Josh DeShong is the Texas Real Estate “golden boy”, with the face of a teenager and the statistics of a 30 year veteran in the industry! Josh dives into the murky waters with Pat and shares stories of failure and triumph and how, at age 25, he now sits atop his market. As a rookie, literally broke, Josh bartered for his first desk at a Keller Williams office…serving as the office’s computer techie. Find out how Josh went from nearly hanging up his suit and tie, to cold calling until the phone broke, to making it big!

What does it take to reach the top of the market? Join us as Josh shares his Real Estate mindset and tells the story of his journey to becoming a successful Real Estate Rockstar.

Success Quote – How To

  • “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure” Bill Cosby


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.

Real Estate AH-HA Moment

  • Being the office computer nerd came with its benefits and downfalls. While removing a virus from a fellow agents computer, Josh was given the advice to pack his bags and run. The man told him that without a sphere of influence, and a wad of cash in his pockets, Josh was wasting his time and effort. Taking this to heart, with tears in his eyes, Josh set off for the car and planned to pack it up until that AH-HA moment. “Who is that guy to tell me if I will be successful or not” Josh said to himself over and over again until he built up the confidence to march into the office, and cold call until success.

Current Business

  • At age 25 Josh is killing it! He has decided to commit to “under promising and over delivering” and because of this, last year was forced to turn down 100 listings so that he could maintain his 85% conversion rate on the listings he did take.

Get Some of That App

  • iScape – Virtually landscape your yard. With iScape, you can create a realistic rendering of what your yard will look like before any time or money is spent.

Interview Links

  • – Josh’s “pretty” website
  • Refog Keylogger – Do all your employees use their computer resources and Internet connection solely for your business? Do they work as hard when you are away as they do when you are watching over their shoulders? In other words, do you suspect your employee’s productivity is lacking? You should consider installing a surveillance system to address the problem.


Former #5 in the World for Coldwell Banker, competing with over 120,000 realtors, the youngest to ever obtain this achievement, Jay Kinder shares with us his amazing story! Literally being born into Real Estate, by age 19 Jay was already prepared to branch off on his own. Motivated by his urge to provide value-added life experiences and promote home ownership across the Lawton community, Jay set his goals high from the start. His journey however has not been the smoothest, after the collapse of 2008 nearly cost him everything! Jay found a way to perceiver, reevaluating his business, and in 2011, Jay and co-founder Michael Reese felt there was something bigger that agents would be a part of to revolutionize the real estate industry at an even larger scale and pace, so together they co-founded the National Association of Expert Advisors®. Now, in 2014, the National Association has a following of over 40,000 agents throughout the United States and Canada with over 87 events and nearly 2000 in attendance throughout a single calendar year.

Join us as Jay shares his Real Estate frame of mind, and learn how to go from rookie to rockstar!

The National Association of Expert Advisors®

  • Jay Kinder co-founded the National Association of Expert Advisors® with Michael Reese. Both with over 25 years of Real Estate experience, they are 2 brokers working in the business to help establish proven, repeatable systems that work for agents across the United States and Canada. Their passion and desire to help revolutionize the real estate industry is evident and infectious. Click Here to check it out for yourself!

What Jay’s Reading

    • Pick up your copy today!


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.


[app_audio src=””] When supply and demand drives a market, and banks aren’t loaning money how do you sell houses? A question from Ukraine really got out Bare Naked Agent thinking long and hard. With the…

The Dunca Duo blew 2013 out of the water, doing 472 units! Andrew Duncan is the leader of Tampa Bay’s Most Innovative Real Estate Team, co-owner of RE/MAX Dynamic, and the Host of The Duncan Duo Real Estate Show Sundays at 10am on 970AM WFLA. His marketing expertise and attention to innovation has allowed the team to double its business nearly every single year to the point where the team is now #1 with RE/MAX in the State of Florida and #10 in the U.S. for RE/MAX after just being open for 2 full years. Andrew shares how he has constantly sought out new and innovative ideas to continue to help his clients achieve their Real Estate goals.

Join us as Andrew shares his Real Estate frame of mind, and learn how to go from rookie to rockstar!

The Desire for Success

  • Andrew’s father was a factory worker, and his mother was a waitress, and they always made sure that their kids were in the best schools, but the discovery of sports is what gives Andrew the desire for always striving for more! An IUPUI Division 1 basketball player, without sports, Andrew claims that he would not be where he is today.

What Andrew’s Reading

  • Pick up your copies today!



  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go to get your 1 Free month trial, and your 1 FREE book.


The double doozy from Grand Rapids Michigan, with an incredible story on rapid growth. Not only has Steve built an incredible niche focused team, he has also converted an ex-administrator to a killer Real Estate Agent. After joining Steve’s team, and learning the Real Estate business from behind a desk, Ashley took to the streets and has sold over 60 homes in her second year of business, accounting for 1/3 of all sales on a team of 21. To make it even better, you know Ashley is turning heads, because she has been voted into the Top 30 Under 30 in Realtor Magazine.

Join us as Ashley & Steve share their trials and tribulations and how they have rose to the top in Grand Rapids Real Estate.


  • Grand Rapids, Michigan

What to do

  • Steve has created an incredible team focused on catering to clients. Not only does the Steve Volkers Group utilize an inside sales agent, they also created a client concierge that serves as a steady means of connections to clients.



  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Audible: Go to get 1 Free month trial, and 1 FREE book.

What if you could wake up tomorrow and any, or EVERY area of your life was beginning to transform? The simplest approach to achieving everything you have ever wanted starts with The Miracle Morning, and it was an honor to chat with Hal Elrod, author of this best selling book. Besides being an author, Hal is a Keynote speaker, one of America’s top Success Coaches, a father, a husband, an amazing guest on Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, and he shares information on how to achieve your goals today. Hal’s commitment to being great almost came to a screeching halt, when at age 20, Hal was hit head on by a drunk driver, and found dead at the scene. Despite being declared clinically dead for six minutes, in a coma for six days, and being told he would never walk again, Hal defied the logic of doctors and bounced back to prove that all of us are capable of overcoming extraordinary adversity using affirmations.

Join us as Hal shares his knowledge on how to achieve the unexpected using affirmations, and The Miracle Morning.

Quotes by Hal

The Moment You Take Responsibility    Let Today Be The Day Give Up Being Perfect   LOVE the Life You Have

Hal’s Books



  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.

Veteran Real Estate Agent and successful Insurance Broker Willie Miranda of Albany, New York shares how he created a self run insurance company that pays a 6 figure work free income for him while he works with Real Estate clients to make more money. A long time trainer for Craig Proctor Seminars, Willie walks what he talks and consistently pumps out hundreds of sales per year.  Listen as he candidly shares some great stories about keeping a shocking secret that occurred on a house showing and how keeping an old space heater around motivates him more than a gallon of Starbuck’s dark roast!

Join us as Willie shares his Real Estate frame of mind and provides insight into how to sell tons of homes, while using a space heater as motivation.


  • Clifton Park, NY

What’s Willie Reading


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.


Justin Havre is an online Real Estate genius! The internet has been his biggest attribute to success from the beginning, always investing heavily into internet lead generation. With 8-9 websites, there is no shortage of web presence for Justin Havre & Associates.   Justin and his team generate over 40,000 internet leads annually. Justin is not just killing the referrals, he and his team did over 430 units last year! 

Join us as Justin shares his Real Estate frame of mind and provides insight into how to sell tons of homes, and generate tens of thousands of listings annually!!! 


  • Calgary, Canada

How Justin went from Rookie to Rockstar

  • From day one, Justin invested a lot of time and money into websites. With an IT/tech background, he built his first website, putting advertisements in the newspaper to drive people to his site. Having a website that updated listings on an hourly basis created quite a buzz, and generated many leads for Justin. It all comes back to technology with Justin, and focusing on the percentage that he converts to actual sales. 


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Whistle And a Clipboard: Interviews with professional coaches, providing tips tricks and drills to help take your kids to the championship.

Have you ever thought about selling your team? Mike Sloan, Pat Hiban’s right hand man for 13 years, tells his story from the first chance encounter with Pat up until modern day where he runs a team of 17 to do over 50 million dollars in volume. In this no holds barred interview Mike candidly tells shocking stories of his Real Estate exploits including his run in with a professional stripper and her $800k listing, his current negotiations with a sports agent and a future NFL star, his struggle with weight, losing 65 pounds and keeping it off.

Want to learn from the Rockstars of Real Estate? Join us as Mike shares his Real Estate frame of mind and provides insight on how to dominate the Real Estate world.


  • Columbia, Maryland

Learning His Lesson

  • How he learned that Real Estate is full of “natural Consequences” starting with the 2nd deal he did where Pat Hiban gave him a visual that gave him a bit of insomnia for his entire rookie year.


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.
  • Whistle And a Clipboard: Interviews with professional coaches, providing tips tricks and drills to help take your kids to the championship.

Pat Wattam believes that enjoying her job is the key to success. She has built her team around friends and others who reflect her work ethic. Moving into a new area in 1979 and migrating into Real Estate from music, Pat proved that she did not need to know anyone in order to build success. With Hurrican Katrina ripping through Pat’s area, she had to reevaluate her business, and she found ways to continue to thrive.

Want to learn from the Rockstars of Real Estate? Join us as Pat shares her Real Estate frame of mind and provides insight on how to build a team full of friends.


  • Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Handling Stress

  • Pat recently dove into the world of art as a way to handle stress. Check it out!


  • 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny
  • MyOutDeskMyOutDesk becomes familiar with your real estate systems and personality profiles before recommending Real Estate Virtual Assistants for you to interview. Use Virtual Assistants to grow your Real Estate Business. Hire a real estate virtual assistant today.