Martin Bouma, is a Real Estate agent, who happens to be a gay male dominating the Ann Arbor market closing 85% of the listings he goes on! Jumping into some numbers, Martin and his team sold over 200 units equaling 67 million dollars in volume. After being told that he did not have what it took in Real Estate, Martin met a woman who realized he would do what it took to be successful. Getting on the phone from 9-6 everyday, he was able to convert on 7 closings in his first 3 months. Having zero confidence, and being told that he did not have what it took, Martin discovered that activity will always generate results. Being a gay male and utilizing his skill of being very in-tune with the people around him makes being a Real Estate agent a lot easier.
- Ann Arbor, Michigan
What’s Martin Reading?
- 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
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