Hear how you can sell more houses and inject steroids into your sphere of influence using a simple-to-implement 3-phase system which brings real results to real estate agents working with Grant Wise. Learn to leverage traffic from Facebook, utilize strategic landing pages and implement the one thing guaranteed to help you get more conversions. Are you ready to fuel your financial engine with Facebook ads, create a system that has opportunity knocking at your door and receive more real estate profits? Then, don’t miss today’s podcast with Grand Wise of Modern Agent Mastery. Continue reading
How can one real estate agent go from finding himself flat broke and paying his rent with a credit card check to crushing it with a real estate business that closed 188 homes last year? You’ll hear San Diego’s Daniel Beer share that and so much more in today’s podcast interview with Pat Hiban. Buckle up and get ready to take notes as Dan dives deep into everything from hiring the perfect team, implementing one of the top real estate farming strategies in the country and so much more. Continue reading
Ready to up your real estate listings game? Today’s podcast with real estate rockstar Doug Echelberger out of San Clemente, California is loaded with marketing strategies and actionable advice that helps him do $80 million in listings sales annually. Listen now for tips on using shotgun marketing, real estate farming, video email technology and getting embedded and fostering relationships with builders to grow your listing client base and make more money selling listings. Continue reading
Arm yourself with all the right words to list more houses, sell more houses and make more commission dollars! Today’s podcast features real estate coach Bruce Keith who shares 100% meat and potatoes – all great stuff and absolutely no fluff – to help you close more listing appointments. Make sure to save this podcast packed full of Pat Hiban and Bruce Keith role-playing and sharing listing scripts that will make you more money listing and selling houses. Continue reading
How can you double your real estate commissions and keep more real estate profits? Follow the lead of Baltimore’s SURE Sales Group. Andrew Undem and Joe Sachetti join us today to share extreme specifics on how you can double-dip and double your commissions. They also share how they do this while achieving a whopping 62% net profit! Today’s real estate podcast is an absolute must if you want to make more money in real estate. Continue reading
How much money are you losing in real estate commissions year in and year out because you are converting leads at a high enough rate? One of the biggest – if not the biggest – challenges real estate agents face today is lead conversion. Our podcast guest today, Dirk Zeller of Real Estate Champions, is going to give you all the meat and potatoes (scripts, action plans, strategies and more) you need to explode your real estate conversion with buyers and sellers so you can start making more real estate profits and take your business to the next level. Continue reading
In 2009, Todd Miller did 1100 total sides (750 of those were listings) making him and his partner the #1 team in the United States. In today’s podcast, he shares how he was so successful selling real estate, the scripts he uses to help his coaching clients get face to face meetings and signed paperwork from buyers and maybe most importantly the one thing hurting most real estate agents financially. Get all that information, learn about a great new real estate app and much more in today’s podcast interview with Todd Miller. Continue reading
Are you ready to take back your own real estate leads from Zillow, Realtor.com and the other syndication giants of real estate? Do you think it’s not possible to go head to head with these giants and win SEO, marketing and advertising battles to grow your business on your own terms? You do not want to miss today’s guest, Bo Apele, as he shares the exact strategy and tools his real estate team uses to get higher-quality real estate leads without competition from other agents in his market, and how he is doing this by pulling all his money out of Zillow, Realtor.com, Trulia and other syndication giants, investing it in his own marketing and advertising and winning big! Continue reading
Are you looking to increase your online lead ROI and get smarter with your online lead generation? In today’s podcast, Jesse Zagorsky shares a Zillow buyer lead secret every agent should be taking advantage of and even gives you the exact script you can use with these leads. Jesse also explains how Realtor.com leads are the closest online leads to sign calls and shares much more to help grow your real estate profits! Continue reading
Are you ready for the impending real estate lead bubble and the ramifications that will follow? Sam Monreal, VP of Business Development at Rokrbox, eats, drinks and breathes real estate lead conversion. And while he is not here to preach doom and gloom, he is, however, very realistic about the state of online lead conversions for real estate agents and real estate teams. More importantly, he is sharing a success formula you can put into action now to convert online leads at a higher rate and prepare yourself for when the real estate lead bubble pops. Get ready to convert more leads and make more commission dollars with the help of Sam Monreal! Continue reading