Selling homes isn’t the only way to get rich as a real estate agent. In fact, according to today’s guest, Ricky Aranda, selling homes isn’t even the best way to build wealth in real estate. Thanks to horizontal income streams created via their unique team model and real estate investments, Ricky’s agents can build wealth without struggling to sell homes forever. If things work out as planned, Ricky and his agents will be able to retire from real estate with less than 10 years in the business. Hear how to utilize the same income streams and systems as Ricky on this episode of Real Estate Rockstars so you can start planning for a financially free future now! Continue reading

Grow your real estate business by 300% or more in just one year! Real Estate Rockstars Jeff Sibbach and Phil Sexton have done it, and they’re here to explain how you can too. These heavy hitters from the hottest Arizona markets have grown their real estate business, The Sibbach Team, year after year. Last year, they sold over 100 million dollars’ worth of real estate, and they’re already on track to crush this figure by more than 60% at year end. Learn what they’re doing on today’s podcast so you can skyrocket your business! Continue reading

Want to beat mega agents at the listing game and make a name for yourself in real estate? Today’s guest, Lee Barrison, is known for turning average agents into rockstars, and he joins us to share his secrets with listeners. Hear how Lee gets agents with just a few weeks in the business beating out mega agents for listings. He covers scripts, systems, and strategies for getting listings during the interview, including details on how his team managed to set 34 listing appointments in a single day! Don’t let Lee’s proven practices pass you by. Tune in and turn up this info-packed episode of Real Estate Rockstars! Continue reading

Wouldn’t it be great if you could sell 100% of your listings? Facebook-famous listing agent Amy B. sells 100% of her listings and she joins us today to share some tips and tricks so you can too! Listen and learn how you should manage each listing, from prequalification to closing, for optimum results. Hear how to get clients on board with your pricing strategy so you’re not fighting a losing battle with buyers. Also, be sure to pay close attention when Amy explains how to look like the best agent in your market on this episode of Real Estate Rockstars! Continue reading

Build a huge referral network and have eager clients falling right into your lap! Leigh Brown, the “No Bullshit” Realtor®, joins us to share the strategies that have made referrals such a reliable source of business for her brokerage. Her strategies are so effective that clients aren’t the only ones referring her; she also has a steady stream of referrals coming in from other real estate agents! Discover Leigh’s proven referral strategies, hear a couple of her craziest real estate stories, and learn the one word that will drastically increase your referral rate on today’s episode of Real Estate Rockstars! Continue reading

Forget the traditional rental model! Tyler Sheff’s rentals generate three times as much money as comparable rental properties in his area. How does he do it? Instead of renting his properties out with long-term leases, Tyler rents them out as short-term vacation homes using services like Airbnb. During peak vacation season, Tyler’s average short-term rental pulls in roughly $3,000 per month! Listen and learn how you can boost your rental’s profits like Tyler by turning it into a vacation rental on this episode of Real Estate Rockstars! Continue reading

Dean Graziosi, one of the most-watched success trainers in the world, joins us today to inspire listeners and guide them toward achieving their dreams. Dean’s latest book, Millionaire Success Habits, explores the habits of highly successful people and explains how anyone can establish these habits to obtain happiness and acquire wealth. In addition to sharing a few of these habits during the interview, Dean offers profound, practical advice on becoming a better salesperson. Develop a deeper understanding of your value and learn to leverage this insight for more success with buyers and sellers on this can’t-miss episode of Real Estate Rockstars! Continue reading

With the right habits and plenty of hard work, you can get rich in real estate. Just ask today’s guest, self-made millionaire Rock Thomas. At an early age, Rock learned the value of hard work by helping out around his family’s farm. As an adult, he applied his solid work ethic in his personal and professional life to build healthy financial habits and implement proven wealth-building strategies. Your Epic Life Blueprint, Rock’s latest book, details exactly what these habits and strategies were so more people are able to build wealth like he did. During the interview, Rock covers the advice from his book that’s particularly powerful for real estate agents. Don’t miss it!


Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • Rock’s brief bio and his initial strategy for building wealth [4:07]
  • How Rock got into the real estate business [5:10]
  • Why the average agent has poor wealth building skills [8:02]
  • The 4 different types of money personalities [9:39]
  • A simple, effective system for managing finances [14:07]
  • The 2 types of people in the world [16:25]
  • How to start investing to build wealth [17:32]
  • A few powerful snippets from Your Epic Life Blueprint [23:18]
  • How to change limiting beliefs [24:58]
  • What determines your financial future [29:18]
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more.

Rock Thomas

From humble beginnings on a farm just off the Island of Montreal, Rock Thomas rose to the top of his real estate agency to become one of the top fifty realtors in the world. A self-made multi-millionaire, he’s started several successful businesses including six RE/MAX franchises, with over 250 salespeople. For four years he traveled the world, investing close to a million dollars in personal development and private coaching. He studied one-on-one with the world’s best teachers, including Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, and Stephen Covey. Now, his life’s mission is to bring “whole-life-wealth” to the world.

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Discover how expansion mastermind Adam Hergenrother created an empire that generates millions of dollars in production monthly on this episode of Real Estate Rockstars! Adam joins us for the second time to discuss the strategies that have made his businesses and his expansion efforts so successful since his last interview with Pat. He explains why leadership is so important when it comes to growth and how he finds the right leaders for real results. If you have any interest in expanding your business to generate massive earnings that most agents can only dream of, you need to hear what Adam has to say. Continue reading

Get on the fastest road to financial freedom by taking on one of the most profitable niches in real estate: probate sales. Today’s guest, Michael Young, runs a small brokerage that earns a profit of approximately $1 million per year specializing in probate properties. Michael invests a large chunk of these profits in a somewhat surprising type of real estate; he invests in mobile home parks. Hear how to get business from probate attorneys, why mobile home parks can be a great source of passive income, and more on this episode of Real Estate Rockstars. Continue reading