Guarav Gambhir bought The Condo Shop in 2010 with big plans for the small six-person team. By 2017, He’d grown its annual sales from roughly $6 million to over $100 million. But that’s not all Guarav…

What does it take to consistently sell 200+ homes per year? Listen to this Real Estate Rockstars podcast with veteran agent Colleen Lawler and find out! Colleen has been in real estate since 1987, through…

Shane Dulgeroff has only been a full-time agent for three years, but his annual sales volume already exceeds $20 million. On today’s Real Estate Rockstars, this energetic 25-year-old professional shares the sales tactics that have…

There was a time when online leads could propel an agent’s business into the big leagues, but agents today are lucky to break even when buying leads. What changed? That’s the question real estate veteran…

With a reliable tenant, rental property can provide steady, hassle-free cash flow for years. Unfortunately, reliable tenants aren’t always easy to find, and the wrong renter can easily turn your investment-property dream into a nightmare….

Want to get more clients and ensure that all of them stick with you through to closing? If so, don’t miss this Real Estate Rockstars with Kevin Markarian, broker and owner of San Francisco-based Marker…

Former co-host of the Fox & Friends morning show Clayton Morris made a name for himself on national television, but he made most of his money investing in real estate. In fact, investments in single-family homes are what enabled him to achieve true financial freedom. On today’s podcast, Clayton covers his process for purchasing properties and turning them into profitable rentals. He shares how to select homes, what upgrades to make, and ways to save on rehab costs. Plus, Clayton discusses why the nation’s growing number of investors presents real estate agents with an amazing opportunity for more business before explaining how to capitalize on it. Continue reading