Stop passing up run-down real estate listings! Today’s guest, Edward Peugh, specializes in finding solutions to problematic properties, and he shares them in abundance here. Listen and learn how to help sellers who have no…

Are you about to give up on social media? Listen to this Real Estate Rockstars podcast first! Today’s guest, Alyssa Curnutt, was close to quitting social media but made one last pivot that paid off…

You’re missing a crucial step on social media, and it’s costing you clients! Tune in to today’s Real Estate Rockstars with Sam Reifman-Packett and hear about the best Instagram feature for converting followers into clients….

Stop scratching your head and start creating content that Instagram will promote to the masses! Today’s guest, Gogo Bethke, became Insta-famous almost instantly thanks to her in-depth understanding of the Instagram algorithm. In this interview,…