What does it take to be a Real Estate Rockstar? Join us as Shaw & Nathan share their realty mindset and a glance at their journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstars.

From rocking a graduation cap to selling 42 homes in his first year, Nathan Flanagan is the definition of a Rockstar. Now you add Shaw Hasyj to the equation, a man who quit his job a few weeks before receiving a $5k bonus, and you have the best Real Estate team in Canada. Both with only 2 years experience in the business, Shaw & Nathan have built a business that focuses on listings, leads, and leverage, with a profit margin of 83%! Building a foundation from day 1, in the first quarter of joining forces, Shaw & Nathan became the #1 Team in Canada…. with no signs!!! Talk about business partners being on the same page, these two even answer some of the questions at the same time.


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go audibletrial.com/hiban to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.

Real Estate AH-HA Moment

  • Talk about determination, the AH-HA moment for Shaw & Nathan’s business came one afternoon while door knocking in a snow storm. After a combined 12 solid leads, while grabbing a bite to eat, Shaw asked the million dollar question. “What if we did this together, how big of a foundation could we build?” Listen in to hear what happened next.

In this Session, We Also Talk About:

  • 4 things that will jump start your business.
  • How to book your next appointment while delivering a closing gift.
  • The S.CC.FU model.
  • How to master your scripts.
  • How to find people who will buy a home from a kid.
  • MOJO Dialer, and how to make it work for you.
  • Operate a business at an 83% profit margin.
  • Plus a lot more!

Thank Shaw & Nathan on Twitter

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Shaw and Nathan some greetings and thanks for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the links below:

Click here to thank Shaw personally on Twitter.

Click here to thank Nathan Personally on Twitter. 

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you!

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Reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks!

Have any questions? Tweet me, Facebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice.

Thanks, and keep rockin!

Join us as the #1 Real Estate Team in the Country shares in-depth analysis on the industry, the business, and how to become a Real Estate Rockstar!

As the #1 real estate agent in the Country, Creig has earned many distinguished awards, including #1 Long & Foster Real Estate Agent nationwide for three consecutive years with record-breaking sales that allow him to sell more than two homes every day. Just ask Ray Lewis, Creig knows what he is doing, and is a true Rockstar! Learn how he trains a team of 90 people, how he took them all to Punta Cana last year, how he hires, motivates and sorts through tons of listing leads, and SO MUCH MORE! On Real Estate Rockstars, Creig shares how without the people that he surrounds himself with everyday in his offices, none of his success would be possible. A complete optimist, learn why Creig thanks the recession for much of his success.

Creig’s opinion on the market

  • “You know how the market is, it is how you answer the question.” Tweet me your thoughts on this!


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go audibletrial.com/hiban to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.

Creig’s AH-HA Moment

  • Creig has a remarkable story, and there is no question that his AH-HA moment came at a very young age. With a Real Estate agent for a Mom, Creig remembers spending time at open houses, and listing appointments. This has fueled his love for Real Estate, and he wakes up each day excited. He loves seeing what Real Estate has in store for him each day.

How to teach 

  • In this episode, Creig shares with you how he motivates and helps the agents on his team. What motivates you? TweetMe

Interview Links

  • Creig Northrop Team – As Maryland’s #1 real estate agent, Creig has earned many distinguished awards, including #1 Long & Foster Real Estate Agent nationwide for three consecutive years with record-breaking sales that allow him to sell more than two homes every day.
  • Email Creig!

What does it take to reach the top of the Real Estate world? Join us as Amanda shares her Real Estate mindset and how she went from rookie to Rockstar!

At the start of her career in Hunstville Alabama, knowing no one, Amanda specialized in expired listings and for sale by owners. Once she had a few dollars in her pocket she implemented the Guaranteed Sale, which is what Amanda is known for in town. Each year she focuses on adding additional pillars to grow her business.  This interview is packed with incredible details on how simply implementing the guaranteed sale can grow your business overnight.

Amanda’s original opinion on a team

  •  “No one can do it as good as I can, and I didn’t want to share the money!” Listen in to hear how and why this opinion changed.


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go audibletrial.com/hiban to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.

Amanda’s AH-HA Moment

  • Amanda is a true entrepreneur. At age 13, being too young to get a job, Amanda created her own by starting Mandy’s Muffins. After growing the business, and employing her mom and brother, the operation was shut down by one of her employees…. her Mother. Amanda was spending too much time working, and not enough time being a kid. This is when she realized that she was not going to let anyone hold her back. Her next job was lined up two months ahead of time, and her first day came on her fourteenth birthday.

Pick up what Amanda’s reading


The Key Guaranteed Sale

  • This episode provides a step-by-step guide to marketing and executing the guaranteed sale. You can build your business with referrals and repeat business, but at the end of the day, if you want to get into the “hundreds” club, you have to buy your leads someway. Offering and marketing a guaranteed sale, as Amanda shares, is a great way to do this!

Check out that app

  • Houzz – The new way to design your house

Interview Links

What does it take to reach the top of the business world, while being family oriented? Join us as Marci and Bryan share their family first mindset and tell the story of their journey to becoming successful Real Estate Rockstars, while focusing on their family.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Supermoms out there! People will continue to grow businesses, and then try and figure out how to build their life’s around them. Bryan and Marci Fair join us in this Mother’s Day Special, and share with Rockstar Nation why doing the opposite is the key to success. Being present in the lives of your spouse and your children is one of the most rewarding experiences that life can offer. Unfortunately, we are seeing more often businesses breaking families apart. Marci, the author of TILT – 7 Solutions To Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom shares experiences and expert advice for mothers to encourage them to live their lives, take off their Supermom cape, and make the choices that matter letting go of the 80% of things that don’t matter. Hear how mother’s and families can focus on the 20% of things that really matter.

Mother’s Day Quote

  •  “Balance is impossible, memories are better.” – Marci Fair


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go audibletrial.com/hiban to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.

Parenting AH-HA Moment

  • Bryan’s AH-HA moment came one night when his daughter Chloe and him were talking. As she told her story, Chloe stopped and said, “Dad you’re not here”! This was an important moment where Bryan’s family and business lives crossed paths and is a memory that continually reminds him to Walk into the house as a Mom or a Dad! 

Pick up Marci’s book today

  • TILT 7 Solutions To Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom: Juggling work and family has never seemed more possible than in Marci Fair’s parenting guide, TILT. It was written out of the difficult struggles and unexpected answers that Fair has found on her journey through the TILT of life, work, and motherhood.

The Fair’s Christmas Date

  • Each year at Christmas The Fair Children fill out a sheet that highlights ONE thing that they want to do next year as a “Christmas Date”. The goal of this is to become very aware of one-on-one time. Life and business happen, and all of a sudden you lose that time with your children. With this, Bryan and Marci focus on making sure they take full advantage of their one-time shot at parenting and spend time alone with each of their four children. Listen in to see if Christmas Date’s are something you could use in your family life.

Interview Links

Coming to you from The Adelaide Market in South Australia is a great interview with Rosemary. Starting in Real Estate at age 15, Rosemary is currently dealing with an increasing market, and she is dominating it. Last year, she sold 145 properties at an average sales price of 320 thousand dollars. Booking appointments and seeing people face-to-face is the one thing that she suggests that all Real Estate Agents do more of. Find out where the people are and ask them if there is anything that you can help them with in terms of Real Estate. Rosemary does a great job of diving into the Australian Real Estate game, and sharing with us how they do it in The Land Down Under! 

What does it take to reach the top of the market? Join us as Rosemary shares his Real Estate mindset and tells the story of her journey to becoming a successful Real Estate Rockstar.

Quote of The Day

  •  “Have the confidence and the courage to take risks and you’ll find that things will come together for you.” – Rosemary Auricchio


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go audibletrial.com/hiban to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.

Real Estate AH-HA Moment

  • Rosemary’s AH-HA Moment goes all the way back to her childhood. While watching her parents work very hard in the hospitality industry, Rosemary learned quickly that hard work is rewarded. One day, her father said to her “Rosemary if you want to succeed in life, you have to work hard. If you are prepared to work hard, you will do well.” These words have stuck with her day in and day out on her journey through life!

Rosemary’s Big Goal

  • Rosemary’s big goal for this year is to make Gold Status in the LJ Hooker network. In order to achieve this, she will have to have over $1M in gross commissions.

Check Out That App

  • Rosemary’s app advice was pretty lame, but she does use her iPad for everything, and loves Reminders

Interview Links

[app_audio src=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/barenakedagent/Paul_-_Twitter.m4a”] When it comes to Real Estate coaching and Masterminding, there are a few key players which we have interviewed on our other show, Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. A tweet from @PaulSjoberg motivated the…

Russell Shaw is an incredible Real Estate agent who is on a mission to tame the three-headed monster, Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com. He has signed on for the duration of his career to be a permeant critic of Zillow. In this exclusive interview Russell dives into murky waters and shares his experiences and issues with these companies. Zillow and their silly Zestimates were founded by Richard Barton with one goal in mind, to lower Real Estate commissions. Being the house of cards that all of these companies are, it is tough to determine why we should really be concerned about what they are doing, but Russell lays it out for everyone to understand! The lack of unity between the National Association of Realtors and Realtor.com, is almost more disgusting in Russell’s opinion than Zillow and Trulia combined. In his opinion, Realtor.com should be owned by the NAR and should be included in the annual due’s that agents pay, similar to the system that Canada has in place. Russell also chats about the insider trading that Zillow executives are executing. Learn all of the right reasons to be upset with the three-headed monster!

Join us as Russell Shaw shares his Real Estate frame of mind, and dives in-depth into what is truly wrong with Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com.

Quote to share

  • “If they want to be dumb enough to sue me, be my guest” – Russell Shaw


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go audibletrial.com/hiban to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.

Anti-Zillow AH-HA Moment

  • Russell’s Anti-Zillow AH-HA moment came in the fourth quarter of 2012, and can be found here. According to his figures in the fourth quarter of 2012, Zillow changed their business model to sell impressions, and their average cost per deal skyrocketed from $24.28 to $1,905.54!

Current Business

  • Signing on for the duration of his career to become a critic of Zillow, Russell has started a blog where all of the details and facts to his argument can be found, Click Here to view that site.

Citron’s Report

  • Citron published a report in September of 2013 titled Citron Presents the Most Comprehensive and Thoughtful Piece on Zillow Ever Published. This is why this stock is going to $80 … then $50 … then right back to where it started the year … $30 per share. Click Here to see their report for yourself.

Interview Links

*This post is a summary based on the conversation that was had with Russell Shaw, Hiban Digital is not responsible*