1269: NLP Hacks to Keep Sellers Happy During Tough Price Talks with Dan Rochon

August 22, 2024

How can we communicate the right way to close more deals? In this episode, Dan Rochon reveals his secrets to successful real estate sales, focusing on the power of understanding and connecting with clients. He shares practical tactics like building rapport, asking the right questions, and using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to guide clients toward making decisions. Dan emphasizes the importance of recognizing individual differences, framing situations effectively, and over-communicating to build trust. Learn how to ‘teach to sell’ and elevate your real estate game. Listen now to learn more!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • Have you ever recommended a price drop to a seller? [00:00]
  • House vs. Home [02:00]
  • Framing vs. Reframing [03:53]
  • What do you communicate? [11:21]
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Communication [15:12]
  • The ‘Teach to Sell’ Approach [17:09]
  • Clients’ Emotional Journey [22:02]
  • Connect with Dan [23:35]

Dan Rochon

Dan Rochon, founder of the Consistent and Predictable Income (CPI) Community, believes that with the right tools, mentorship, and training, you can learn to influence human behavior and achieve your fullest potential—and you can inspire others to do the same.

By teaching his clients and students how to “Teach to Sell,” Dan helps professionals just like you create a continuous flow of leads and transactions so you have No Broke Months, transform yourself into an all-star seller, and scale your businesses to the point where you have the freedom to step back and have real control over your future without ever missing a beat.

One of Dan’s proudest accomplishments is his track record of having “No Broke Months” in real estate sales since 2008, with an average of ten monthly sales. He is also a certified NLP practitioner and the author of Real Estate Evolution: The Ten-Step Guide to CPI—Consistent and Predictable Income. And, as you might imagine, Dan is a constant student of human experience and potential.

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Episode Transcript:

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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