1250: How to Make $1M/Year Working 10 Hours/Week with Erik Hatch

June 17, 2024

Curious how to earn $1M a year working just 10 hours a week? Erik Hatch leads the way with his blueprint for building a successful real estate business with minimal hours. He emphasizes mastering personal production before growing a team and reveals a powerful 3-step morning routine: role play, lead generation, and lead follow-up. Discover the 4 essential business sources and learn how engaging with potential clients both offline and on social media can transform your success. Let’s dive into the importance of winning the morning, leveraging administrative support, and making key hires, including a full-time admin, a virtual assistant, and an agent partner. Get ready to get all these helpful tips just by listening to this episode. Tune in!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • $1M a Year, Working 10 hrs. a Week in Real Estate [00:00]
  • 3 Things that Will Determine Your Success [06:59]
  • Lead Generation Vs. Lead Follow Up [15:32]
  • 4 Types of Business Sources [16:12]
  • Is Content Creation Lead Generation? [22:11]
  • How to Win with Lead Generation? [25:01]
  • How to Scale the Right Way? [27:37]
  • The Perfect Real Estate Agent Blueprint [28:01]
  • The Hire that Will Help You Work 10 hrs. A Week [32:50]
  • The Agent Partner’s Role [36:07]
  • How to Graduate an Agent Partner? [39:21]
  • Different Paths for a Graduated Agent Partner [43:26]
  • Connect with Erik Hatch [48:43]

Erik Hatch

Erik Hatch wears a number of hats:

Author: Erik’s written 2 books. His 2019 release of “Play For The Person Next To You” is a guide to servant leadership. His 2022 release (written with his partner Robby T) “The Perfect Real Estate Agent Blueprint” dives deep into the model that can change your career.

Team leader: Erik’s real estate team has sold over 6,500 homes in the last decade and knocked out 1,024 families served in 2021 alone. Hatch brokered by Real has been the #1 team in ND since 2012 and was ranked #35 in 2021 across the US.

Servant: Erik is wickedly passionate about leadership and philanthropy. He’s helped to build 2 non-profits as well as helped to raise funds regularly to fight human trafficking around the globe. Erik’s efforts have raised over 5 million dollars and have empowered countless other leaders to do more with what they have.

Coach: Erik has been recognized as a top 20 coach in the real estate industry. He coaches some of the top teams and is massively passionate about leadership. His partner Robby T is the top lead conversion coach in the country and also has created some incredible automation for lead follow up.

Family man: Erik is the husband of Emily, dad of Finley and Simon, and a child of God.

Related Links and Resources:

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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