Thinking about quitting your current job for a new career in real estate? Sara Denig did just that, and she didn’t leave just any job behind; she was a nurse practitioner! On today’s show, Sara…
Need a variety of real estate sales strategies fast? Check out this special highlight episode featuring October’s Real Estate Rockstars. Guests shared their secrets to success in sales, predictions on the housing market, and more….
When most people picture a real estate agent, they think of someone salesy and outspoken: an extrovert. But today’s guest, Barry Karch, says that some of the best real estate salespeople are actually introverts. Tune…
The practices in Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning transformed the lives of readers for the better. And now, together with today’s guest, Mike McCarthy, Hal is helping parents pass these same powerful practices down to…
What’s the transition from rookie to real estate rockstar really like? On today’s podcast, Australian agent Rosemary Auricchio describes her journey from no sales to nearly 300 sides per year. In addition to sharing the…
New real estate agents often struggle to close deals, especially in highly competitive markets like these. That’s why, if you’re a new agent, the thought of scaling from one to 10 deals might seem like…
What strategies are actually helping hungry new agents succeed in today’s competitive markets? Catch the best real estate podcast clips and find out! In this special episode, we share segments from last month’s Real Estate…
Traditional Realtors help clients get ahead but get left behind in the process. In this controversial interview with Matt Chick and Jeremy Fuhst of Impact Real Estate, we discuss why the old-school approach to sales…
Don Wenner’s unconventional sales strategies helped him earn over $250K in commissions his very first year in real estate. On today’s podcast, we discuss what Don did to sell and scale at an elite level….
Last April, we shared our optimistic opinions regarding American housing markets. Now, nearly five months later, real estate expert Kelly Skeval joins us as we ask once again: bubble or boom? Listen in and learn…