With three school-aged kids to raise and a real estate team to run, Amanda Todd is a very busy woman. Still, she manages to be more than just an incredible mother and a proven team leader…

Top agent and author of Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day, Karen Briscoe, joins us to share her success strategies with Rockstar Nation. In addition to talking real estate tips, like how to get…

J Michael Manley travels tirelessly to teach up-and-coming agents how to transform their real estate businesses for the better. On this Real Estate Rockstars, he breaks down the key points he provides during his BOLD…

Before Julia Nyman became a real estate agent, she made $35,000 annually. Her first year as an agent, she managed to clear six figures thanks to a strong mindset, her desire to help clients, and several smart strategies….

Why work harder for less money? By raising your average sale price, you can make lots of money in real estate without sacrificing all of your personal time. Today’s guest, Anthony Marguleas, has several of his best…

When Josh Gossard goes to a listing appointment, he knows there’s a good chance he’ll get the listing. That’s because Josh closes 78% of his listing appointments successfully. How? Listen to today’s Real Estate Rockstars…

Linzee Ciprani got her start in real estate like most do – working for someone else. Now, thanks to her strong entrepreneurial spirit, she runs two businesses in the real estate sphere: Round Table Real…

Does it seem nearly impossible to set appointments with buyers? When you do manage to get buyers in front of you, are your attempts to close often unsuccessful? That’s all about to change! Billion-dollar agents…