1264: The Profitable Persuasion Method: How Phil Gerdes Closes 98.99% of His Listing Appointments

August 5, 2024

Are you looking for a fresh approach to achieving sales success? Discover the new strategies that could get you results in this episode! Phil Gerdes shares his unique methods for building connections with clients by understanding their needs and goals and tailoring the sales process to serve them. He reveals strategies for successful listing appointments, addressing common concerns like commission, and establishing a strong value proposition. Phil introduces the ‘Profitable Persuasion Method’, which includes understanding people, effective conversation techniques, and the value diamond. Tune in to learn how to close 98.99% of your listing appointments and scale your real estate business!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • The Key to Successful Sales [00:00]
  • Realtor Vs. Real Estate Business Owner [05:57]
  • How is Phil Closing 98.99% of Listing Appointments [08:50]
  • How to Pick Up Details [12:06]
  • Running Through Comps [15:54]
  • Micro Conversational Events [17:46]
  • New Agents Common Mistakes [21:50]
  • The Profitable Persuasion Method [28:48]
  • Trainings ang Workshops [31:50]
  • Connect with Phil [44:28]

Phil Gerdes

Phil’s commitment to excellence is mirrored in the energy, authenticity, drive, and humility he brings to every interaction, ensuring clients receive an unparalleled service experience. His marketing-centric approach to brand development has not only crafted a distinguished presence in his market but has also set a benchmark for success in conversion and client relations.

Phil’s journey in business has seen him mentor and guide numerous top-performing individuals and enterprises. His approach delves into the nuances of conversion, empowering both industry veterans and newcomers to refine their sales skills and brand development.

Phil Gerdes exemplifies leadership through his ability to inspire, empower, and connect. His revolutionary, Profitable Persuasion Method underscores the importance of building trust and rapport, understanding true empathy, and developing relationships rather than mere transactional interactions.

Experience the ultimate return on investment for the high-priority relationships in your life. Persuasion, Re-Imagined. Transform your team’s influence and effectiveness today by bringing Phil Gerdes’ expertise to your organization.

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Episode Transcript:

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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