1251: 22 Years Old with 18 Pending via the BEST Buyers Consultation with Isacc Lightbourn

June 18, 2024

How does a 22-year-old land 18 pending deals? Isacc Lightbourn, a young REALTOR® from El Paso, Texas, shares how he did it with his buyer’s consultation process! Discover how the initial meeting location, breaking the ice, and building rapport can make all the difference. Isacc reveals the secrets to a successful buyer-realtor® relationship, like handling tricky topics like commission and money matters. He shows why realtors are so valuable in buying a home. Isacc also explains the must-know pre-approval process, the difference between pre-qualification and pre-approval, and why being honest with your lender is crucial. He guides you in figuring out what buyers really want, finding the perfect home, making strong offers, handling inspections, and sealing the deal. Curious about mastering the home-buying journey? Listen in to learn from Isacc Lightbourn’s expertise!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • What to Say in Buyer Consultations? [00:00]
  • Buyer’s Consultation Presentation [02:28]
  • Starting the Conversation [04:37]
  • Buyer’s Roadmap [07:20]
  • The Buyer-Realtor Relationship [17:30]
  • Commission Percentage and Negotiation [19:50]
  • The Importance of Pre-Approval [28:55]
  • Understanding buyer’s preferences [34:34]
  • Non-Negotiables for a New Property [42:28]
  • Making Offers, Negotiations, and Inspections [48:39]
  • How to close the deal like a pro [56:40]
  • Connect with Isaac [1:00:23]

Isacc Lightbourn

Isacc Lightbourn with ClearView Realty in El Paso, Texas is a 22 year old New Home expert that closed 11.8 million dollars in volume last year off of Instagram and YouTube. All of his social media is just “ Isacc Lightbourn”. He is a solo agent with a TC and the average sales price in EL Paso, Texas is about $260,000.

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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