1243: What You Need to Hear About Recruiting With Michele Harrington

May 23, 2024

Michele Harrington, CEO of First Team Real Estate, shares her insights on the best systems and tools for agents to make their lives easier, including Follow Up Boss, Luxury Presence, and RealScout. She emphasizes the importance of discipline and structure in running a successful real estate business. She also provides valuable advice on recruiting agents and building successful teams. Michele discusses the process of recruiting, including initial phone calls, Zoom meetings, and in-person interviews. She also highlights the significance of building relationships and maintaining regular contact with potential recruits. She addresses how to handle objections related to money and splits as well as what to do during these conversations. Tune in to learn more from Michele Harrington!

Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • Michele’s Journey in Real Estate as a Leader [00:00]
  • Different types of teams [03:47]
  • The Recruiting Process: Phone Calls, Zoom Meetings, and In-Person Interviews [00:05] 
  • What’s switching brokerages like? [07:46]
  • What separates brokers? Teaching, Recruiting, Coaching [08:19] 
  • Selling Your Unique Value Proposition [10:40]
    Why real estate agents join teams? [13:35]
    How to do meetings with recruits [16:08]
  • Most common objections from Real Estate Agents [21:40]
  • Addressing Objections Related to Money and Splits [22:02]
  • Creative ways to recruit rockstar agents [23:38]
  • Marketing to potential recruits [27:54]
  • Benefits of having an online presence [30:00]
  • What is substack [30:42]

Michele Harrington

Michele Harrington is the Chief Executive Officer for First Team Real Estate. First Team is the largest Independent Real Estate company in California. Michele began her career in real estate after her enlistment in the United States Marine Corps where she was a C-130 aircraft mechanic. Michele has been an agent, an investor and an owner of Real Estate, Mortgage and Escrow companies. She serves on the board of directors for the the California Association of Realtors, Graduated from Chapman University and is married to Dave Harrington, former Deputy Sheriff and the former Mayor of Aliso Viejo. Together they have 5 children.

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-Aaron Amuchastegui

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