Year after year, agents set new real estate goals, and most put some solid effort toward achieving them – at least for a while. But how many agents actually manage to accomplish their goals? Not…
December’s top Real Estate Rockstars’ guests shared a healthy dose of inspiration and advice to help ring in the new year. Highlights include goal-setting suggestions, wealth-building tips, and ways to change your mindset for the…
After hitting some turbulence in early adulthood, Matt Aitchison decided to turn things around by starting a career in real estate. Since then, he’s used the experience he gained as an agent to fuel several…
Rod Khleif is passionate about helping others achieve goals in business and in life. He’s also an accomplished real estate expert who knows exactly how to guide others in the industry toward a more successful,…
Want to learn the magic pathway to easily, almost effortlessly, achieve successful outcomes in life and business? Start with successful goal setting strategies – a key ingredient in the secret sauce of success for real…