1241: From Almost Quitting to $10M in Volume via Hyperlocal IG Content With Alyssa Curnutt

May 16, 2024

Are you about to give up on social media? Listen to this Real Estate Rockstars podcast first! Today’s guest, Alyssa Curnutt, was close to quitting social media but made one last pivot that paid off big. Last year, she closed over $10 million in real estate deals thanks to her new, improved social media strategy. Find out what it was in this interview and turn your Instagram into a source for countless buyers and sellers in your real estate market.

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • What you’ll learn in today’s Real Estate Rockstars podcast [0:00]
  • The changes Alyssa made to start converting leads via video [2:09]
  • Ways to get engagement and interaction with Instagram stories [7:00]
  • Setting boundaries with social media [9:47]
  • How to generate buyers and sellers in your market via hyperlocal reels [11:20]
  • Tips and tricks for creating business-highlight content [14:24]
  • Alyssa’s schedule for social media content creation [19:59]
  • How Alyssa records and edits her social media videos [22:53]
  • Alyssa’s donation to the Toolbox: A better alternative to “Just Listed” mailers [29:05]
  • An inexpensive way to get farming lists for mailers [31:35]
  • What the future holds for Alyssa Curnutt [34:21]
  • Alyssa’s podcast and real estate event recommendations [35:45]
  • Where to find and follow Alyssa Curnutt [38:48]

Alyssa Curnutt

Alyssa Curnutt is a real estate agent based in Spokane, Washington who loves sharing cool things happening in her community. Alyssa has been a real estate agent for seven years, but started marketing on Instagram about a year and a half ago: which is when she really found her love for video content. In 2023, 40% of her business came directly from Instagram. Her content strategy is targeting Spokane residents with hyperlocal content, in an approachable and relatable way.

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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