1240: How to Outsource Cold Calling With Dan Austin

May 13, 2024

Cold calling is a great way to win new real estate business, but let’s be honest: it sucks! Listen to this Real Estate Rockstars and learn how to outsource cold calling for as little as $5 per hour. Today’s guest, Dan Austin, has years of experience hiring cold callers from overseas. Here, he shares where to find potential hires, how to evaluate them, and what it takes to set them up for success. Dan and Shelby also discuss the latest, greatest tools for cold calling, the typical DiSC results of a top-performing prospector, and more.

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • What you’ll learn in today’s Real Estate Rockstars podcast [0:00]
  • The best place to find someone for real estate cold calls [1:47]
  • How to hire a cold caller via Upwork [4:01]
  • An essential step in the hiring process for overseas cold callers [5:43]
  • Filtering out applicants via the DiSC assessment [6:41]
  • A critical step in the hiring process for cold callers [10:33]
  • How much you can expect to pay a cold caller [13:45]
  • Red flags to look for when interviewing cold callers or virtual assistants [15:15]
  • Expectations you should immediately set with a new hire [18:33]
  • Getting a contract signed and how to handle requests for days off [22:01]
  • Dan’s onboarding process for cold callers and VAs [26:12]
  • KPI’s for cold callers [27:52]
  • Services and tools for cold calling [28:40]
  • Where and how to get lists for real estate prospecting [33:12]
  • The goal of a real estate script and why callers shouldn’t stick to it [36:51]
  • The two types of staffing companies when it comes to VAs and cold callers [39:48]
  • How quickly to expect results after hiring a cold caller [40:52]
  • Dan’s top prospects and goals for cold callers [42:00]
  • What to do when a cold caller does not work out [45:32]
  • Where to find and follow Dan Austin [48:10]

Dan Austin

In 2016 Dan Austin was climbing the corporate ladder but struggled with the idea of spending 40 years doing the same thing everyday. Instead of waiting around for a fake gold watch he drained his savings account to buy his first rental property and embark on his entrepreneurial journey.

After a few years of slow progress towards his goal of financial freedom Dan decided to double down. In 2020 Dan started a wholesale real estate business and in just two years bought and held over $10 million in real estate assets while also closing 150+ real estate transactions. Dan and his team have since launched Backyard Homebuyers, a national home buying service where his team works with real estate agents and investors to discounted real estate assets.

Dan is also the host of the Collecting Keys podcast, a show focused on sharing the daily ups and downs of growing a real estate business.

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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