If you’re not selling enough houses, there is one thing you can do to change that and start making more money in real estate. Hear 2-time Real Estate Rockstar Radio guest Lisa Archer discuss everything from listing to leads, expansion to hiring agents, and much more including exactly what you can do – the one thing you can do – to start selling more houses and making more money. This podcast is packed with valuable nuggets!

Lisa Archer is a licensed NC & SC Realtor and COO of Live Love Homes with Keller Williams. Currently Live Love Homes has expansion teams in multiple markets. Lisa was named as one of Inman News 100 Most Influential in Real Estate 2013 and 2014, Swanepoel Power 200 and sits in Gary Keller’s top 100 Mastermind Group.

Join us as Lisa shares her mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming one of the top producers in real estate. Continue reading

Hear the 4 crucial habits real estate agents must stick to in 2017 if they want to take their business to the next level. Podcast guest Andrey Polston doesn’t just cover the theory behind these 4 habits. Instead, he dives deep with Pat to give you the exact roadmap you need to implement these 4 habits in your professional and personal life and make more money in real estate. Stop what you are doing and get ready to take a lot of notes – more importantly – get ready to take your real estate business to the next level in 2017 and beyond!

For Andrey Polston, Entrepreneurs matter. He loves cracking-the-code to “what works”, and that’s exactly what his projects and businesses are about… delivering unconventional results for clients, partners, stakeholders, and entrepreneurs at large. His continuous pursuits include: marketing and business growth strategies, effective sales and persuasion methodology, and day trading and investing.

Join us as Andrey shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by delivering unconventional results to take your business to the next level. Continue reading

Would learning exactly how to go from $0 to $15 million in sales in 2 years in a brand new location with now sphere of influence be something you would be interested in hearing? In our latest real estate podcast, you will get a ton of valuable nuggets on how to build a multi-million dollar real estate business on expired listings from real estate rockstar Aaron Wittenstein. Aaron – who livestreams himself lead generating to over 30,000 Facebook group members 3 times a week – shares the tools, scripts and strategies he uses to day in and day out to make money with expired listings. Listen now and start getting more listings in 2017.

Aaron Wittenstein started in real estate 16+ years ago at age 19 cold calling renters out of the phone book. After being a top agent in Chicago, he decided to put family first and moved to his wife’s hometown of White Plains NY in 2013.  Within 2 years, Aaron went from 0 – to almost 15 million pending and closed working Mon- Fri 8 -4pm, a few Sat mornings and NO Sundays. He also founded the real estate Facebook group Lead Gen Scripts & Objections, where he lead generates live almost daily. The group’s mission is to be the go-to resource in the real estate industry by providing a community that supports genuine candid insight and conversation to help agents create the life they deserve.

Join us as Aaron shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming a favorite among clients and an agent sought out by other agents. Continue reading

Hear how you can succeed as a solo agent by following the example set by real estate rockstar Mark Simone. Famous for his tenacity when it comes to following-up with leads, Mark shares a ton of valuable nuggets in his interview with Pat. Listen now and you’ll hear exactly how an “engagement vs. posting” social media strategy, systems for following-up and note-taking, time blocking, finding the right support staff and much more will help you skyrocket your solo agent success.

Mark is a 2nd generation, Baltimore-based Realtor. Having grown up in his family’s boutique real estate brokerage, Mark acquired many skills and talents at an early age, which helped him launch his own career in real estate in 2003. His tireless focus on personal and professional growth drives him to continually provide a higher level of quality services to the marketplace. Mark has had the privilege of personally representing over 750 Buyers and Sellers thus far in his career. He has received many awards and acknowledgements for being a Top Producer, both in units sold and sales volume. The long-term relationships and friendships he’s forged with his clients are what he cherishes the most.

After living downtown for 14 years in the Fells Point and Brewer’s Hill neighborhoods, Mark and his wife now reside in Phoenix, MD. They welcomed their first child together in early 2015, and are expecting another baby boy in Spring 2017. During his free time, Mark enjoys reading, following Baltimore sports and spending time outdoors.

Join us as Mark shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming a Top Producer in real estate. Continue reading

What is your mindset after losing a listing to another agent? How do you recover after getting your teeth kicked in by buyers and sellers who took their business elsewhere? Real estate agent supercoach Hank Avink shares his 5-step system for recovering from setbacks which, when put into practice, will help real estate agents like yourself move forward with the right mindset and make more money in real estate. Stop the car, turn up the volume on this podcast, get out the pen and paper and start taking notes!

Hank bought his first rental property on April 1st of 1998 at the ripe young age of 20 after being the captain of a Jr. Hockey team that won a National Championship. Soon after, he was on the Carleton Sheets infomercial having acquired 42 rental units. Hank had a commercial note call due with not enough cash on hand and went from being a “Millionaire” to bankrupt in about 18-24 months. Just about the time Hank met his now wife of 12 years. Between now and then they’ve had 3 children, one who had to have open heart surgery (Important part of Hank’s story) at 6 days old. While going bankrupt, Hank did residential ending for 5ish years and then jumped into residential Real Estate, where he wore every hat from Buyers agent to solo agent, to “Mega Agent”, to Team Leader, to BOLD Coach and now owner and founder of the National Coaching League.

Join us as Hank shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by helping real estate agents move forward and make more money in real estate.


Hank avink






Listen to today’s show and learn:

  • Hank’s brief bio [3:38]
  • Hank’s definition of recovery time [4:29]
  • Hank’s advice for getting over getting your teeth kicked in on the job [9:41]
  • The 5-step system for recovery and success [15:26]
  • Hank’s practical knowledge about script and role-play partners [22:51]
  • “Imperfect action will be perfect in action every single time.” [24:19]
  • How to upgrade connections to real conversations [25:46]
  • How to break through your goals.
  • Plus so much more!

Related Links and Resources:


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Hear how to build wealth in real estate using the systems and real estate investing strategy Mitch Stephen has used to purchase over 1,500 houses himself. Fed up with being a landlord and watching his cash flow disappear with expenses and liabilities, Mitch started focusing on owner financing strategies which have helped him find financial freedom. Hear how to choose the right market to invest, his key to acquiring houses without using his own money, how systems lead to success and freedom, and much more.

Mitch Stephen has been a self-employed RE investor for 20+ years. His real estate investing career started at the age of 23 when he read “Nothing Down” by Robert Allen.

Mitch, together with his wife, Tommi, and his daughter, Shannon purchased their fair share of local houses. Their company, Independence Day, Inc., has bought and sold over 1,300 properties in and about San Antonio, Tx since 1996. This company specializes in buying distressed properties with OPM and selling those properties with Owner Financing.

The Stephen family built wealth by purchasing very affordable homes, selling them for double the cost, and owner financing the sale by creating note to their buyer. In 1991, the family made plans to keep their wealth and create “Forever Money” by acquiring Self-Storage and Boat Storage facilities primarily around Canyon Lake where they live in Texas. They started with 13 boat storages in front of a state park at the lake, and the storage business has grown to over 1,100 storage doors in 16 locations.

Join us as Mitch shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by changing communities and helping over 1,000 families stop renting and start owning. Continue reading

Increase your real estate sales tenfold by creating a real estate team culture that delivers 5-star client service. Brannon and Mind Potts went from 20 sales to 220 sales in only 5 years with hard work and by focusing on delivering customer service experience that turns their clients into raving fans. In fact, these agents even created a 5 Standards of 5-Star Client Service model which each member of their team memorizes and follows each and every day. If you want to make more money in real estate, have clients that rave about your services and bringing you business on a regular basis, then you don’t want to miss this podcast.

Brannon and Mindy began in the Real estate business in the beginning of 2011. People thought they were crazy. Brannon and Mindy thought if they can make it in 2011, they can make it anytime from there. Through grit, determination, and focused lead generation, Brannon and Mindy grew from there, 2011 to 2015 their team sold 180 homes $28.5MM and this year they expect 200+ homes $30MM+.

Join us as Brannon share their mindset and a glance at their journey to becoming Real Estate Rockstars by helping many clients get into their dream home! Continue reading

Statistics show about 90% of people do not understand how to build business credit or utilize business credit to grow their business with no personal guarantee or affecting their personal credit. Returning podcast guest Ty Crandall is a business credit expert and he’s sharing exactly how real estate agents can use business credit to help grow their businesses. So, if you are ready to learn everything you ever wanted to know about business credit and more, make sure to listen to this podcast. 

Ty Crandall is an internationally known speaker, author, and business credit expert. With over 16 years of financial experience Ty is recognized as an authority in business credit building, business credit scoring, and business financing. He is the author of two of the bestselling books on consumer and business credit Perfect Credit and Business Credit Decoded and has written hundreds of published articles relating to business credit. Ty is also often heard being interviewed on countless radio and TV programs and news shows across the country and has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc. Ty currently serves as the CEO at Credit Suite. With Credit Suite, Ty consults with and advises companies on business credit building and scoring. He has overseen the business credit building for thousands of clients and has helped create and grow the most credible business coaching operation in the United States. Ty has also created and coaches the largest business credit provider network in the world.

Join us as Ty shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming one of the most well-known business credit expert. Continue reading

Get tips, actionable advice and valuable nuggets on how you can create a hyper-focused farming strategy that dominates your local market. Rockstar farming agent Allison Van Wig shared a ton of great information in her interview with Pat Hiban. You’ll hear about using Zillow ads combined with Facebook retargeting to reach the right prospects, why your listings should always be within a 5 to 10 min. drive of your location, what Allison does to strategically to beat her competition on a regular basis and so much more. Don’t miss this podcast!

For more than 28 years, Allison Van Wig has been serving the needs of Long Beach and Lakewood home sellers and buyers. She has maintained her status as a Top Home Seller for 15 straight years by providing not only the finest service, but also providing the most vital component of any successful real estate transaction.

Join us as Allison shares her mindset and a glance at her journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming the recognized expert in the Long Beach and Lakewood real estate markets. Continue reading

Hear how Vinney Chopra came to the U.S. with $7 in his pocket and now manages a very successful real estate investment portfolio worth over $100 million in our latest Real Estate Rockstar Radio podcast. If you want to build wealth through investing in multi-family properties and would like to learn more about real estate syndication, then this interview is the place to start. Vinney touches on everything from how to decide where to invest, how to find your first million to buy a multi-family property, the emerging U.S. markets you should investigate investing in and much more in his interview with Pat Hiban.

Vinney Chopra came to the US from India with $7 in his pocket. He sold encyclopedias and bibles door-to-door as a student, graduated from George Washington University and became a mechanical engineer. As a syndication expert, Vinney has facilitated over 20 successful syndication deals and has acquired and manages a very successful real estate investment portfolio worth over $120 million.

Join us as Vinney shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming a syndication expert. Continue reading