1268: The Secret to CONSISTENTLY Creating High-Impact Content with Jason Cassity

August 19, 2024

How do top real estate agents turn social media into a powerful client magnet? Jason Cassity reveals his strategy of thinking like a media company that sells homes, emphasizing the importance of social media and video marketing to build trust and attract clients. He dives into the benefits of creating hyper-local content, becoming the digital mayor of your area, and using platforms like YouTube for education and Instagram for entertainment. Jason also shares his process for creating consistent video content with minimal scripting and batch recording, alongside his long-term commitment to the real estate industry. Discover how to shift your focus from self-promotion to storytelling and make your clients the center of your content. Listen now!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • Becoming a Media Company in Real Estate [00:00]
  • Social Media and Video Marketing [02:11]
  • The Attraction Model [04:37]
  • Content Creation with Batch Recording [05:22]
  • The Importance of Consistency in Posting [08:10]
  • Using AI Tools for Caption Writing [09:26]
  • Committing to the Long-Term in Real Estate [20:54]
  • Hyperlocal Content for Buyers and Sellers [22:19]
  • Shifting Focus to Storytelling [23:49]
  • How to Stay Informed [26:29]
  • Envision the Future in Real Estate [32:19]

Jason Cassity

Jason is a 12 year industry veteran, a top producing San Diego Realtor, and the team leader of the Cassity Team at REAL. in 2022, Jason also co-founded the REFER Network, a nation-wide real estate referral network with over 100 cities.

Jason started in this business as an intern, helping a successful broker write SEO rich blogs about San Diego. When he thinks back on that time, he thinks “how serendipitous is it that Jason found him, versus the tens of thousands of other agents who would’ve just had him call FSBOs, hold open houses, or do floor time. Jason reflects on how important your environment is to your growth and success. Because he liked blogging, website building, marketing/SEO… that first indie brokerage was the PERFECT place for him to begin his career.

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Episode Transcript:

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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