1245: How to Become the Top Agent in Your Community with John Harrison

May 30, 2024

What does it take to be the top real estate agent in your community? Real Estate Pro John Harrison teaches us how to dominate your community to become the go-to agent in your area. John emphasizes the importance of understanding your community’s story, history, and unique attributes. He shares how passion and emotional connections are key in building lasting relationships. Deep research, data analysis, and storytelling are crucial. Creating a command central document, engaging with the community, and leveraging social media are effective strategies for success. John covers the importance of long-term thinking in real estate, the value of building relationships, and the significance of creating and implementing systems and processes. He also emphasizes the role of curiosity in serving clients and the continuous learning process in the real estate industry. Listen now and start your journey to becoming the top agent in your community!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • Understanding the Community Story [00:00]
  • Passion in Your Community [02:29]
  • The Power of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure) [05:03]
  • Marketing Your Story and Expertise [10:56]
  • Broker Virtual Open Houses [22:23]
  • The Power of Long-Term Thinking in Real Estate [29:00]
  • Tools for People Struggling with Systems [45:40]
  • Figuring out the Essence of What Your Clients Need [47:07]
  • Connecting with John Harrison [51:40]

John Harrison

John has a diverse career spanning real estate, high-tech, business development, and the arts. He has been driven by a common theme: innovation. From setting trends in real estate to designing advanced IT solutions to forging global partnerships in business to fostering creative projects in the arts, he has consistently demonstrated a knack for innovation and simplifying complex things. He is the co-founder of the Harrison Grandelli Team at CORE in NYC where he and his partner lead a small team of agents serving everyone from first time home buyers to last time estate sales.

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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