchased, and tons of these large expenditures happening right now, what I want to look out for is in a year in two years, in three years, I think that a lot of those people that are probably overspending right now, I think a lot of them are going to run into some trouble, they are going to run into trouble and must sell that vacation home in 234 years for possibly less than they bought it for. Or theyoverburden themselves with many payments from different types of things, their car or whatever it is. In addition, that is, where an investor or an agent can go and serve those people well. So I think there’s gonna be many things are going to be stacking up over the next few years that are going to be not fun economically for many people. In addition, that is where savvy investor savvy agents can go in think ahead and start to help you be that guide for people be that trusted guide to help them help them wade through the situation.
Aaron Amuchastegui
So you are saying that you are saying more people are buying second homes than ever before? It’s the kind of person are like, hey, if I can’t go to travel all over the place. Maybe I want that one safe place to go to the is that is that weird. They are skyrocketing. It’s this demand for a lot, several people are buying their second home for the first time. Exactly,
Trevor Mauch
There’s a lot of a lot of demand for that property. They are selling, fast and lots of different spots. In addition, and like I said, you couple that with the boom, in the auto sales side of it, I think there’s been many expenses that are on people’s books, that I think we are gonno need to be fiscally responsible the next two to three years. In addition, it’s easy to spend when things are going great. In addition, what I want to look out for is if things start to shift economically in the next one to three years, there’s going to be a lot of those people that are way over leveraged, that people that are listening to this, this podcast can go and serve them well as an investor or an agent buying those assets at a discount and helping these people out of the situations.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, that it’s such a great point to try. Because the people that are succeeding right now, I am going to say there’s a lot of luck in it. I have got three or four businesses, and one of my businesses has been absolutely, absolutely crushed this year. Luckily, I have several, but my rental business, I would not say luck, itis performing better than it ever has, because of some of the other things that have happened. You know, zoom obviously is worth way more than it was there’s certain businesses, you know, Airbnb thought they are going broke, they IPOED yesterday. In addition, they are in a like doubled, right? When they right when they open like they went from are we going out of business to huge publicly traded company. In addition, so being able to keep an eye on that some things are performing well right now that when things go back to normal, and everything opens up again, they might not be doing as well. It’s easy to spend right now when I have four kids, when we travel, it’s expensive, right? In addition, we would like to fly places a lot. In addition, we do a bunch a whole bunch of things part of our homeschooling stuff. So there’s extra, so there’s a little bit of extra money when you are not traveling, it makes it easy to like, get in bad habits. People are not going out to eat as often people are not doing that as often. They are buying these extra things. So what your point that you are making there to the listeners is pay attention to what people are buying, pay attention what’s continuing, because some of this is artificial demand that will go away. In addition, what’s going there are cars selling above MSRP Yep, you know, cars like especially like higher demand ones, they are like, Hey, here’s our ticket, we are selling it for way more because we only have one of them. In addition, we are only going to get one of them. When we went to buy an RV. Back in July in August, we kept like searching for Arby’s, and there was nothing available on the lot and they would sell it, we end up going to buy a used one. I have tried to go buy a hot tub on Black Friday from a guy from a company. In addition, I am like, hey, now’s the time to buy it. In addition, I am like, I will give you the cash and how long is the wait, he’s like, itis gonna be six weeks. In addition, I am trying to buy the hot tub right now. In addition, I am calling him Let me give you the money. Let me give you the money. In addition, it’s unlike a guy selling as you said, it’s a hot tub company that sells the 1000s of tubs. In addition, I was not like I called him like six times to try to pay for the hot tub order. In addition, he had so many orders coming in. In addition, he knew that it was going to be six or eight weeks before the he did not even like end up calling me back after like eight times and me saying take my money. So that is, that is how much of a weird crazy demand is out there. However, the Yeah, I am gonna be able to buy a hot tub in two years for probably, you know, half price
Trevor Mauch
For which they are gonna be sitting on the sides of the road.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, the place that is in backyards, the those were like a three month waiting period. Now they are now they are not so one of the things I mentioned, one of my businesses is doing well that we saw in 2020, our rental occupancies are way up. In addition, so the so when we are seeing we were at 90% occupied on a few 100 units, the now post COVID was 99% occupied, and people are staying usually people are unsure about moving, its kind of like let’s let’s not do anything. In addition, so when it comes time to renewals to where some of them were, you know, we are very commonly raising rent, or the higher of either 8% or whatever the rent estimates are. So at the time of renewal, we will tell you, if they are paying 1000 bucks right now, it’s either gonna be there every year, but we are doing this now, like 30 a month, it’s either gonna increase to 1080. Or if the rent estimated says 1100, we are gonna say we’re gonna do 1100. So we put in our contracts 8% or rent estimates, whichever is higher. If they are paying over rents estimate we are going to do an 8% increase. So people that are listening out there right now, with rental assets, rental assets are going to kind of roof like that you can you can increase rents more than you could before on turnovers because the risk and stress of moving is offsetting I do not know how long that’s going to last. I am not necessarily going to underwrite that I am going to be able to raise a percentage but since May, every month, every annual renewal that comes in, we can do that pretty exclusively. In addition, that is that has been kind of impressive. Another thing we have seen with our rentals more recently, is the CDC eviction moratorium forms, like so there was a foreclosure an eviction moratorium said, Hey, you can’t evict somebody if you have a Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac loan. We did not have one of those. In addition, so then we could start it. Like let us say you own a property in cash. Well, then you can now a CDC form filled out that where they say, I’m at risk of getting COVID if I get evicted, and they sign that and it cancelled. The eviction completely. Now we have 12 people in that status right now. Now, that is, that’s not the end of end of the world, when you have 300 houses. However, if you have one house or two house, and somebody sends that to you, its not fun to be a landlord anymore. Yep, especially if you are still paying your mortgage, and somebody is not paying you, there are a lot of those out there. So I think there are big opportunities to, for people to try to see, I think there’s probably a way for people to go to their local area and see who’s posted for eviction right now which eviction cases are on hold because what happens is they file for eviction, and then there’s a CDC notice, and then it gets placed on hold. Right now until January 4, there’s probably hundreds, if the not 1000s, and certain counties that are on this backlog of this landlord is not getting paid. Yep. In addition, he or his person is there and not pay rent. In addition, he might need help out of that house, he might be ready to sell that house right now. Because it’s, it’s been a frustrating thing. So I think that there’s although if you have many houses, it’s a small percentage of people are doing it for people that have only one or two, I think there’s several landlords out there right now, that are absolutely getting screwed because they do not have protection to not pay their mortgage. In addition, that and people do not have to pay rent anymore to stay in the house. So I think that was an interesting thing that we’ll see how long that lasts into 2021.
Trevor Mauch
That right, there is interesting, I want the same thing I want investors to reverse and re listen to that. Because as I look at this, I go who out there needs help, right? Who out there needs help. In addition, you as an investor, or you as an agent have the skill set to help those people need help, like Aaron was saying. So that might be a great opportunity in that early 2021 time phase, to pull up that list inside of the software. In addition, then you know, and then reach out to those people and say, hey, do you have you have an eviction that you are trying to process or like, whatever it is, whatever lists are gonna land on because there’s definitely going to be someone there who can’t make that rent or can’t make their their mortgage payment for 23456 months, they just can’t handle that. In addition, so they might even have equity in the property. However, then you look at it, I do not know what the guidelines are around the CDC forum, but they probably are not going to be able to sell that on the MLS, right because if they have a tenant there, who has the CDC form, and if that CDC form goes to a new owner, they’re probably not gonna be able to easily sell that in the MLS for good value, because you have a tenant in there who you cannot evict out, which is going to make it almost unsellable in the MLS. However, you as an investor can come in there, if you negotiate a good enough discount. In addition, if you know that person will be out in three months, or whatever it is, you can buy them in a good rate possibly buy away from that, that investor who so they do not get foreclosed whenever that may happen. In addition, then as soon as the, as soon as the COVID sub eventually goes away sometime soon, hopefully, that will have a cash-flowing property. Dude, one interesting thing, so you were mentioning, you were mentioning, you know, the rent payments, obviously going up and all that being strong and people not wanting to move out of properties. Because of the COVID sign, I am going to share really fast the same data set that I shared earlier, when we were on the podcast, but this is the updated version of it. In addition, I went through, I went through and pulled a few more kind of variable here. So everybody who’s watching the video version of this, I have got my analytics, my Google Analytics pulled up for our 8000 clients, okay, our real estate investors real estate agents that are bringing in somewhere around 75 to 85,000 leads a month, most of them are house sellers. In addition, what I want to walk you through here’s this fast at the top, this is like all of the lead sources combined in this area, this goes all the way back to January 1 to January 1 through right now. In addition, when we originally did the podcast, we were writing this range somewhere. In addition, you guys can see here, this is kind of this standard trend going into the spring, things start to pick up but then the shutdowns hit right around here. That is when that dip on sessions or web searches happens. It’s less people for a couple of weeks by about 20%. They stopped searching. However, then throughout the summer, you guys can see sessions or overall web visits from paid searches, organic in your Google searches all that it grew a lot and then it blew up in September. In addition, then itis normalizing for the fall here. Okay, that is kind of like a good normal normalization for the following winter. This is what we had mentioned earlier on the original podcast were conversion rates took a big hit, took a big hit when the shutdowns happen. In addition, so you can see right here is that same March period, your conversion rates on your website rose but those did not rebound. In addition, so that is something they rebounded a little bit right they rebounded within that phase. So March, it took a big hit, but then they rebounded up to up to just below code pre COVID levels. In addition, this is the interesting thing. So let me go down to organic traffic now. Okay, so this is organic traffic. organic traffic is continually grown and grown and grown and grown and grown. There’s an increasing number of people that are looking to buy and looking to sell, and they are looking for such for people who can help them do that. However, over here, look at this guy’s organic conversion rates have dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip dipped. So you have this dichotomy, demand is increasing, but conversion rates are rising a little bit. Itis not because the people are going and choosing a different solution. Usually, it’s because the exact reason that Aaron mentioned that they are researching, they have the problem, but they have come to the conclusion that they want to wait for this out until they are until the COVID situation is over, or it’s better or whatever. In addition, so that is what’s going to be interesting is there is going to be this pent up demand houses that now are going to be on the market where people are looking to sell them because they are not fearful of the COVID thing anymore. In addition, that is gonna be interesting to see what happens. So we talked about marketing, and how do we capture this opportunity in marketing, you know, if you are an investor or an agent, number one, the demand is there, people are researching this, right, here’s them researching online, this is them looking at the stuff we talked about earlier, they are looking at websites, they are looking to see who they want to work with, they find solutions to their problems, they are probably saving some of those. In addition, what you guys should do is make sure you have simple retargeting campaigns going, Okay, place that facebook pixel on your sites, and then create a few videos, put testimonials in your Facebook remarketing campaigns. So you can follow those people for months and months and months. So when they are ready, you are going to capture that demand. One last thing here in here was paid marketing. This is interesting. paid marketing stayed pretty consistent. However, for anyone who anyone who was doing paid marketing really, really well, while the costs were low. In the summer, going into early fall, man-paid marketing costs are crazy, like we spent more money on paid ads in those months than we ever have and got a great return. Because several advertisers pulled their money back just because of fear or their business was decimated. But then, of course, election season comes in. So look, look right here, you are paid spiked because the real estate market, hot ads are crazy cheap in this time period, right there through, you know, start end of July through August ads are insanely cheap. Okay, so we saw many people driving much lead, This is that same period, there are lots of leads coming in. In addition, then election season happens, they start ramping up their ads, make ad ads expensive again. In addition, then also because of a lot more businesses coming back in and that initial fear gone, your ad costs rose again. However, the conversion rate on ads stayed, similar. So if your ad cost has increased, and you are one of the ones that saying I am killing it, I am pulling back, I think he has doesn’t like don’t do that, I think there’s gonna be a really good opportunity in the next one to six months on those who stay with their ads and stick with it. In addition, then find a way to do more. Find a way to do hybrid, like we talked about before, if you are an agent, how can you take more of those and cellar with local investors to buy the houses and flip them? Or whatever it is, if you are an investor, how do you take 80% of the seller leads that are coming and not throw them away, but cellar with an agent to make more of the leads your buyer, the more the leads, you are getting profitable. In addition, that is going to help you spend more through this. So there’s gonna be several people being fearful about their ad spend, and I do not think you should be you should not should not stop your ads, right now she keeps on going.
Aaron Amuchastegui
That is a good point before you before you cut out of there, you know, for the people that are listening to this, you know, back pre COVID, we kind of peak around 50,000 people searching, right like, and it would range between 40 and 50. In addition, then in April, it dropped to about 10,000 sessions below that. In addition, then by the time they hit it was higher than it had ever been huge spikes in September. Like he said, Well, that is the average kind of top in September is like maybe 60,000 66,000 looks like some of those peaks there.
Trevor Mauch
So this is per day, per day across our clients, websites. That is many people.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Very yeah, so pre COVID, you would get between 40 and 50,000 people per day searching like sell my house fast. Now it’s it’s between 55 and 65. So you are 25% more people making that search now. In addition, that is on that everybody says there’s a supply problem on the supply side, you know, 25% more people are searching How do I sell my house fast now and the and then on the organic side? If you look at that number, like back in April, the people that were like hitting your sites, it looks like it’s maybe it was like 5000 a month. In addition, that green one on your lower left Trevor and your organic session? Yeah, so you are 7000 you know, a day, right? So you are getting 7000 hits a day to your client sites. In addition, now you are getting 20,000 hits a day. Yep. So three times as many people getting those sites. You saw huge peaks in September one day was even, you know, 15,000 I would love to see what happened on that. I was guessing that maybe that was election day that a bunch of people said my house, but
Trevor Mauch
I am not sure what that one was. Yeah, there was one day it creeped up to 52,000 went back down those anomalies. You never know what the heck those are. However, right now, it’s in the 15 to 20,000 organic searchers are landing on our clients. So sites every single day right now.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Very cool. Yeah. So this is so you know what Trevor is? Going there, one of the other, like, as we look back at 2020 was like inventory way down. So that is what we talked about. So if there’s there’s less inventory out there, and agents and investors, you must find it. In addition, what Trevor has shown us is, it’s not that it’s not there, there’s more people desperate to sell their house now, then we are before there are more people are looking to upsize, than before, there’s more classes that need help. Like, I bet I bet some of those hotel people would sell their hotels, right. There’s more opportunity out there to diversify. So the inventory has been down, but you are challenging people to go find that inventory, make it yourself, you know, do the, you know, agents put on your investor hat, and you can make the same conversation instead of saying, Hey, I will buy your house for 100,000. Because I have a client that is gonna buy your house for 150. I am gonna get you retail right now, and be no flipping on that investor side. So some cool things. If you get to think as both an investor an agent, even if you are only one or the other, learn a little bit of that skill set from that other side. You know, and I was going to ask you about marketing spend. In addition, I am glad that you said right now, your biggest point was do not take your foot off the gas, maybe it is not getting as much out of it right now. However, that is because we are an expensive ad time. There’s still you know, until January because of, you know, re and runoff elections and then Christmas is probably is more expensive that adds, but we’ll probably see ad prices rise back in January. Now we have mentioned that I buyers took a break this year. That was another thing I kind of wanted to hit on.
Trevor Mauch
Yep. In addition, one interesting thing about that to Aaron is, you know, for the past two years, we have been driven this hybrid thing, right? We are like agents should be investors, investors should be agents. In addition, here’s why. I think that’s I do not think that is the future. It’s where we are now. Dude, what was interesting, was about a month ago, both open door and offer pad, if you go on their sites now do they are straight up hybrid, now, they are straight up hybrid, it’s we will buy your house, or we will list it like that’s specifically what they are both saying now. In addition, so if you guys want to know where things are going, and if you are an agent or an investor, and you are not fully embracing the other way to solve as a motivated seller, a house sellers problem. In addition, for me, Aaron hybrid is a seller’s hybrid as a seller strategy, hybrid zona buyer strategy. Okay, hybrid is a seller strategy. In addition, here’s what I mean by that is his sellers should sell. In addition, there’s multiple ways to help them do that, if they want, even convenience. Once again, like we talked about earlier, there’s the purchase the direct purchase offer, and you are going to be offering at a discount in exchange for speeding to me in the same way that people go, you know, buy a house or buy a car at the car lot. The next thing that car lot person is going to put across your desk is like, hey, do you have a car to try to trade in? In addition, almost every single person says yes, I would rather trade you that in versus I going to Craigslist, and posting and all the hassles that will go with that. In addition, I know you are going to be giving me less money than I could sell to a Craigslist. However, when you talk many talks to several agents, and several agents will go like why is it Why would the person ever sell for less than they could get on the market and that person know that they could have sold it not for 165. However, for 225 or 200, or whatever, one eight or 280, whatever it is on the market. And guys, that’s not it, it’s they will say that people say that I say that out of one side, but then they will go to the Karla and trade it in a discount, knowing that they could have sold it elsewhere. Because it was quick, it was convenient. Okay, and so that is what we are seeing there guys are open door offer pad, they are going into that same thing. So you must be stepping into that in a big way. In addition, with the ad spend, here’s here’s kind of an analogy possibly that might help people to kind of wrap their head around how to do this right now. If you are an investor or an agent, and you have been doing Google ads, or Facebook ads, or whatever it is, and your ROI has gone down, but you are still profitable, I would not, I would not kill that like so I would find more ways to serve those leads and close them in different ways. Right? Try doing some owner finance or creative financing, the ones that have no equity, you know, try to partner with an agent or be an agent enlists the ones that do not want a cash offer or if you are an agent, once can partner with an investor and make the cash offer and sharing those profits. However, at the end of the day, you saw the demand happening there. So there’s more people landing on the sites. It’s this pressure that is building up, this pressure is building up and when it releases those people are going to want to in need to solve their problems. Who do you think they are gonna go to do they are gonna go to the ones that they have been seeing and hearing about consistently over the past 123456 months in their Facebook feed, okay, in their email, box, whatever it is. In addition, so if you guys do not have Facebook remarketing on that, at the least turn that on. Okay, at the least turn that on the right now Aaron, about 40% of our new are of our new customers these past two months 40% and we only spend a couple grand a month on Facebook ads 40% of them bought because their last action was one of our remarketing ads 40% crazy what is most of our traffic comes from organic search people go into Google typing things in landing on our websites, but we play The pixel, we follow up with them with content, credibility, testimonials, 40% of our about 1600 new members, the past two months came by clicking a Facebook ad.
Aaron Amuchastegui
You know, and for all you guys listening that you know, using the Facebook pixel, break it down to three easy steps, it’s much quicker and much easier than you think if you say you want to do this, it will take you 15 or 20 min if that. So you go to Facebook, you go to like your business.facebook.com, or your ads Facebook. So it’s ads that Facebook. So you go and you say you want it, you want to do an ad there, there’s a little search box, just type in pixel, p IX, l, that will tell you where your pixel is. In addition, you go to this page, and you can add a pixel. And you call it my real estate website pixel. It will say name it. In addition, then it says, Okay, now here’s the four way you get it on your site, you either email this to the guy that built your website, or you do that there’s like three or four ways to get your pixel. In addition, what that does. It’s just like a Google tracking thing. So now every time someone hits your site, Facebook can show you a chart and say, 10 people hit your site this day, 100 people hit your site this day. So now Facebook knows they will not tell you who they are. Facebook will not say this is the guy that went to your site, but they will tell you 100 people went to your site. However, what they will let you do is then you can create an ad that says, hey, I want to send an ad to only people that came to my site. In addition, it’s me choosing that pixel. So they will not tell you who those 10 guys are those 100 will, but they will let you send an ad just to them. In addition, in that ad, you can record a video that says, hey, thanks for checking out my website, I want to ensure that you notice this, this and this about me. In addition, you know, you wonder when you go to a site, Why suddenly, then you go on Facebook, and you see every different version of it on the ad. That is what it is. It’s a simple process. In addition, if you are not a techie that can seem overwhelming, it’s not go to the Facebook ads type pixel, they walk you through the steps in a simple ad, if you guys accomplished that, you are going to get a bunch of bang for your buck as you look at what your ads are going to be this year. In addition, you know, this has been a really fun conversation. The other funny thing is, is Trevor and I could probably talk for hours, but I know that our listeners do not necessarily want to hang on for hours at a time. Very quickly, I want to talk about the foreclosure kind of build up stuff. In addition, just for the opportunity, what’s out there, a lot of a lot of this is going to be for the carrot listeners, right. In Texas, in particular, we pre COVID we would have 5000 postings a month, these are people scheduled for foreclosure, of 1500 would get foreclosed three weeks later. In addition, then you know, 3500 would have some form of a workout they paid it they pay their mortgage, get back. So 5000 a month getting posted 1500 a month getting foreclosed on. Right now in the state of Texas because of this buildup, we have about 1000 postings a month.
Aaron Amuchastegui
And 150 houses sell. Wow. So that is less than a quarter of what we were at before. So what does that tell you? Its 10% of the houses selling and a quarter getting posted. So what does that tell you? So if in a normal month, there’s 5000 postings for foreclosure. In addition, this is just Texas and it will this will extrapolate across the whole us right? If it’s usually 5000 out 2000 there’s 4000 people there that are in distress, not COVID related, people that are you know, have chosen to be on deferral payments before 1000 people that would normally be in foreclosure that have that are but they have not sent them to notice yet. In addition, they are extra 13 150 people a month in Texas that would have been foreclosed on. They are not getting out of the process. I mean, there’s there’s some people that can now sell it. So let us say people like you are going to take my advice, you are going to go door knocks and do those, maybe you guys can buy half of them or a quarter of them. However, still every month we are getting 1000 of this shadow inventory that are vacant, abandoned houses that should be getting foreclosed on. We are getting 4000 that are in a form of, of distress, that is getting postponed. This has happened now for seven months, eight months, nine months. So it’s nine months so far. So that could be what 40,000 in the shadow inventory. that is ready to be posted for foreclosure in Texas. In addition, that is 10,000 15,000 that should have been foreclosed by now. The if, when there was a hurricane Harvey, out in Houston, they did they have four months, no foreclosures as soon as it came on. They listed them all that day. So you had four months of foreclosures in one day, they did not do it slowly. It was four months in one day. If we see that happen again, we could see a day in January or February or March as soon as they open it back up where there’s 40,000 postings in a month for a state. In addition, if it happens that way, in Texas, it will happen in California or New York or wherever you got Florida, wherever you guys are, it’s this buildup that could suddenly happen where that creates this huge opportunity for those things. As you gear up with some of those processes. Now keep your eye on it. Whatever state you are in, look at foreclosure posting what they are there. If January is the month or February is the month. All those things are posted What a great time for you guys have never tried to door knock and say hey, I have got a customer that will buy your house. In addition, that is, knocking on the door and saying hey, you’re in foreclosure, I have a solution for you. What Your problem. So the, we are gonna see that that is a lot of stats and stuff that I share on my Instagram. However, if you guys come along on there, you will get to see my predictions for that that the although I see it firsthand in Texas and California, we see it everywhere. However, that is government intervention may affect that it may postpone it. My mindset with all government intervention is nothing is going to fix the economic downfall. I could, that is a personal opinion. So the so do not attack me anyone out there listening. However, I believe that any of the stimulus we are doing only postpones it. So let us say we have another year of, hey, we are not going to do any foreclosures or evictions are another two years, another five years, who knows when suddenly it opens back up, but when it does, itis going to open back up. In addition, we must eventually pay the bill. We I mean, the US can print money for a long time. However, there’s but who knows where so pay attention to your market, because suddenly, we are gonna see, oh, wait, foreclosure postings are back, that is going to change the supply demand dynamic. If nothing else, like prices are going up every month right now in the markets I am looking at because supply is going down, demand is going up. If suddenly 50,000 houses are added to a market that has you know, 30,000 in it, supply goes up. In addition, so maybe price, so do not you do not have to be paying over asking every time for those MLS ones anymore. So that’s just a little touch of some of that last step. You know, like I said, Trevor, you and I could talk forever. Any last stuff, you want to make sure the listeners here today.
Trevor Mauch
Dude, I think the biggest thing, you know, we talked about several different things here. However, I think the biggest thing is to ensure that you guys have a chance as you’re heading into the new year, or if you’re listening to this right after the new year to really pull back and and really look at we do a SWOT every year. You know, it’s the basic strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, threats, I encourage everyone to do that. In addition, look at what are the strengths of your business right now? And like, What’s going well about it? Whatnot write that down? How can you make that stronger? In addition, what are the weaknesses? Because several agents once again, have been reporting their best income ever. In addition, I think it’s easy to get complacent at that point. In addition, go, Whoa, it is gonna be like this forever. Itis gonna be like this next year, too. So write down what are those weaknesses? Do you have a weakness in your systems or process? Are you are you relying on the just one marketing method?
Trevor Mauch
You know, whatever it is, are you in an asset class that your focus is, is one that could be a threat? In addition, then what are those opportunities, like we are talking about here are several opportunities. So at the least, y’all do not go into the new year, or do not just power forward without pulling back to look at this and go, we’re in a unique time right now. Okay, we are in a unique time. In addition, if anyone thinks that what happened this month or last month or the month before, in real estate, itis gonna be the same in a year, a year and a half, six months, in two years, I think, I think we are probably barking up the wrong tree. We think that’s it. So create a little plan, do your squat, and I think you are gonna be prepared going to the next cycle.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah, you know, and one of the last things I want to say with it takes this opportunity as the momentum. So Trevor talk, so if you have or if you are crushing it, if you are doing awesome, or you have done 10 deals, whatever we have, as we are coming near the end of this year, getting those reviews getting those, you know, asking the people Hey, what could I have done better, whether it becomes something you must put on your website or not asking you are taking the deals that you’ve done and capture those now those reviews now. So that way you can post them on your site, you know, when there will be a day when it’s a little bit different real estate market right now. It’s excellent you know, booming real estate market, you know, when it comes to values and things like that there will be a day when it’s not. So take advantage of what you have now used that momentum and be ready for the time that it’s not so you get those reviews, get that site in place, get that Facebook pixel up, you will be ready to rock. So, Trevor, thank you for joining me the like Trevor said, you know, on Instagram, I am at Aaron, would you stay here at our rockstar Real Estate Rockstars. Hopefully you love listeners. Trevor, what is your Instagram handle?
Trevor Mauch
Yep. Trevor dot mock. So my last name in a uch. Trevor mock follow me over there. In addition, we share a lot of stuff on how we are helping agents and investors scale up their evergreen marketing. You are getting off that marketing ham show, adding evergreen to it. In addition, a lot of the scenes of your family and growing and growing a big business. It’s fun.
Aaron Amuchastegui
Yeah. Awesome times. All right, everybody, listeners. Thank you for listening. Trevor. Thanks for joining me.
Trevor Mauch
Thanks. I appreciate it, man. Thank you guys.