Want to know how the best listing agents manage to get paperwork signed at each and every listing appointment? The answer has nothing to do with secret scripts or sneaky sales tactics. The best real estate agents win listings and clients by striving to understand prospects’ needs and addressing their concerns from the start.

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Are you fully leveraging your real estate sphere of influence to maximize commissions and boost your business volume? Unless reaching out to members of your sphere of influence via Facebook advertising is one of your regular practices, the answer to this question is no.
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Despite what you may think, you can win every real estate listing. Even when competing with an experienced agent or a large real estate team, you can be the one who gains the seller’s confidence and gets the listing each and every time. Want to know how?
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Earn more real estate commissions and build a better business with advice from some of the best minds in the industry. July’s podcast guests shared some incredible information with listeners. 5 of these guests in particular really stood out. If you haven’t heard the top 5 most-downloaded episodes of Real Estate Rockstars for July, be sure to check them out below!
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Plenty of agents earn passive income by renting out investment properties, but did you know that there’s a way to generate passive earnings without the hassle of renters? That’s right; it’s possible to collect a check every month with a different type of real estate investment strategy. Mark Podolsky, a professional land investor with more than a decade of experience, sat down with Pat to explain how it works.
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Real estate video marketing is possibly the most effective marketing method available to agents; it’s definitely one of the cheapest. Marketing-savvy agents are able to generate tons of new business with videos while spending next to nothing on advertising. Recent guest Katharine Loucaidou has done it and you can too.
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New agents don’t always have great guidance early on. People who elect to work as solo agents from the start, for instance, are typically forced to figure out what works on their own. More often than not, this is a long, painful process, and a large percentage of new agents leave the industry after just a few short years as a result. Of course, there are also new agents who manage to find success in real estate quickly. Parker Pemberton is one new agent who definitely falls into the latter category.  

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Leverage reviews to build your business’ credibility so you can attract more clients and earn more real estate commissions. With a proven system guiding your efforts, leveraging reviews to enhance real estate profits is easier and can be more effective than traditional marketing methods.
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Real estate expansion is one of the few ways to boost a real estate business’ profits exponentially and ensure its long-term success. Without certain key components, however, plans for real estate expansion are doomed to fail. If you plan on expanding your business to new markets, follow the advice of industry experts and ensure it has what it takes to succeed first.
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