Russell Shaw has been in the real estate business since 1978, and has ranked among the top 1% of all agents in the United States since 1991. He has been recognized by the National Association of Realtors as being among the top 50 agents nationally for number of homes sold and by the Wall Street Journal as being among the Top 200 Agents in America. More recently he developed and started teaching how to correctly price a home for sale without robotically attempting to use price per square foot and coming up with a “Zillow type answer”.

Join us as Russell shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstar by helping more people move than any other real estate agent or real estate team in Arizona.

Quotes To Live By

  • “The money’s always, has been and always will be in listings.” – Russell Shaw Click To Tweet
  • “The biggest barrier agents have to learning to list is believing they already know how to do it.” – Russell Shaw Click To Tweet


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • What can an agent do?
  • How to have the right attitude when listing.
  • How to go from buyers to listings and why.
  • The secret to become a top listing agent.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Russell

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Russell and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Russell

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Charlie Butler earned his Real Estate license in 1999 and began his career as an independent contractor with The Realty Group. He sold over $100 million in real estate, and had over 1,400 transactions. By 2006, he was ranked among the top 100 realtors in the country. In January 2009, Charlie began Capital Realty and Associates. By the end of that first year, the company had grown exponentially, and was named #3 out of 68 companies in the Evansville Area by the Assoc. of Realtors.

Join us as Charlie shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstar by becoming the #1 Realtor in the Evansville area.

Quotes To Live By

  • “To me it’s all about relationships.” – Charlie Butler  Click To Tweet 
  • “That’s why more guys don’t do what I’m doing, because they won’t do that.” – Charlie Butler  Click To Tweet 


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How a residential agent can become a commercial agent.
  • The commercial business of real estate.
  • How to develop that relationship.
  • Learning from being in the management role.
  • How to sell investment real estate.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Charlie

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Charlie and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Charlie

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Michael Hananel is the CEO of Strategic Growth Real Estate, Inc. in Los Angeles. He brings nearly thirty years of entrepreneurial experience in business operations and real estate management to the table. Mike is an investment specialist particularly in the area of multi-family buildings. He works with buyers, sellers and owners, helping them connect resources with opportunities that they may not see on their own. Over half of the business that Mike does is with repeat clients who want an expert on their team handling the critical transactions.

Join us as Mike shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstar by helping people make passive income, more than they could ever make with a job alone.

Quotes To Live By

  • “I’m all about growth strategy.” – Mike Hananel  Click To Tweet
  • “I’d rather be a little early than one day too late.” – Mike Hananel  Click To Tweet
  • “Real estate will always be the major part of my investment portfolio for the rest of my life.” – Mike Hananel  Click To Tweet


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The 5 ways to make money in multifamily
  • The lessons in the Multifamily Manifesto
  • How much should you go into real estate
  • How to build wealth through real estate
  • The number 1 rule in real estate.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Mike

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Mike and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Mike

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Ron Wexler started in Real Estate in 1984. He focused on being the best agent possible, closing over 100 homes a year many times. In 2015, Ron’s business is up a total of 101% since 2013. With a goal of 377 units in 2016, Ron and his team assures clients fast and quality service, making buying and selling process as fun, painless and profitable for his clients as possible.

Join us as Ron shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstar by providing above average service in real estate.

Quotes To Live By

  • “You have to create systems that will bring those transactions to you or you have to go out and get them.” – Ron Wexler  Click To Tweet
  • “Who are you surrounding yourself with?” – Ron Wexler  Click To Tweet


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to start fresh with a brand new plan.
  • The difference between being a salesman and being a business person.
  • How to make your team a family.
  • How to play the game.
  • Who are you surrounding yourself with?
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Ron

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Ron and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Ron

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Jim Keaty is the owner and Broker of Keaty Real Estate, one of Lafayette’s fastest growing Real Estate companies. Started in 2004, with over 30 agents, Keaty Real Estate is known as “Acadiana’s Real estate Experts.” Jim and his team were recognized in 2014 by the wall street journal as the number one team in Louisiana by sale volume and by number of transactions and 35th in the country. He was also recognized as a bestselling author for his contribution to “Cracking the Real Estate Code” published in 2013.

Join us as Jim  shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstar by becoming recognized as one of the United States’s and Canada’s Top 500 Marketing Experts.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Finding the right people to help you set it up properly is really important to me.” – Jim Keaty  Click To Tweet  
  • “It’s a lot about the way you introduce things.” – Jim Keaty  Click To Tweet  

Jim’s Books

Jim’s Tools


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to learn the stages of every business.
  • How to implement the culture in your real estate company.
  • How to hire the right people for the right position.
  • What happens when you don’t have policies and procedures in place.
  • How to go from the white water to the still water.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Jim

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Jim and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Jim

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Jeff Quintin is one of the most successful real estate agents in the United States, consistently selling over 250+ homes per year, equivalent to over $150+ million in sales. He is constantly working with his team to improve on their knowledge of the market, responsiveness, professionalism, and overall efficiency. Jeff’s passion for his customers has only grown over the years as he continues to set the standard for real estate agents nationwide.

Join us as Jeff shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstar by embodying the spirit of commitment through hard work and passion.

Quotes To Live By

  • “You’ve got to understand that in this business, it takes practice.” – Jeff Quintin  Click To Tweet  
  • “To have a great mindset in this real estate business, you gotta learn how to remove the drama.” – Jeff Quintin  Click To Tweet  
  • “You need to become the person first before it can all happen.” – Pat Hiban Click To Tweet  

Jeff’s Tools


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The top 3 chromosomes of DNA needed for an agent clone.
  • What makes the perfect agent.
  • The importance of having a script.
  • How to learn the language of sales.
  • How to create the right mindset.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Jeff

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Jeff and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Jeff

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

James Festini is a multi-faceted sales associate with Century 21. He has held a real estate sales license since 1993, specializing relocation, residential and income properties. As a seasoned professional, with a Certified Marketing Specialist designation, he can handle any situation in real estate in a calm and professional manner. He is well respected by his peers within the industry.

Join us as James shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstar by providing unsurpassed integrity, professional services for his clients and bringing a “hands-on” approach to real estate.

Quotes To Live By

  • “In this business, you only have maybe 2 or 3 physical contacts with your clients.” – James Festini  Click To Tweet 

James’s Tools

  • 30/30: You have never experienced a task manager like this!
  • Videolicious: Empower your team to make GREAT VIDEOS automatically, in seconds
  • FacebookConnect with friends, family and other people you know.
  • Follow Up Boss: Never lose another Real Estate Lead.

James’s Website and Facebook Page

James’s Podcast: 


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The 3 P’s = Prepare. Prospect. Present.
  • The sphere of influence and the sphere of recognition.
  • How to maintain and increase your business.
  • How to learn the tools and techniques to increase your business.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with James

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with James and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank James

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Dan Grieb is a Certified Life Coach, Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Nationally Recognized Expert on Short Sales and Bank Owned Sales (REO’s). He is a widely respected member of the Central Florida real estate industry and is known as the “Coach of the Coaches.” Dan has mentored realtors throughout the nation and is renowned in the industry for his dynamic way of getting homes sold in every real estate market. He has been hired to speak throughout the US on how he was able to perform consistently over the last 10 years in the worst real estate market history.

Join us as Dan shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by helping thousands of families buy or sell a home in Central Florida.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Very rarely will a business grow beyond your personal growth.” – Dan Grieb  Click To Tweet  
  • “I don’t want people to compete, I want them to dominate.” – Dan Grieb  Click To Tweet  
  • “Our competitors will duplicate it, but they’ll never be as good as us.” – Dan Grieb  Click To Tweet  
  • “You don’t get confidence when you start digging the hole, you get confidence from getting out of the hole.”  – Dan Grieb  Click To Tweet  


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The home to sell program
  • The expansion with the builders market
  • The builder program
  • Competing vs. Dominating
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Dan

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Dan and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Dan

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Michael Perna established and leads the Perna team in 2000. It is his team’s mission to minimize stress during the selling and buying process, while maximizing the clients return on investment. With years of experience helping local buyers and sellers, his team helps clients locate the finest properties and negotiate the best deals.

Join us as Michael  shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstars by providing distinguished customer service, and unparalleled drive to exceed expectations.

Quotes To Live By

  •  “It was just doing the things that we do, but doing them better…” – Michael Perna  Click To Tweet 
  • “That’s the difference between an acquaintance and a relationship.”  – Michael Perna  Click To Tweet 

Michael’s Book

Michael’s Tool


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The difference between an acquaintance and a relationship.
  • Dictatorship vs. Democracy
  • What agents are required to do.
  • The A list and B list concept.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Michael

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Michael and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Michael

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Glenn Sanford is the founder and CEO of eXp Realty, “The Agent-owned Cloud Brokerage™”. After being involved with a number of internet start-ups in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, including a stint at AOL, Glenn started a highly successful real estate career in 2002. In 2006, Glenn and his team closed over $60,000,000 in real estate almost entirely from online lead generation, and was ranked as one of the top 50 teams nationally with Keller Williams. In 2008, he and his team developed the first cloud-based brokerage model that uses a 3D avatar based online office to collaborate and communicate while abandoning the physical bricks and mortar infrastructure normally associated with real estate brokerage.

Join us as Glenn shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming one of the most powerful people in residential real estate.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Buyers are some of the best people you’ll ever work with in the industry.” – Glenn Sanford  Click To Tweet


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The 5 Key ways to generate leads
  • How to empower agents to generate their own leads.
  • How agents can increase commissions without tapping to Zillow, Trulia and
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Glenn

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Glenn and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Glenn

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!