Want more real estate referrals but hate asking for them? No problem! Author Stacey Brown Randall joins us today to share the five-step referral system from her latest book, Generating Business Referrals …Without Asking. In…

Give more, get more: that’s the philosophy that fueled Real Estate Rockstar Kevin Paffrath’s rapid rise in one of California’s hottest markets. At only 26 years old, Kevin’s already running his own brokerage and pulling…

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin will have a major impact on the real estate industry in coming years. After hearing this podcast with the CEO of Lannister Holdings, Joseph Snyder, you’ll be ready to tackle the high-tech…

Superior Realty Group doubled its business with only half the number of agents it had last year. Not only is business better, profitability is through the roof due to decreased team size. On today’s Real…

Before getting his real estate license in 2014, Matt Bauscher played professional basketball in Europe. By taking the work ethic he developed as an athlete and applying it to real estate, Matt became very successful…

Don’t let bad inspection reports cause your real estate deals to fall through! Listen to today’s podcast with home inspector Preston Sandlin for tips on handling the inspection process from both sides of the deal….

Why split real estate profits with a team when you can keep them all for yourself? Today’s guest, solo agent John Mentis, doesn’t split his commissions with a team or even pay for an assistant’s help….