1254: The NAR Prep Guide You NEED [Buyers Agents] with Kristi Jencks

July 1, 2024

In this conversation, Kristi Jencks provides valuable insights and strategies for real estate agents working with buyers in a changing market. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and communicating your value proposition, focusing on solving buyers’ specific problems and showcasing your unique skills and expertise. Kristi also discusses the need to educate buyers on the true meaning of representation and the risks they face without professional guidance. Listen in!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • NAR Changes are Coming [00:00]
  • How to Prepare [01:55]
  • Solving Buyers’ Problems [03:37]
  • Number 1 Mistake in Building a Buyer Consultation [05:55]
  • Educating Buyers on Representation [09:27]
  • Biggest Challenges Buyer’s are Facing [08:10]
  • Navigating the Commission Conversation [13:45]
  • What to do now? [22:41]
  • Does Kristi Agree With the New Terms? [23:45]
  • Details in Your Buyer Process [25:00]
  • Connect with Kristi [26:16]

Kristi Jencks

“Kristi Jencks is a name synonymous with genuine enthusiasm and practical wisdom in the world of real estate coaching. With a decade-long tenure as a top real estate team leader in Phoenix, Kristi combines her professional expertise with a relatable, down-to-earth approach. Her speaking engagements, notably at the Tom Ferry Success Summit, are not just informative but also infused with her natural humor and energy.

Her qualifications, including specialized speaker training, and certifications in AI mastery and Tom Ferry and Phil Jones’s “Exactly What to Say”, equip her with a diverse toolkit to guide business and team leaders. Kristi’s methods are practical, focused, and tailored to the real-world challenges of the real estate industry.

Beyond her professional life, Kristi’s role as a mother to eight fostered and adopted children adds a layer of depth to her understanding of commitment and resilience. These personal experiences enrich her coaching, providing a unique perspective on balancing life’s various demands.

Kristi lives by a simple yet powerful philosophy: “Be Disciplined. Stay Accountable. Always Hustle.” These principles are at the heart of her coaching style, encouraging a balanced approach to ambition and personal growth.

Choosing Kristi Jencks for your next event means opting for a speaker who combines expertise with approachability. She offers more than just strategies; she provides an understanding of the human element in business success. Her sessions are not just about learning; they’re about experiencing a shift in how discipline and accountability can lead to meaningful achievements.

In a field crowded with experts, Kristi’s blend of professional knowledge, personal experience, and engaging delivery make her a standout choice. She’s committed to sharing her insights in a way that’s both inspiring and grounded, helping others to navigate their paths to success with confidence and a touch of humor.”

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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