1274: Agents Are Quitting… Here’s How It Can Benefit Your Business: The Golden Handoff with Nick Krautter

September 26, 2024

Are you curious about how to transition from residential to commercial real estate or leverage opportunities when agents retire? In this episode, Nick Krautter, author of The Golden Handoff, shares his journey into commercial real estate, offering insights on market trends, client acquisition, and commission structures. He emphasizes the importance of long-term relationships and staying connected with potential clients, even if they’re not ready to buy or sell. Nick also breaks down his “golden handoff” strategy, where agents can inherit retiring colleagues’ businesses, and provides practical scripts and strategies for approaching potential partners. Tune in now to learn how to grow your real estate business!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • Learn More About Nick Krautter [00:00]
  • Nick Krautter’s Appearance on The Real Estate Rockstars [02:09]
  • Transitioning to Commercial Agent [04:59]
  • Commercial Vs. Residential Agent [08:23]
  • The Best Way to Work with Clients [14:33]
  • The Golden Handoff [19:09]
  • Focusing on Core Clients and Deals [22:00]
  • How to Prospects [31:41]
  • Predicting the Real Estate Rates [37:26]
  • Reach out to Nick Krautter [38:37]

Nick Krautter

Nick Krautter is the author of The Golden Handoff: How to Buy and Sell a Real Estate Agent’s Business which debuted number one on Amazon for mergers and acquisitions. His goal is to teach real estate agents how to grow their business and to help them later retire and benefit from their years of hard work. Since 2006 Nick has been a Realtor in Portland, Oregon, where he leads a team and frequently serves as a real estate expert for the media, in 2022 he sold his residential business. Krautter is an avid golfer, writer, reader, and talker who enjoys all the food, drink, and adventures that can be found in the great Northwest. He is unusually tall and once lived on a sailboat. He loves his job and still gets up early, excited about what each day holds.

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Episode Transcript:

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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