Bob Wells started real estate sales in 1994, with 50 transactions a year through 2004. He launched KW MC in 2004 as a TL, and launched and relaunched six additional companies as of 2015. Bob’s goal includes the growth of Keystone Partners Group, headquartered in Lansdale PA, into the top performing Keller Williams ownership group in the world. He is an expert at launching real estate companies, company turnarounds, and mergers and acquisitions, coaching and consulting leveraged mega agents to higher business performance.

Join us as Bob shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming an expert in building progress in real estate.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Progress is happiness.” – Bob Wells  Click To Tweet
  • “We have to become the person that we need to be in order to lead an organization of that caliber.” Bob Wells  Click To Tweet
  • “The key I believe is to stay focused on highly dollar productive activities.” – Bob Wells  Click To Tweet
  • “I am the wisest man alive for I know one thing: and that is that I know nothing.” – Socrates Click To Tweet

Check out Keystone Partners Group now!


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • What to do when building a real estate team
  • What it takes to serve the people that are counting on us.
  • How to maintain and sustain a database.
  • How to live with revenue.
  • How to stay focused on the big goals.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Bob

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Bob and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Bob

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Greg Harrelson has worked for 16 years in real estate sales, coaching / mentoring and real estate development. He uses his years of experience along with his passion for the industry to lead and coach agents to succeed at high levels. Greg believes that there is a direct correlation between the wealth you accumulate and the amount of people that you serve and make a difference with throughout your lifetime. It is that belief that pushes Greg to lead others to success. He understands that helping others get what they want will eventually lead him to what he wants.

Join us as Greg shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by inspiring others to reach the goals that they never thought were possible.

Quotes To Live By

  • “When things don’t go exactly how you planned them to go, don’t quit.” – Greg Harrelson  Click To Tweet
  • “Our default is authenticity, our ego takes us to inauthenticity.” – Greg Harrelson  Click To Tweet
  • “If we already know we can, then to me, that’s ordinary, not extraordinary.” – Greg Harrelson  Click To Tweet
  • “Set the goal, commit to the process, learn from your failures, those failures are gonna be the things that get you to the summit, to the top of your game.”  – Greg Harrelson  Click To Tweet
  • “Sometimes, our failures are put in front of us for a purpose, and the purpose is to learn and prepare us for something much bigger than we had actually set the goal to be at that time.”  – Greg Harrelson  Click To Tweet

Check this out


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • What are you gonna do that’s extraordinary?
  • Choosing to make the commitment.
  • How to get to the top of your game.
  • How you can make the world look different.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Greg

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Greg and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Greg

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Ty Crandall is an internationally known speaker, author, and business credit expert. With over 16 years of financial experience, Ty has become the authority in business credit, business credit building, business credit scoring, and business credit repair. He is the author of two books on credit named Perfect Credit and Business Credit Decoded, host of the podcast the Business Credit and Finance Show, and has been featured by Entrepreneur and Inc. magazine. He has become one of the most well-known speakers regarding business credit building and scoring and has been crucial to growing the most credible business coaching operation in the United States.

Join us as Ty shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by helping build business credit for thousands of clients.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Information is power.” – Ty Crandall  Click To Tweet
  • “Pay your bill on time or early.” – Ty Crandall  Click To Tweet
  • “When you’re bank credit and corporate credits are strong, then you’re ability to get approved is significantly improved.”  – Ty Crandall  Click To Tweet

Ty’s Books

Ty’s Website

Ty’s YouTube Channel

Grab a free, four step guide at


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The guide to building business credit.
  • How to get and maintain a good score.
  • The best practices to keep a high credit score.
  • The different credit profiles.
  • How to apply for business credit.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Ty

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Ty and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Ty

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Mike Wall has been licensed for 12 years, but only a full time agent since last May. He has sold 57 homes during his first year. This year, Mike already sold 74 homes for $11.4 million and on track to double his business year over year. Inspired by the desire to build a superior and unique real estate services organization in the Greater Dayton & Cincinnati area, The Wall Group has earned the reputation as a well-respected boutique-style real estate company that consistently exceeds clients’ expectations. It is a top producing real estate team and is a trusted partner to hundreds of area clients’ and families. Accountability, professionalism and customer satisfaction are the cornerstones of Mike’s real estate business.

Join us as Mike shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming an Expired Listing Expert in Dayton, Ohio.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Knowing what to say is important, but taking action is even more important.” – Mike Wall  Click To Tweet
  • “When you’re hiring people, make sure you spend time with them.” – Mike Wall  Click To Tweet
  • “There’s a way to be successful in this business.” – Mike Wall Click To Tweet

Mike’s Tools

  • Vulcan 7: Knowledge. Decisions. Solutions
  • BombBomb: Face to Face with more people, more often.
  • rDesk: Scale. Speed. Strength. Creativity. Real estate innovation, for the real estate industry.


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Building a prospecting based business.
  • How to be an expired listing expert.
  • How to build from a success up.
  • Why no one can do it better than you.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Mike

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Mike and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Mike

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Michael Hellickson is a full-time real estate coach. He has listed/sold over 100 homes/month as an agent. At his peak,Michael carried over 750 listings, 44 team members and $5mil in pending commissions. Michael has coached top agents all over the world, including many of the top 200 agents in the world! He is a husband, a father of two, and a good provider to his family.

Join us as Michael shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by helping Real Estate Agents, brokers and salespeople in various industries Worldwide. 

Quotes To Live By

  • “Don’t fight a battle just because you’re right.” – Michael Hellickson Click To Tweet
  • “Treat every single agent like a client.” – Michael Hellickson  Click To Tweet


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to do the business right.
  • What not to do in the real estate business.
  • Factors why real estate licenses get revoked.
  • How to treat real estate agents.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Michael

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Michael and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Michael

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Nicole Dufala started in the business in 2001 as a real estate appraiser and started an appraisal firm. She obtained her RE license in 2010, struggled through her first year in the business until joining KW in 2011 and began building a team. Nicole’s husband joined her team a little over 2 years ago. Nicole is a mother of 3 boys, married for 18 years to her best friend and business partner. She loves running marathons and doing triathlons. Join us as Nicole shares her realtor mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by providing service that exceeds expectations. Quotes To Live By

  • “Everybody that you talk to is an opportunity for business.” – Nicole Dufala  Click To Tweet
  • “Stop buying leads.” – Nicole Dufala  Click To Tweet
  • “Real estate is a contact sport, the more people you talk to, the more opportunities you have for business.” – Nicole Dufala  Click To Tweet
  • “I think most real estate agents think of it as a job and I think of it as a lifestyle.” – Nicole Dufala  Click To Tweet

Nicole’s Tools

  • HomeKeepr: Stay valuable to your clients long after the closing
  • Team Leads: Sell more homes with Team Leads!


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • What makes an agent successful vs. unsuccessful?
  • Where to invest your savings.
  • Learning to stop buying leads.
  • Real estate as a contact sport.
  • How to go from 2 to 120 houses sold!
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Nicole 

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Nicole and thank her for her rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Nicole

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Tammy Hines began her real estate career in 1996. Her experience and education helped develop her excellent organizational, communication, marketing and negotiating skills. She truly loves her profession and genuinely cares about helping buyers and sellers reach their goals. Her growing team make up not only one of the most successful real estate team in Southern Illinois, but also one of the best in the nation, consistently ranked the #1 Independent Real Estate Team in all of Southwestern Illinois. A wife and mother, Tammy understands the importance of family and helping her clients accomplish their real estate needs.

Join us as Tammy shares her realtor mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by delivering accelerated excellence to her clients.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Focus on getting things paid off so that we can retire whenever we choose to.” – Tammy Hines Click To Tweet
  • “Being a real estate professional, you don’t have a certain amount of loss that you’re limited to.” – Tammy Hines  Click To Tweet

Tammy’s Tools

Tammy’s Website


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Having an independent office.
  • How to invest in rental properties.
  • Where to invest your savings
  • How to be successful in real estate.
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Tammy

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Tammy and thank her for her rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Tammy

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Brad Baldridge received his Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin Platteville in 1990 and has been a College Funding Consultant since 2004. He is the founder of Baldridge College Solutions. He is also a Certified Financial Planner and a member of the local and national chapters of the Financial Planning Association. Brad helps business owners and families develop strategies that may save thousands on the cost of college.

Join us as Brad shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by providing Financial Planning Strategies to business owners and families.

Quotes To Live By

  • “Do the benefits outweigh the costs?” – Brad Baldridge  Click To Tweet

Brad’s Tools


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • The best strategy to make sure your kids go to college
  • Why small businesses do not qualify as an asset
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Brad

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Brad and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Brad

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Robert Coldwell is a graduate of Penn State University with a degree in Finance. Since 2003 Robert worked with the Swiss Farm Stores, and in January of 2012 he joined his family business, Your Local Leasing Company (YLLCO) as the President and CEO. A cutting edge residential management company which handles leasing for over 3,000 units and manages 200+ properties throughout the Delaware Valley. Robert is a certified franchise executive and lives in West Chester with his wife Emma and their kids.

Join us as Rob shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming an active real estate investor.

Quotes To Live By

  • “The nicer your property, the better your tenant will be!” – Rob Coldwell  Click To Tweet


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to buy more rental properties
  • Three pillars of profitable property management
  • How to become an expert at managing properties
  • How to manage your property managers
  • How to set the rules for your properties
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Rob

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Rob and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Rob

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!

Gary Wilson have managed and led a professional team that allowed him to close and personally oversee thousands of transactions in the last decade and also managed and marketed hundreds of REO properties. Gary also ranked in top 5% of all agents according to consumers and ranked in the top 10% of all agents in units sold for an individual Realtor. He aims to help the world build prosperity and income through real estate.

Join us as Gary shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by helping the world build wealth and income with real estate!

Quotes To Live By

  • “Be willing to get outside of your comfort zone!” Gary Wilson Click To Tweet
  • “To grow big, start small!” Gary Wilson Click To Tweet
  • “Paychecks will never make you rich!” Gary Wilson Click To Tweet

Gary’s Books


  • Vyral Marketing: Top agents around the entire county are using Vyral Marketing and in fact I am too, go to and get a copy of my real estate marketing campaigns, the ones that work for me.
  • GoBundance is an exclusive tribe of hard charging and high achieving entrepreneurs, passive income wizards, and bestselling authors gathered together for adventure, masterminding, and accountability.
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Sign up today at
  • National Association of Expert Advisors: NAEA is the official coaching company of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars. Find out what they can do for you here!
  • AIM Cruise: The leading provider of cruise incentives to companies throughout the United States and Canada. AIM delivers a high quality, turn-key cruise incentive promotion, that will motivate your prospective and existing clients to do business with you. Get started today, and ask for the Pat Hiban Special!

Hiban Ad_Swipe File_2In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to have no fixed address
  • Learn how to live with NO bills
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank & Connect with Gary

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to connect with Gary and thank him for his rock solid advice, you can do so easily by following the link below.

Click here to connect and thank Gary

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Don’t forget to head on over to Bare Naked Agent for Pat’s answers, and advice. Thank you Rockstar Nation, and keep rockin!