Can you make more profits, work fewer hours and sell even more units with a 100% virtual team? Dallas, Texas area real estate rockstar Mike Mazyck is proof positive that you can do all of that and more using the right systems, recruiting the right team members and doing the right things to wow your clients during, not just after, the transaction. Hear exactly how Mike is doing things differently than most real estate teams, but doing those things in a way that is delivering massive success for his team in today’s interview with Pat Hiban.

Mike Mazyck is the owner/broker of Mike Mazyck Realty. His team has a thriving real estate team just outside of Dallas and will close close to 700 homes this year. Mike graduated from Bible College in 2003. He did personal training for 4 years with 24hr. Fitness prior to real estate.  Mike was licensed since 2003 and became Rookie of the year during his first full year in business. He is married to his wife Tiffany and they have two children, Madeline and Pierson.

Join us as Mike shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by providing better customer service to both buyer and seller clients.

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