Taylor White has bought and sold real estate in 5 countries, has been living overseas full-time since the age of 27, and believes 100% in strategies you can take anywhere versus chasing “the next big thing”.If you want to know more about buying overseas real estate, how to travel the World house sitting, the best strategies to use when doing a home exchange, the latest tactics when using a self-directed IRA, and hearing the most up to date information on property markets World Wide then you have to check this out!

Join us as Taylor shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar and the Overseas Property Insider.

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘Nothing begins until you begin!’ – Taylor White Click to Tweet

Taylor’s Podcast

  • Check it out HERE


3 Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

Nothing Down for the 2000s: Dynamic New Wealth Strategies in Real Estate by Robert Allen
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert Kiyosaki

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Why you should invest overseas.
  • Why you should walk into a great deal.
  • How to buy to sell.
  • How to invest in real estate.
  • The power of buying pre-construction.
  • The best books for investing.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Taylor

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Taylor some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Taylor

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

After spending many years in other business careers Michael Perna realized that he would always be controlled by someone else’s dream, which led him to discover real estate, an industry he has been in for over 13 years now. In 2013, Michael and his team closed 412 units totaling $81M in sales and this year they are on track to close 460 units totaling $95M in sales. By beginning with the end in mind and focusing on his mindset Michael was able to pick a goal, commit to it, and go from real estate rookie to real estate rockstar!!

Join us as Michael shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by using a systemized approach that has helped him win!

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘Make the decision to no longer be controlled by someone else’s dream!’ – Michael Perna Click to Tweet
  • Talent will not put up with the inability of a leader to lead!’ – Michael Perna Click to Tweet


3 Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destinyby Pat Hiban

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Why you should use a systemized approach.
  • Why you don’t know what you don’t know.
  • How to constantly fail forward.
  • How to become a real estate rockstar.
  • The power of breaking down your goals into manageable tasks.
  • The power of being a professional cheerleader.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Michael

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Michael some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Michael

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

With so many agents and REALTORS® in the real estate field, Jackie Youngblood realized she needed to “think outside the box” and immediately began targeting the nudist and clothing optional clientele. With Pasco County being the Nudist Capital of North America, this has been and continues to be a rewarding “out of the box” experience for Jackie. Having been in real estate since 2004 she has experienced the ups and downs of the market yet she continues to double her business by focusing on her niche. Recently featured on TLC’s Buying Naked Jackie is attracting people and business to her niche, the clothing optional buyers and sellers.

Join us as Jackie shares her realtor mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by finding and focusing on her niche.

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘What you focus on expands!’ – Jackie Youngblood Click to Tweet


3 Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

Good Leaders Ask Great Questions: Your Foundation for Successful Leadership by John C Maxwell

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Why you should find a niche.
  • Why clothing optional clients are profitable.
  • How to ignore the drunk monkey.
  • How to get on TLC.
  • The power of tapping into a niche market.
  • How to attract people.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Jackie

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Jackie some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Jackie

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

After selling residential new construction on site for new home builders for 8 years, Danny McElroy transitioned into residential resale brokerage and built The McElroy Team from 0 sales to over $50M in volume and over 250 units per year in less than 3 years by using best practice models and systems with precision execution. By laying a foundation and never stopping Danny began to see success. In this exclusive interview Danny shares the 3 prerequisites to being successful in real estate.

Join us as Danny shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by mastering and implementing real estate models.

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘Humble yourself, learn scripts and sell 1 house at a time.’ – Danny McElroy Click to Tweet

3 Prerequisites to being successful

  1. Come from contribution-It is always all about the clients
  2. Confidence-Know in your soul that you are the one for the job
  3. Scripts & Dialogues-MASTER, MASTER, MASTER THEM!!


3 Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

Cracking the Real Estate Code by Jim Keaty

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Why you should master the models.
  • Why scripts and dialogues are so important.
  • How to constantly fail forward.
  • How to build an online presence.
  • The be, do, have concept.
  • The 3 keys to lead generation.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Danny

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Danny some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Danny

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

Jim Keaty is the owner of Keaty Real Estate LLC, one of Lafayette Louisiana’s Fastest growing Real Estate families. Jim was born and raised in Lafayette LA and is married to Danielle Chastant Keaty with 2 girls Mae and Josephine “Joey Keaty”. Jim was nominated as Twenty under Forty by the Daily Advertiser in 2007. In 2013 he was the recipient of the Exponential Growth award, Market Dominator Award, and the King Kong award from the National Association of Expert Advisors. 2010 through 2014 both he and his company were nominated for one of the Times of Acadiana Best Realtor and Best Real Estate Agency in Lafayette Louisiana. Jim is a Best Selling Author and his Team was recognized by the Wall Street Journal and RealTrends.com as the Number One Team in Louisiana by Volume and Sides and 35th in the country by Sides.

Join us as Jim shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar starting from the ground up.

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘If you’re not talking to people everyday you aren’t doing your job.’ – Jim Keaty Click to Tweet

Endorsed by Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank

  • Check out Barbara Corcoran endorsing the Keaty Team here!

AIM Cruise Incentives

  • Looking to use the same Cruise Incentives that Jim and his team use? Call Barry at 866-541-9090 or email BLubin@aimcruise.com Tell Barry that Jim sent you!


3 Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

Cracking the Real Estate Code by Jim Keaty

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Why you should just GO FOR IT.
  • Why you have to be relentless in real estate.
  • How to track your calls.
  • How to get off of the treadmill.
  • The perfect script.
  • The power of having skin in the game.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Jim

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Jim some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Jim

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

Brendon Payne began in real estate in 2007 after many years in the retail industry.In a very short period of time he became one of the top producing agents on the Grand Strand, and is currently selling over 100 properties per year and is ranked in the top 1% of agents Nationwide and in the Top 50 Century 21 Agents in America. By setting high expectations and holding himself extremely accountable the coachable Brendon Payne went from real estate rookie to real estate ROCKSTAR!

Join us as Brendon shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar and hiring in order to do more deals.

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘Do what others won’t so you can have what others won’t’ – Jerry Rice Click to Tweet


3 Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice by Brendon Burchard

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Why you should hire to do more deals.
  • Why early success correlates to expectations.
  • How to hammer expired’s and FISBO’s.
  • How to create massive accountability.
  • The perfect script for presenting an offer.
  • The mind: Your servant.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Brendon

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Brendon some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Brendon

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

Tanya Diaz Soto is a RE/MAX Real Estate agent in the Dominican Republic and the recipient of the Inman Innovator Award. Tanya is among the leading real estate professionals in her country. Awarded with the famous 100% Club Award of Remax International, Tanya has also earned the prestigious designation as a Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist (CLHMS), earned membership within the Million Dollar Guild (GUILD), become a member of the Institute For Luxury Home Marketing and the International Real Estate Specialist Designation (I.R.E.S), as proof of her preparation and performance throughout her Real Estate career.

Join us as Tanya shares her realtor mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by using the power of education and designation.

Tanya’s Links

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘If it’s meant to happen it is up to me!’ – Pat Hiban Click to Tweet


Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

Life! By Design: 6 Steps to an Extraordinary You by Tom Ferry

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How to raise your average sales price.
  • Becoming an international real estate agent.
  • How to invest in yourself!
  • How to attract international customers.
  • Why investors are a consistent stream of business.
  • The tax benefits of investing in the Dominican Republic.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Tanya

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Tanya some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Tanya

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

Rock Thomas sold his first home as a Broker then went on to serve thousands by selling 100+ homes per year and eventually owning the largest real estate company in Quebec (6 offices and over 250 agents). IN 2006… Rock sold the company and became the sought after Trainer and Coach to Real Estate Professionals all across North America seeking inspiration and skills to serve their clients with integrity, trust and expertise sharing the knowledge he gained from working closely with Anthony Robbins and T Harv Eker. NOW… after 6 years of giving back to the industry which has been so good to him, Rock has returned to serve with the Passion and Enthusiasm he’s so well known for.

Join us as Rock shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar and a mindset/motivational guru.

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘Where there is clarity there is POWER!‘ – Rock Thomas Click to Tweet
  • ‘Wealthy people have BIG libraries, struggling people have big TVs’ – Rock Thomas Click to Tweet
  • ‘Be humble & be a learner!’ – Rock Thomas Click to Tweet


3 Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t by Simon Sinek

Heal Your Body by Louise Hay

Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! by Anthony Robbins

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Why mindset is what stops most realtors.
  • Why most people know what to do but not how to do it.
  • How to pay the price of practicing in private.
  • How to build through talented people.
  • The power of being humbel and being a learner.
  • The mind: Your servant.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Rock

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Rock some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Rock

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

For about 25 years, Christina has been directly involved in real estate marketing, starting in 1995 she made the jump to online with one of the first ever individual real estate agent websites (definitely the first real estate website in Idaho).  In a time when Amazon was still an infant and the big real estate brokerages were still deciding whether or not to have a website, Christina’s real estate website was already bringing in closed business. Over the years, as new technologies emerged, Christina was right there, assessing, experimenting, implementing.  From websites, to email marketing to blogs to Facebook to Foursquare.  She was there, seeking to know if each technology would work within their framework of their real estate business.

Join us as Christina shares her realtor mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar and an expert at capturing, converting, and closing online leads. 

Leads and Leverage . com

  • Increase referrals from your sphere using Facebook lists. Head over to LeadsandLeverage.com/hiban for the Rockstar Nation special!

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘Do what connects and resonates with you!.’ – Christina Ethridge Click to Tweet


Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

Life! By Design: 6 Steps to an Extraordinary You by Tom Ferry

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • How you can have it all.
  • How to capture, convert, and close more online leads.
  • How to funnel leads from Facebook right into your database.
  • How to target advertise using Facebook.
  • Why likes are USELESS.
  • How to take your online connections offline.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Christina

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Christina some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Christina

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]

Few people love Philadelphia and Real Estate more than Mike McCann, and his enthusiasm for the city and its people is contagious! A native of Philadelphia and graduate of the Temple Real Estate Institute, Mike McCann is well acquainted with the neighborhoods, geography and culture of the city and its surrounds. Mike is “The Real Estate Man” because of his extensive knowledge of real estate. For 26 years he has been a top selling REALTOR® and he has earned it!

Join us as Mike shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar and “The Real Estate Man” closing over 600 units last year.

Mike’s Mailings

Quotes To Live By

  • ‘If you don’t have an assistant you are an assistant.’ – Mike McCann Click to Tweet


Best Business Book – Get It Free! 

Life! By Design: 6 Steps to an Extraordinary You by Tom Ferry

In this Episode, We Also Talk About

  • Transforming from the King of Control to the King of Delegation.
  • Mailing to over 11,000 people every other month.
  • How to hire for life.
  • How to give more than you receive.
  • Why investors are a consistent stream of business.
  • How to coach investors and flippers on real estate.
  • How to get started in real estate!
  • Plus so much more!

Podcast Pilot

  • If you want to start podcasting but don’t have the time or knowledge to handle the whole process yourself, check out my friends over at Podcast Pilot. They will help you fly through the big skies of podcasting!

Thank & Connect with Mike

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Mike some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Mike

Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you! To get more Rockstar content sent directly to your device as it becomes available, subscribe on iTunes or StitcherReviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks! Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice. Thanks, and keep rockin! [optin-monster-shortcode id=”vsmefrgnue-post”]